At work, I have to type in my computer password approximately 500 times a day. Once to boot up through the disk decrypter. Then sometimes once to log in. Then every time I open a browser (proxy password). Then every time I want to log into our document management system. Then every time I want to fill out my timecard. Then every time I walk away from my computer. By the 84th time I want to punch someone. I am aware that there are technical solutions to this problem, and they are all banned at work for "security reasons." So I'm stuck typing it. Over. And Over. And Over. And Over.
I hate subtitled Samurai inspired foreign films. They are all wastes of film with no redeeming qualities. Especially The Seven Samurai or Musashi stuff.
I can't tell if you're being serious or "taking the piss", to quote the Brits. Focus- In terms of films, one thing that has bothered me from childhood are serious action films featuring some midget, waif-like female blonde model beating up dozens of men twice her size. Look, if it was presented comedically, the way a 4 year old boy beating up grown men would be, then fine. But when we're supposed to suspend our disbelief that this tiny thing without an ounce of muscle and zero fighting ability can kick the ass of anything larger than a mouse, then I get pissed off.
The people that bid one dollar over the last bid on contestants row of The Price is Right. I vow, if I ever make it to contestants row to over bid the last player by say 10 bucks, on the other hand if some dickwad pulls the dollar shit on me I will murder them on stage.
FOCUS: People who take the piss on a subject, that they know or hope is going to be taken seriously by someone, for shits and giggles. They see me trolling, they hating....
Focus:I hate subtitled Samurai inspired foreign films. They are all wastes of film with no redeeming qualities. No taking the piss, I truly hate that shit, and I find people that extol their virtues to be pompous assholes. No Offense KIm...
I'm sure a lot of people are with me on this one. People who still haven't managed to figure out the difference between your and you're. It is the easiest rule in the history of grammar. That and people who replace the word "have" with "of" as in "I could of gone there" or "I should of done that." How the fuck did this one even get going? How do people not read that and not immediately realize that something isn't quite right? Drives me mad. Also, alternating caps.
People that call action movies with plots involving tiny waif like girls kicking the ass of multiple men much bigger that she is "films".
People who don't understand that others use "films" and "movies" interchangeably, and that there is no difference between the two.
I encounter this on a daily-basis and it drives me bat-shit crazy. Me: Did you see Family Guy on Sunday? Local Dim-Wit: Yeah, I seen it twice. You didn't SEEN it. You saw it. The sad thing is that teachers clearly let people get away with that type of piss-poor grammar during high-school. It seems like a very easy habit to break, but small-towns everywhere are littered with folks who SEEN things.
You only pay once, no matter how many of the vowel there are. RSTLNE are revealed in the order they appear in the word. The Es are not revealed after the other letters. Spinning again runs the risk of landing on a Bankrupt or Lose Your Turn, and there's a good chance the puzzle will be solved before it's your turn again. Also, if you guess a letter that doesn't cost you a damn thing, and you're wrong, you lose your turn. For longer puzzles, there is almost always an E, and it makes the puzzle much easier for you to solve and gives clues as to what other letters that don't cost you a damn thing to guess. People who go on long rants about shit that doesn't matter ...and are wrong.
People who argue passive-aggressively on the Internet. ROB WINS AGAIN! FLAWLESS VICTORY! FOCUS: "The Idiot Board" or "The Idiot" or "" or even "" would suffice. That damned 'dot' drives me motherfucking bonkers, and I'm dying by a thousand cuts because of it.
This might be universal, but it seems completely illogical to me, so I'll mention it. I hate when people walk behind me. Not close behind me, but behind me at all. I feel like they're pressuring me to walk faster or get out of their way. I silently curse these people. Also, blatantly unprepared game show contestants. This stems from watching "Legends of the Hidden Temple" as a kid. The mother-fucking Shrine of the Silver Monkey made me want to stab the contestant in the eyeball. It's 3 pieces that make up a monkey statue. It's not that difficult. Why can't they just put the three pieces together. Why do they always put the torso on backwards. Go to about the 1 minute mark.
