A while ago, I read about a cop saying some things about rape victims that made a bunch of people angry, and then about the follow up SlutWalk marches, and said that I'd go. Then, despite being completely sober, I said that I'd not only go along, I'd dress up for the day. Me and my big fucking mouth. Now I think these sorts of things are important, and I said I'd do it. So I had to. And the pictures are too funny to not share. Walking in the march wasn't an issue, but walking back to the car after the crowd had largely dispersed? That was a bit uncomfortable. I have no fucking idea how people do anything strenuous in corsets Focus: When have you had to do something, because you said you would? Alt Focus: Laugh at me. Caveat: No politics rule presumably still applies - which probably includes weather or not you agree with the premise of the slutwalk or how effective you think they'll be.
This one time I dressed up in drag--not just drag, but some sort of leather S&M outfit--to walk in a protest march for a cause I was in support of. I also brought some normal clothes in a bag, and when the protest march was over I ducked into a public bathroom, changed, and walked back to my car without becoming an object of public mockery. Win-win!!
Given where we were - going into a public bathroom wouldn't have decreased awkwardness by any appreciable amount. It seems like everyone with a fucking camera got pictures of me. There was some footage on the news and they've done the rounds of my office. But no matter what I was wearing, there were a shitload of guys who were jealous of my life.
I think the worst thing I've ever had to do Because I said I would is help my roommate move out of my apartment. She was a thunder-cunt and Did not lift a finger of her own stuff. Instead, she just screamed at everyone while they put stuff in the U-Haul. I ended up throwing a box of shoes into a dumpster and making her drive the U-Haul by herself. Than I bought the guys who were helping her a pizza and a six-pack and hung out at the half empty apartment.
Moving multiple friends out of their Boston apartments in June. The key to the Boston apartments complaint is that many are in converted houses where the access hallway/stairs are maybe 2ft wide. Old houses, no real air circulation, queen sized mattresses, box springs, and giant totes full of shoes... ugh. I'm not sure if there was a greater feeling of dread than waking up on those Saturday mornings knowing the day was going to suck. Oh, and every business trip I've ever taken to Ohio and Indiana falls into this category too.
Scootah, you sexy bitch, come slap me around and call me a fuckslut! Focus: Whenever people complain about their kids exhausting them, or not having time to do grown up stuff, stupid me always says 'Oh, let me know if I can help'. It's like an automatic reply I don't even think about before it comes out of my mouth. And then the fuckers take me up on it. Given that I already have 3 Auto Tots, I frequently have anywhere from 3 to 7 children in my tiny townhouse on any given day. I do it to myself.
My friends really have a strict rule that you must live by your word. If you say you're going to jump off a big rock into the water, you damn well better. You say that you're going to go talk to a girl, you're getting a lot of shit unless you get turned down (in which case you're a hero because at least you got out there) I said I was going to dunk, on May 9th. Before that date I got injured, twisted my ankle and tried to train on it. I still have not dunked, so I made a new deal, I'm not allowed to shave my mustache until I dunk. All the stuff on the chin is now gone, and I'll be 'staching it until I can get up there. (btw if anyone has some tips on training for dunking, I could use a little help)
Have you tried being born tall and black? That's worked pretty well for me and a lot of my friends. But if you insist on doing things the hard way, there are a few things you can try: Altfocus: Does anybody here believe that Scootah wasn't super thrilled to get all pretty for a day? Me neither, you big ol' ham.
How timely, when the GF and I weren't busy at all I bought a $100 restaurant gift card to a for my cousin and his wife with the deal that we'd watch their kids that night. They've done so much for me since I moved here that this really is the least I could do. Unfortunately I kind of forgot about it and no longer had it in my head that I'd be giving up a Friday night to watch a couple toddlers and they're cashing in this weekend. Whatever, they deserve the night off more than I do. Alt-Focus: $1,000 says your agreeing to this was pre-meditated, no one agrees to dress up like that in public sober unless it's something they've wanted to do. Queer.
Look Frank, he was so embarrassed by these pictures that are EVERYWHERE that he absolutely had to make a thread about how he was FORCED into doing this, and how it was OK there, but if ANYBODY saw him out of context he would be like, MORTIFIED. It's logic.
