<a class="postlink" href="http://www.news.com.au/entertainment/television/nypd-blue-writer-punched-poodle-to-death/story-e6frfmyi-1226398213722" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.news.com.au/entertainment/te ... 6398213722</a> Focus: What’s your worst tantrum / dummy spit? Ever been so angry you just had to beat a poodle to death? Alt Focus: Discuss over the top animal love. Should he get jail time? It’s not like he tortured it, just put it down in an unconventional manner. Don’t get me wrong I’m an animal lover, but I don’t lose sight of the fact they are animals, not “little furry people”. I would however love to punch my neighbour’s Shitzu cross Chihuahua in the head which they let whine outside for hours every night, but I might get in less trouble for punching him. Perhaps I could wear his dog as a glove while punching him, but I digress.
Focus: What’s your worst tantrum / dummy spit? Ever been so angry you just had to beat a poodle to death? Worst one comes up to bite me in the ass every few months. My company provides voice and remote desktop services to a client base in London. One of our data centers went down and basically without nerding out a bunch of stuff got broke like and it was gon be a while for it was back ta workin. It was almost a full day of vitriol and abuse. I was trying to help someone over the phone and I told them I would call them back as the job was going to take a few minutes. Then my mouse stopped working. I calmly unplugged it, placed it gingerly on the floor and curbed it American History X style. I picked its broken body up, placed it in the trash and went back to work. The entire office went dead quiet. My boss walked over and carefully placed a new boxed mouse on my desk and tip toed away. When I had some time to reflect I was fucking embarrassed at the lack of control
Alt Focus- What I'm most curious about is how he got caught. It's his dog; when the poodle suffered a brain injury, couldn't he claim it hit its head running around? It's not the like the dog is going to speak up and contradict him to the vet. Or, if the man wanted to be extra safe, couldn't he just report the animal dead and bury it himself? Did someone squeal on him? If so, who was it? That's the most interesting question, but of course, the article doesn't address it at all. As for the punishment, it's a tough question. My girlfriend's mother once ran over a cat my girlfriend and her sisters were taking care of as kids because the feline liked to hide underneath her car, and she didn't see it when starting the car. That was a pure accident and partially due to animal stupidity. However, is the difference between that and this story enough to send a man to jail for a year? Especially considering he has probably been a law-abiding citizen for 51 years? Maybe give him a week? Or probation and lots of community service?
That is precisely the issue I take with people that harm animals. They're not people, and thus cannot defend themselves in an "appropriate" manner. Had the asshole hit his dog hard enough to anger it but not kill it, provoking the dog into biting him, the dog would have been put down despite reacting in a fashion that I would consider entirely suitable. The very idea that he "put [the dog] down" whether by accident or on purpose, enrages me. I hope someone punches him hard enough that he suffers a traumatic brain injury and dies a slow death filled with cerebral hemmorhaging.
I have zero tolerance for animal cruelty, and neither should anyone else. Unscrupulous breeders, animal fighters of any kind, all the way to these bigwig slaughterhouses like Tyson's. Some of the conditions our chicken, pork, and beef are raised in are completely diseased and these fucking people should be put away in far better places than the overcrowded cages where animals with broken limbs have to shit on each other. Don't even get me started on Michael Vick. He may have did his restitution in the eyes of the court, but nobody should have rewarded him with multi-million contracts. Whatever, the boy can play some ball right? I interned at a charter school years ago for a shrink course in college. One of the kids was there because he was caught torturing animals. Obviously, he has anti-social personality disorder. Possibly a psychopath that hasn't discovered blood lust. In these instances it should be the duty of the justice system to remove these fuckwads from the public before their condition upgrades and they kill somebody for kicks. When you get caught strangling a cat to death for fun, there's not a whole lot of room for improvement. Take Jordan Paul for instance.