I hate tailgaters, driving up someone's ass in hopes that they will speed up is one of the most annoying things you can do, I will go out of my way to ruin their day. Oh, me going 50 in a 40 is too slow for you? Enjoy doing 35 until you can get around me. Oh, is that a break in the solid lines making it legal to pass me? Excuse me while I gun to 65 until we're back to solid yellows. It's truly the greatest way to flip the situation, they're trying to make you uncomfortable and stressed by driving up your ass, only to have the exact opposite effect. The best part is they usually drive close enough so I can see the pain I'm causing them.
LOL. LOL makes me blind with rage. Are you really laughing out loud at the text I sent you? It gets particularly bad when the situation doesn't merit humor. Like my ex boyfriend's attempt to get in my pants a few nights ago: "I should really tap that ass LOL." Your penis doesn't satisfy me. LOLOLOL. Also, those that think that because I'm from Georgia, I must be fucktarded. I'm many things. I'm a manipulative, relatively emotionless bitch. I've been known to be a whore in the most literal sense. Occasionally, I'm lacking in common sense. But I am not stupid, and the last time I checked, stupidity wasn't limited to the American Southeast. I've been hearing that joke for years; it's never suddenly become funny, and it's never lost its ironic tinge of ignorance.
How about dubbed? Yeah, I can't stand Sergio Leone movies either. Focus: Not responding in a timely manner to communications/responding inconsistently. If a question is being asked, then answering it on time's a good thing. If my actions are dependent on the response, then having no response usually means I end up wasting tons of time waiting for a reply.
-I fucking loathe noisy eaters, or people that slurp anything. - People looking over my shoulder. Go fucking stand somewhere else. I don't need you hovering. - Channel surfers. Pick something, and fucking leave it there. If you hate commercials so damn much mute them. - Old bitchy people. We get it, you are old and miserable, that doesn't mean you have to take it out on me. - I hate peacocks. I think they are worthless creatures. What are they good for? - People who fucking call me before my alarm goes off. Fuck you, I am sleeping, someone better be dying. -Dishes in the sink. Are you that fucking lazy that you can't clean up after yourself? -My mother. She sends me into insta rage every single damn time.
Motherfuckers who respond to text messages with an irritatingly bland "ok" on trivial matters or "haha" after I just sent you a full text message of hilarity. Actually, one better (read: worse) are the people who get mad when I won't conform to their stupidity. Why the hell would I bother sending you such a dull response? Of course, it's situational. If I get a relatively important text out of the blue, especially about upcoming plans or responsibilities, I'll respond with "sounds good" or "ok, I will" to let them know I got the message and agree. If we've been texting for 15-20 minutes back and forth, we both know that the other is there and paying attention, why must people send such a dull and lame message? When put in that situation I'll either respond with something worth reading or not respond at all. My brother is the absolute worst at this. You'd think he was paying per word with the way he converses via text. After three consecutive texts of "yeah", "haha", and "ok" I'm ready to break my freaking phone in half. Text messages like that aren't even worth the effort of retrieving them.
-Not that it's news to any regular on here, but any juvenile internet abreviations ROFL, BRB, etc. and emoticons. It's just plain laziness, and who the hell is too lazy to type??? I got a new job today. "LOL". My dad just died. "LOL" I peel back the waistband of my boxer-briefs, unleashing my throbbingly erect eight-inch pole. "LOL". -People (always guys) who yell threats/tired sexual jokes from cars at pedestrians, then peel off before they get any response back. You know they're all high-fiving each other in the car and talking about how cool they just were, because that's what tough guys do. -Toast crumbs in the butter. WIPE THE FUCKING KNIFE. -I'm probably the hardest person in Ontario to offend, but the one thing I've always disliked-a-plenty is when someone calls me "boy". I don't know why I hate it, I just do. A lot. Also, when poepl use the word "epic" to describe anything other than a long, sprawling film. No, your shitty half-assed skateboarding trick was not "epic". Dances with Wolves was.