Hooo boy. It's a long-standing tradition that if you joke about doing something, and someone says "No Balls," (usually combined with "Do It Faggot") you have to do it as long as said action won't get you in trouble with the police / command. The most recent was one of my buddies joking about pulling a Thor in a bar (ANOTHER!!!). No Balls was called, and he had to do it (and got kicked out). As a result, everyone is very careful about what they say they'll do. Most embarrassing one I've done was joking about the following pickup line: "HeyIthinkwehavealotincommonweshouldgooutsometime." No Balls was called, and it was decided that I had to do it to the first woman I saw. First woman was an angry-looking sergeant. True to my word, I did it, and was screamed at for fifteen minutes on disrespect, fraternization, "WHY WOULD ANYONE WANT TO SLEEP WITH YOU," and assorted other belittling. My friends stood by laughing hysterically.
I wholeheartedly disagree with Nom. Doing repetitive jumping exercises are nothing but hypertrophy training, which will only make your calves bigger. The only way to dunk is to jump higher. The only way to jump higher is to exert more force through your feet into the floor. The only way to increase ground force exertion is to increase you strength. The best way to increase the strength that correlates to jumping higher is to squat. Leg press won't cut it. Make sure not to neglect hamstrings, either. They are integral. There's a reason that, at 240 lbs I can stand flat footed and jump up and grab the rim despite being only 6'1". It's because I squat a shitload and can exert enough force into the floor to propel my body up to the rim.
I got to the point where I could dunk solely by playing pick-up ball and after each game spending a little time trying to dunk, and jumping and stretching as high as I could. Took about a summer of this before I could dunk. Maybe squatting a shitload works, but there are easier ways to jump higher.
A) I don't get what's going on here. It looks like there's a glitch in the source code and one of the caption contest threads somehow got merged with a typical thread about following through on drunken bets. Are we supposed to be coming up with clever captions or something? B) I would like to point out that it was a cop from Toronto that sparked the whole slut walk thing. So the next time any of you ask what Canada has done for you lately, it brought you this picture. You're welcome.
Shots. When drunk, propose them as a reaffirmation of my manliness. I willingly propose shots of hot sauce, balsamic vinegar, jalapeno juice, "mix anything from my bar as long as it fits into a shot glass." Turns out, tequilla and gin is one hell of a shitty combination. I also like to make drunken bets, and give ridiculous odds that are not in my favor. I also like to propose many a drunken bet/dare/competition wherein I go streaking if I lose. As long as it isn't illegal/blatantly physically deadly, pretty much any of this is far game. If you say you'll do it, you better, pussy.
I'm sure most people know about this, but I sort of jokingly talked about how fun it would be to shave my head one week. I got called out by my waiter who overheard me talking about it with my cousin, and he offered me free cake. That got me excited, but I still wasn't super decided on the decision. Then later I brought it up to some friends, and my sister said, "Yeah right, you would never go through with something like that." Had to shave my head on the spot, or look like a pussy. And then I got free cake!
My girlfriend called me up at work one day from the animal shelter where she works. She asked if I would help her move some dog food because she has back trouble and no one else was there to help her. I agreed and showed up that afternoon. The bags only weighed about 15lbs each and had to be moved into a storage building 50ft away from the trailer they were on. The problem? Over 3500lbs* of dog food. Also rain was on the way so it had to be moved quickly. I wish I could say she is still repaying me, but I don't hold favors over anyone's head. *I did the math because when I saw it I couldn't believe how much it was. Also, saying that I moved a ton and a half sounds more impressive than 'a lot'.
Keeping to my word is a double edged sword for me. I will do it to a fault, not matter what the cost. I head somewhere, a long time ago (probably in some movie) that a man's word is the only thing he can every truly own - and that struck a chord with me. Accordingly, I now try to limit things that I agree to do... lest I get caught out and have to do them. Plus, I also adhere to another old saying - never bet more than you're willing to lose. Without going into any lame particulars, this usually means me giving money to women who I have broken up with when I have agreed to pay for something whilst we were going out.
about five people have asked if those are really pictures of me... I'm not sure what people thought I looked like - but if I was going to post fake pictures of some guy - does anyone really think those are the fake pictures that I'd choose?