Animal cruelty makes me stomach turn. Never got it as a kid, still don't get it as an adult. I even thought it was messed up when kids would kick ant hills and then massacre ants as they streamed out. I knew a kid who in Middle School used to catch frogs and light them on fire and once squeezed his brother's hamster until its eyes more or less popped out. Nobody was surprised when he later was arrested for rape. FOCUS: When I used to trade, it was an environment prone to outbursts and tantrums due to the stress of it all. Bout 4 months in, I had a trade go against me. It was minor, few basis points on a relatively small share block, but I realized I had fucked up. It wasn't a big loss, just the premise pissed me off. I leapt up from my desk and angrily punched at the air with a motion similar to throwing something at the wall. My momentum sort of spun me around a bit and it look as if I did some sort of spinning kick. Yeah, older traders branded me with a "Spinkick" moniker that I couldn't shake. Oh well
To me it really says a lot about those who choose to take their anger out on beings that are incapable of defending themselves, whether their target is another person or little animal. This situation doesn't resemble "putting it down" in any way- this is an angry fool hitting his little dog really hard, and that blow happened to kill it. I really hope the guy didn't keep the pooch around for the sake of being a punching bag. Focus: When I was in high school, I totally went Office Space on an old desk chair in my parent's backyard. I reduced it to a pile of wood and fabric covered foam with a heavy steel pipe after my parents grounded me for a few days. I can't remember what my parents punished me for, but I do remember strongly disagreeing with whatever they thought and I had a much, much hotter temper back then. I'm just glad nobody saw me freaking out.
2007 NCAA hockey national title game. This was before the Phillies won the 2008 World Series, and before BC won the hockey championship in 2008/10/12--I was 23 at the time and had never in my life gotten to be part of a championship celebration (BC had also won in 2001 but I was a junior in high school at the time, and while the San Jose Earthquakes, who I rooted for until Philly got an MLS franchise, won titles in 2001 and 2003 it wasn't really the same watching from my parents' couch/college dorm and having no one to celebrate with). Spoilered for length: Spoiler BC had impressed the previous season, riding a talented but very young team to the title game before losing a 2-1 heartbreaker including a clanger off the post with under a second left to Wisconsin in the Badgers' backyard (Milwaukee). While the outcome of the final game was disappointing, we weren't even supposed to be there and could be very proud of the team. 2007 was going to be different--the Eagles entered the title game riding something like 17 straight wins and had smoked North Dakota, considered the only other serious title contender, two nights before. Michigan State, the other semifinal winner, was a solid team but expected to be little more than a speed bump. BC was led by Corey Schneider, the best goalie in the country; 6'7 titan Brian Boyle, who would be playing for the LA Kings the following season, and Nate Gerbe, possibly the fastest player I've seen to this day. I was a super senior at the time and went to Roggie's, a bar just off BC's campus, to watch the game with some friends. As it was Easter weekend, my parents were in town and they also came to watch. The bar was packed in anticipation of a certain national title celebration. BC scored early in the game but MSU goaltender Jeff Lerg (who? exactly) proceeded to stand on his head and BC, while dominating the even-strength play, couldn't get a second goal and starting around the middle of the 2nd period began taking way too many penalties. MSU tied it up midway through the 3rd period but BC was still dominating the action and it seemed like only a matter of time until we got the winning goal...until this happened: It's only because we won 3 of the next 5 titles that I can write about this or even post that YouTube video (still can't actually watch the whole thing, but was able to look at it enough to find and post it). After the goal, the bar was in stunned silence for what felt like minutes but was probably really only 10-20 seconds.....until I stand up, spike my half-full beer glass to the ground shattering it, and go on a profanity-laced tirade along the lines of "WHAT THE FUCK HOW DOES THIS KEEP HAPPENING TO ME ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME etc etc" as my dad drags me out of the bar (my parents were there, remember??). Aftermath - My dad went back in to pay the tab and drove me back to my apartment 5-10 minutes away, yelling at me (understandably) the whole way. I'm tired of hearing about it so I get out of the car at a traffic light 2 blocks from my place, purchase a handle of Seagrams 7, walk back to my apartment (all my roommates at the time were BU guys and they knew better than to even start talking shit about it until the next day), and drink half of it in my room by myself. I think I might've thrown up, I can't really remember. I went back to the bar 2 days later and apologized to the owner (we were all regulars, knew everyone who worked there) and the waitress we'd had that night, both were very cool about it although one of the managers wouldn't let me back in for the next month or so unless the owner was there. BC won the next year and would win a total of 3 titles in the next 5 years (and counting), and I still go back to that bar whenever I'm in Boston. TLDR - Went on a profanity-laced, pint glass-shattering tirade in front of my parents over the NCAA hockey championship game, resulting in my being partially banned from my favorite bar for a month or so On a more amusing note, our microwave got busted in Afghanistan because one of our idiot interpreters decided to leave it on for an hour with nothing inside...took it to the range and shot it up with the .50 cal.
