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I wish I'd done that

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by toytoy88, Mar 26, 2010.

  1. toytoy88

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    Alone in the dark, drooling on himself

    Oct 20, 2009
    The fucking desert. I hate the fucking desert.
    Over the past couple of months (When able) I've been following the progress of Abby Sunderland, a 16 year old girl, who is attempting to sail around the world solo.

    At the same time, another 16 year old girl from Australia is attempting the same thing.

    Regardless of gender, think about that for a moment...16 years old and setting sail across the most hostile environment on Earth. Alone.

    The most adventurous thing I did at that age was circumnavigate I-90 across Washington by myself and I damn near took out a flagman because I was busy listening to music.

    Supertramp, I believe. Fuck you, I'm old.

    I can still see the frightened look in his eyes as I came roaring at him and realized he was holding a sign imploring me to stop. He quickly flipped the sign around to "Slow" when we both came to the realization that only a meteor crashing out of the sky was going to bring my car to a halt. But I digress...

    At the age most of us are worried about pimples and the forthcoming history test, these girls are sailing around the world by themselves. That's some serious shit and something I wish I had the balls to do. Sadly, my nautical skills are limited to piloting a power boat on an inland sea called Lake Pend O' Reille. It's a big damn lake (Google it) but it's small potatoes compared to an angry ocean.

    I'm in awe of these young ladies and wish I had the cajones to do what they're doing, but I know I'd probably sink within 20 feet of the dock.

    Read their websites:

    <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>

    <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>

    I highly recommend reading Jessica Watson's blog and watching her videos. She's got personality by the bucket loads once you get past that horrible accent.

    Focus:What awesome things would you like to do? And why aren't you out doing them?
  2. toddus

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    For me the most impressive thing about Jessica Watson is the fact on the very first test run of her boat she ran it into a fucking 60 tonne freighter that she didn't spot. Yep, she couldn't spot a fucking 60 tonne freighter. Now most people would take this as about a strong a sign as you will get from Batman or God or whoever you believe in. Nope at 16 she laughed in the face of fate.
  3. Primer

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 22, 2009
    Edmonton, AB - The frozen suck.
    Does anyone else find it strange that she decided to name her boat "Ella's Pink Lady"?

    Focus: Traveling. Lots of it, although, I do have it in the works for a nice long trek across the Europe next spring. I just wish I had started sooner.
  4. uzisuicide

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    Oct 21, 2009
    Joined the United States military.

    Long story short, my older brother was going to join the Army fresh out of high school, but he kind of got screwed by his recruiter. Some lies were told and there some misunderstandings, but the long and short of it is that they would not take him because some doctor somewhere put the word "asthma" on a record. My brother does not have asthma. They ended up losing some of his important documents (birth certificate, SS card, HIGH SCHOOL FUCKING DIPLOMA, etc), and he never got them back.

    This left a bad taste in my mouth, as he is my hero. Therefore, when I was 18, in shape, and doing jack squat with my life besides graduating high school, the military wasn't even an option for me. I never gave it a second thought, because I was that fucking stupid. I ended up going college, which I don't regret, but at least a couple of years of military would have been a good experience, plus would have looked good on a resume.

    Oh, and my older brother? He ended up joining the Marines when he was 24. His recruiter heard his Army story, and said that was some wack bullshit.
  5. Crown Royal

    Crown Royal
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    Just call me Topher

    Oct 31, 2009
    London, Ontario
    Electric Guitar
    I have one, a sunburst red-to-orange Epiphone LEs Paul (insert cruel insult-joke here, ToyToy) that has never been plugged into an amp. It's a beautiful and cool-looking decoration on it's stand in my living room, but I've never learned to play.

    Automotive repair skills
    I'm great with tools in the handyman sort of way, but when it comes looking under the hood I look like a dog staring at a ceiling fan. I know how to change the oil and fluids, change a flat, jump-start another car and not much else. However, I do KNOW a mechanic that's a friend, and that's pretty much just as good with the money I save using him.
  6. Spoz

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    The Friend Zone
    I'm 21, and I've never done anything with my life. Which is why when Jessica Watson set sail for her circumnavigation in october last year, amid all the controversy here, a friend (in a similar situation) and I were inspired to sail to New Caledonia. If we feel confident, we'll continue further around the world.

