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"I'd Hate To Throw It Away"

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by walt, Jul 17, 2022.

  1. walt

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    For more longer than I can remember, I've had the same alarm clock.

    The cassette deck doesn't work, nor does the switch to go from AM to FM radio. There's another switch that's busted. The switch to turn the alarm on and off is also broken, so I use a piece of plastic ( the things the stores put in dress shoes to keep their shape ) and stick it down where the slide button used to be to turn the alarm on and off. I've done it for so long I can do it in the dark.

    My wife laughs at me, and tells me to get a new one. But since before I could legally drive, this thing has been at my bedside. For at least 30 years I've gone to sleep in it's soft blue digital display light. It's like an old friend that's always been there. I can't get rid of it and I swear if it shit the bed today I would put it in the attic rather than throw it away.

    FOCUS: What's something you've had for so long that, despite the wear and tear, you just can't bring yourself to replace?
  2. Juice

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    Moderately Gender Fluid

    Oct 19, 2009
    I have super old T-shirts that are pretty ratty at this point. Some of them have my college fraternity letters on them. I probably haven't worn them in 15 years and they just sit neatly folded in my drawer.
  3. Puffman

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Central California
    My entire stereo system is at least 40 years old. When I turn it on the power meter turns like the scene in "Christmas Vacation". They can bury it with me when I go. I also have a Telephone,radio, alarm clock combination. Still works fine although we no longer have a landline. I am not getting rid of it either.
  4. walt

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    I'm the same way, with a lot of clothes, and it drives my wife nuts. Jeans with holes in the crotch, ratty t shirts, etc. and she doesn't understand why I keep them. To wear when working out in the yard of course, why wear my good clothes?

    I have a Carharrt jacket that was given to me by a co-worker in the mid nineties. It's pretty tattered and worn, but anyone who owns one of those coats, especially the older blanket lined styles, they just get better with age. She doesn't say anything about that.
  5. AFHokie

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Apr 13, 2010
    Manassas, VA
    I have t shirts from high school that are threadbare that I'll still wear as well as old BDU/DCU uniform pants that I'll wear whenever I'm doing something where I know I'll get extremely dirty.

    I also still have my old alarm clock from the still works and keeps better time than any other alarm clock I've bought over the years.

    My TV's, stereo, kitchen appliances, etc., are 14yrs or older, and mybtruck is 11yrs old. I don't tend to get rid of anything until it's worn out or non-functional.
  6. Revengeofthenerds

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    ER Frequent Flyer Platinum Member

    Feb 26, 2011
    I have a shirt that says “Dad Bod” on it it in bold print. With a heart around the lettering. It’s incredibly soft. My sister gave it to me as a joke years ago. First time I wore it in public, we were going on a trip and my job was pushing the fucking double wide stroller through the airport. Perfect shirt to wear with my permanent sad face while doing that.

    going through the LA airport, we walked into a restaurant for a bite to eat. Jason Momoa started cracking jokes about that shirt, ended up having drinks with him and talking about Hawaii (where we were going, and where he’s from). A few months later Aquaman came out.

    I can never get rid of that shirt. It’s so fucking soft. I wore it today around the rv park!
  7. Misanthropic

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    I have a wheelbarrow that is at least 60 years old. It was my grandfather’s, and he gave it to my dad in 1970 when my parents bought our first house. My dad bought a new one in ‘99 and passed it down to me. It’s all metal, including the handles and is remarkably well preserved from decades of dried cement and layers upon layers of spray paint. The single solid rubber tire is like a rock and refuses to dry rot. That thing will outlive me by a long shot.

    I’m surprised at how many of you have old clothes you can still wear. I have some shirts from about 30 years ago that have sentimental value and I still keep in the back of the closet, but I’ve gained enough weight that nothing I wore 15-20 years ago would fit me, never mind high school or college. Recently I’ve lost a bunch of weight so clothes I bought 5 years ago don’t fit either. In about 5-10 pounds I can pull out some of the older stuff that will be wildly out of date.
  8. Kubla Kahn

    Kubla Kahn
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    I wore in my first concert t shirt until it literally fell apart. I still wear it on weekends working on my car. I actually tracked down a few of them on eBay but they aren’t worn in so I don’t wear them. STATIC X 4 LiFe!!!

    I still have my first car that I just can’t seem to get rid of. Even with the real possibility that my two other cars break down I haven’t started it in years.