I don't really get angry a lot, I'm not even an angry drunk. But there have been incidents involving my brother. Once, years ago, I took my brother with me to the mall to just walk around. My brother is mentally handicapped (high functioning autistic, OCD, Asperger, blah blah blah) and he actually still lives with my folks. Well, he ran ahead of me to get to the EB (now Gamestop) in the mall, through a Sears, as I walked behind him. Now the thing is, he does run kind of funny, but I don't really give it much thought. So he's way ahead of me as I make my way in. As I walk into Sears there are two employees just lounging around shooting the shit, when my ear catches: "Hey bro, did you see that faggot that just ran by?" The mall was pretty empty and nobody else had gone in between me and my brother so it was clear who he was referring to. I honestly don't remember how I got to this, but one minute I'm walking and I hear that, next thing I have him by his shirt collar suspended in mid air against a refrigerator model, an inch from his face, asking him what the fuck he just said as his buddy is panicking and pulling at my shoulder. I kinda came to then and I dropped him and walked away, but I was honestly quite ready to throw him through the glass doors.
This is the sort of thing I was trolling for I suppose, but it’s a feeling in the community that's quite prevalent so I think worth discussing. Is killing a dog an offence deserving of a slow painful execution as suggested above? Personally I just don’t see it. Recently I’ve seen harsher penalties handed down to people abusing animals than to those who king hit strangers in pubs, neglect their children etc. Are the special interest fringe (PETA etc) dictating an unreasonable response from western legal systems? A mates girlfriend recently blurted out that she would rather see a person suffer than a cat (she works in a local cat centre and is just marking the days to go completely insane) Is this a reasonable thing to say or does it mark the person as slightly unhinged? I think we are grown up enough to discuss this, have we gone too far?
Whatever it is, it isn't right. And it also isn't uncommon. If you don't believe me, just watch Braveheart with a group of people and watch how aghast people are when one of the fucking HORSES is killed. Never mind the torture scenes or decapitations or Wallace's wife being bound and having her throat cut or the tragic melancholy that follows it. Seeing a fake mechanical horse stabbed with a pike? Too much. There's nothing right at all about animal abuse. Unless it's directed at a Pomerianian, since they're useless, bug-eyed nippy shitsack dogs that are designed to stuffed into garbage disposals. But saying that torturing an animal is worse than torturing a human is STUPID. Not open for debate. This is something everybody should know simply by being alive.
I grew up around the bush and farmers. I was a city boy - but my dad did farm work from time to time and my cousins and shit are all bush kids. So it was nothing for me to go hunting and learn to shoot rabbits in the head so we could sell the meat. My grandfather made his living for a while trapping rabbits and selling them to butchers and would routinely accidentally rip the head off them while killing them. I've seen farmers (and my dad one season) bite the testicles out of rams and I've worked as an adult on an abattoir where they use chainsaws with olive oil instead of chain oil to split carcasses. I have shot wild animals for recreation and hunted for food and a few times to sell the meat to a pet food factory. I can't even count how much time I spent fishing as a kid. Despite having had pets all my life, as far as I'm concerned, any animal that isn't sentient deserves to be free from undue cruelty - and that's it. I'm also fine with ensuring bio diversity by preserving certain animal species, but as far as I'm concerned that's for the benefit of people, and I don't give a fuck about the animals. Torturing animals isn't cool - but kill them any way you need to. Hell, if you need a thousand animals to suffer horribly in a laboratory so that you can save a single human life - I'm all for it. I'm even OK with destroying pest species like say cane toads, in entertaining ways. It's how I learned to play golf. But needless animal cruelty? Cruelty just for the sake of being cruel. That's morally repugnant. And cruelty to a family pet for the sake of being cruel? That's a big fucking warning sign that the person doing it is a fucking asshole. I don't think that killing an animal, even killing it incredibly cruelly deserves immediate and brutal execution. It's basically property damage. If it's done in good conscience. As part of food production or to use the hide for clothing or as part of valid scientific research. If that animal is endangered and killing it is for bullshit faux research (I.E. Japanese Whaling) then it's much more severe property damage. But that's all it is. But punching your pet dog in the face so hard that it dies out of poorly controlled anger over bullshit? I don't want that guy free until he passes a very robust psychiatric evaluation, administered by a dog lover with kids who live his neighborhood. I don't give a fuck about the dog*, that guy has fucking problems and should be taken out of circulation before he aims them at a person. *Possibly I would be more concerned about the animal if it was a proper dog, rather than a 4lb poodle. But the point still stands.