    Neither of us have any sailing experience, but we have given ourselves until october 2011 to learn and get a boat properly outfitted. The realisation of just how difficult and dangerous such a trip will be is only slowly sinking in, but at this stage we're more afraid of ending up old and with nothing to show for our lives than we are afraid of dying.

    It was sponsored by a company called Ella. I'm not sure if they got to pick the name.
  7. Samr

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Run a marathon.

    I've posted the story about how I broke my back training for it yada yada yada. I was a good runner, real good, not so much in the fast way but in the I-will-suffer-more-pain-and-for-longer-than-you-until-I-finish-first. Then I broke my back on a training run which wasn't in and of itself bad, but (and this is where the regret comes in) I THEN DECIDED TO RUN THE MILE AND A HALF BACK TO CAMPUS ON THE BROKEN BACK because I was stubborn and stupid and "didn't want to walk" or some shit.

    I wish I hadn't done the latter part, because if I didn't, I wouldn't have physically fucked myself out of doing the marathon. Running a marathon (and especially some of the even longer races) is awesome. It's a true test not only of human endurance, but of a human's mental ability to overcome the physical. More importantly, running a marathon was my fucking goal. I told myself I was going to do it. And now I physically can't, unless I want to be in a wheelchair for the rest of my life. Fuck!!!

    Yeah, would have been awesome though. Don't even care what time I got, as long as I didn't walk.
  8. PewPewPow

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    Walked the PCT. I had a rough time-frame and some money saved up to do this. Then I bought a damn car and drank the rest of the money away.
  9. BL1Y

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Feb 7, 2010
    I recently developed a new dream.

    I want to visit all 150 of the top beer bars from Draft Magazine in 150 days (and blog the whole thing; Julie and Julia, but for drunks). I just started trying to figure out how to do this, so maybe I still will, but it'll be expensive (pretty much the only impediment).

    If anyone has suggestions on how to get sponsors, and feels like making this thread more than just academic, I'd appreciate any advice I can get.
  10. Vanilla

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    Oct 19, 2009
    Great White North
    Pilot's License: I'd love to work towards this at some point in my life. Partly because right now I hate flying because I don't completely understand when a situation while flying is normal vs uncomfortable vs dangerous. I'm sure I'd get my answers at flight school. Also, there's just something about being in the air, flying your own plane that would just be so fun. Can't get around to it right now though, between school, working, and not having the money for it, it just won't happen.

    Sky Diving: I might do this this summer, but just the thought of jumping out of a plane makes my palms sweat profusely. I know I will eventually be convinced to do it, but I also know I'm going to freeze and lose my shit either midair or before I jump out. I'd have to go tandem, without a doubt. I just don't trust myself to be all there and actually pull my chute.

    Guitar: Gave up on this way too fast as a kid, and I just don't have the time to start now.

    Hockey: Another one of my gave up too fast as a kid problems. Didn't like having to put all the gear on, switched to basketball. Too late to really pick this back up now.

    Computer Coding: Currently in a partly Comp Sci degree. Always said as a kid that I was gonna learn C, but I never did. Wish I had now, I'd be getting drunk everyday and breezing through school rather than trying to figure out why the fuck I keep mixing up Java and C, and then trying to figure out how the hell I'm supposed to do it in C.
  11. Samr

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    I'll second the pilot's license and add scuba diving. Similar to the post above me, I too am terrified of flying, but love the concept, the freedom, and love even more to be in control. Statistically, you are more likely to die driving to the airport than you are on the plane. The difference being that I am in control when I am driving to the airport, while I am not on the plane. I have confidence in my abilities to avoid or recover from any disaster-type situations if I am the one at the control; not so much when I'm along for the ride. Hence, pilot's license.

    As for scuba diving, I love the water, love the ocean, and despite the fact that I am afraid of sharks I would love to explore the remarkable reefs and underwater structures around the world from more than just a glass bottom boat or a show on tv. Also, if I had the equipment and certification I'd be able to do a lot of underwater work both at the lake and for my parents' boats that we'd have to hire someone to do otherwise.

    Sadly, neither of the two will happen because of my afore-mentioned medical issues.

    I also went through a period several years ago when I really wanted to join the military. Again, medical issues are stopping me, add personal and professional obligations now as well.

    On a positive note, this summer it looks light I might finally learn how to weld.
  12. Parker

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Jan 18, 2010
    Chicago, IL
    It's shit like these two stories that really make you ask what the actual maturity level of kids are or could be with the right upbringing I think we give kids too much slack these days.