I'm not implying that animals deserve more respect than humans or that punishments for animal abuse should be harsher than those for abusing or assaulting people. Where I'm coming from, in summary, is "pick on someone your own size". A poodle has no chance at defending itself against some piece of shit that lost his temper and beats it. Neither does a child. Neither does another person a mere fraction of the violator's size. And my point about defense stands. If one person attacks another, and the attacked party defends themselves, they aren't condemned for having done so. But if an animal snaps and defends itself after being attacked or abused, they're put down because they're then dangerous. It's bullshit. Whatever someone's abusing, human or animal, that fucker should be put down for the betterment of society.
I'm not really into the fair fight argument. A cow doesn't have much chance against a guy with a gas powered bolt gun. A fish doesn't have much chance against a guy with a net. Etc. I do agree that it's bullshit to destroy domestic animals for defending themselves. I'm pretty much ok with putting down a dog because of an unprovoked attack. I'm also basically ok with taking someone's car away from them and having it destroyed if they let it out of control down a hill and it runs someone over. If on the other hand, someone leans over a fence to call my german shepherd and then hits her with sticks, and she tears their fucking arms off, I don't see any reason to destroy the dog. If you climb into my yard and smash your face into the windscreen of my car until you get a concussion, you'd get charged with property damage despite the fact that you got hurt. If you lean over my fence and hit my dog with a stick, and she tears your arm off, I frankly think you should have to pay the vet bills for any damage done to her teeth in the process. If there is any increased risk of my dog being inappropriately agressive after tearing off a fucktard's arm, that fucktard should be liable for the cost of a visit from Caesar Milan or whatever other remedial steps are required to return my property to the condition it was in before an idiot abused it. If anyone is going to be put down, it should be the moron who got bitten (this example may be based on what I was afraid was going to happen when I was 15 and my neighbors twin 7 year olds were shit heads, fortunately my german shepherd was too pathetic to bite them and just cried under the stairs instead). But I don't feel at all bad for not giving a rabbit a sporting chance when I shoot it in the face.
Some people think that to be morally superior, they must care mainly about suffering that happens as far removed from themselves as possible. This to avoid any "contamination" of their moral virtue by self-interest or group nepotism. Sometimes this has positive effects, as when people get involved to end racial or religious oppression of other groups, or to preserve the natural habitats of other creatures. Other times it becomes insane. Most vegetarians I have met are, ironically, radically pro-choice. We are not just talking about not eating sentient beings like cows and pigs here. These people don't even eat seafood. So, killing an unborn human the size of a potato is cool and dandy, but killing a fucking CLAM for food is an unconscionable violation of the sanctity of life? Yes, we have gone too far. These people are mental, and I wish a plague upon their houses.
So if you saw a guy with a gun to Ryan Milliron's head, standing next to a cage full of 1000 otters soaked in gasoline and he says, "Either I blow Ryan's head off or I light the otters!", you'd choose in Milliron's favor? Spoiler
I was in court two weeks ago. My coworker had someone being revoked. His original charge was agg cruelty to animals because he slit a puppy's throat and let it bleed to death on the sidewalk. It took every ounce of control I had not to talk into that holding cell with a knife and say "Let's see how you enjoy having your throat cut, fucker." I made absolutely no disguise of my contempt for him and his fucking asshole lawyer. He made a remark to my coworker that "Some POs are easier to deal with than others" and without looking up from my phone, I simply stated "Some probationers aren't pure evil like your client." Fuck that shit. People that abuse animals just to abuse them? There's a special place in hell for them.
It would've been better if the camel had bitten his face off. They're nasty fuckers in real life. Not so much on the big screen with Ah-nold, I guess. I'd rather see him face off against a Caucasian shepherd.