    Focus: I hate to be unoriginal, but I have to third the pilot's license and automotive skills. I've loved airplanes since I was a little kid and never thought about taking steps to get into one. I definitely would have been gunning for a fighter jet pilot, looking at the Air Force. I'd punt a kitten to fly an F16 or F18. I'd punt a newborn to fly one of those Predator drones.

    Good thing it's really not too late for both. Still need to travel, haven't left the fucking country yet.
  13. skyello

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    Average Idiot

    Oct 23, 2009

    Am I joking? I don't even know. Mighty curious about the drug that inspired, and laid waste to, so many great men. Trainspotting was fucked up, though. Keith Richards is still alive and kicking, though.
  14. Muney

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    T-dotish, Ontario
    Rugby: I regret not joing up to play in Highschool, even though I liked the sport back then. I guess I was too busy skateboarding and working to take it up. I'm now interested in taking it up, but at 23 and having never played a game outside of gym class, I don't know if I should/could.
  15. cynismus

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    I wish I had learned to play the drums. I always thought percussion was really cool, and especially so after seeing Tool live.

    I wish I had stuck with playing baseball through high school instead of quitting Little League after 8th grade. I also wish I had gotten into football in middle school, if nothing but to be better conditioned.
  16. toytoy88

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    Alone in the dark, drooling on himself

    Oct 20, 2009
    The fucking desert. I hate the fucking desert.
    Wow. Reading some of these goals makes me feel much better about my accomplishments in life:

    Guitar: Started playing when I was 8. Almost 40 years later I still play on a somewhat regular basis.

    Computer Coding: Took my first programming class at 13. Fortran. Had to write everything by hand on a sheet of paper, have the code converted into punch cards and fed into a computer the size of a 4 bedroom house. I later learned C, C++, Java, Javascript, HTML, DHTML, and Basic.

    Pilot's License: OK. I just missed this one. I completed ground school and had the necessary hours and skill to solo, but then my dad sold his plane and I lost all interest once I no longer had a plane at my disposal.

    Automotive Skills: My grandfather and I spent 2 year rebuilding my first car from top to bottom, starting when I was 14. Granddad was a phenomenal mechanic and it was well worth all the Bible lessons I had to endure. Granddad was also a minister.

    Travel: I've been in 47 of the 50 states, most of it thanks to driving a truck. I spent a year and a half living in Alaska and have been given numerous chances to move to Hawaii. For some reason Hawaii just never lit my wick.

    What I really wish I'd done:

    Learn to sail: The more I read these girls blogs, the more jealous I get. I've been fascinated by boats and the ocean ever since I could speak.

    Learn bodywork: I mean besides the basics of smearing Bondo and prepping a car for paint. I always had to farm that work out.

    See Europe: Especially Ireland. Being from an Irish family, it's a big deal to go there. Oh well, my mom didn't get over there till she was 70, so maybe there's hope for me yet.

    Serve in the military: My generation was the first one on either side of the family that didn't have anyone serve and I kick myself daily for not continuing the tradition. All my Uncles served, my dad was a lifer and hell, even my mom did a 4 year hitch in the Navy during the Korean War.

    Finish my education: I've mentioned this before, but I only have an 8th grade education. Granted, I have more college credits then I have high school credits and I continued to educate myself when I left school due to my love of reading and being fascinated by everything, but I really wish I would've stuck school out instead of going out to conquer the world at 15. Biggest. Mistake. Of. My. Life.
  17. Judas

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    Oct 25, 2009
    Saw this on CNN and had to bump this thread back up.

    <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... ea/?hpt=T2</a>

    I feel terrible for her family if she is indeed lost...This is a tragedy.
  18. lostalldoubt86

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    Emotionally Jaded

    May 23, 2010
    Earth, The Universe
    I wanted to go to Ireland. I almost did it too. I had about half the money saved up to go with a group of students who were going for an English class. Then, my cousin crashed my car into a cement divider and the money had to go to getting a new car. I'm still hoping to go someday.
  19. Mash

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    Village Idiot

    Oct 19, 2009
    Birmingham, Al
  20. Axel NL

    Axel NL
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    Village Idiot

    Nov 26, 2009
    This is probably the reason the dutch government prohibited a 13-Year old from sailing around the world by herself, on the basis that school is mandatory until you are 18 years of age.