Focus: What do you hate about your own culture? I live in The South again, and every time I see a gigantic truck, I automatically think "Nice truck, it's a shame about your dick though". Here, at least, redneckery has an excuse. Cue a visit to Ohio, and these same idiots exist an hour outside of fucking Cleveland? WHAT? I didn't know idiocy was an airborne contagion. I don't dislike rednecks because they are stupid. I dislike them because they are intentionally stupid. Also, at least the older generation knows how to do things like skin animals, grow crops and set traps for pests. I have eaten wild hog specifically because a gentleman trapped it, killed it, slaughtered it, smoked it and made delicious sausage out of it. The Kenny Chesney bunch can go fuck a gaggle of cacti, because they are "mall rednecks".
I hate that Americans, collectively, always claim they want changed in politics / economic structure / entertainment / American culture and the minutiae of life in general, but those changes always require dragging people kicking and screaming into the next iteration of whatever it is. That's why we elect people from the same families to political office, watch sequel after sequel of the same movies, and enjoy a steady routine in life. Maybe it's more of a criticism of the human condition rather than Americanism, and maybe I haven't been exposed to other cultures as much as I think I have, but it just seems like the status quo is the most attractive to the majority of Americans specifically, no matter the benefits of possible alternatives. These negative threads sometimes tend to take a turn, so let's keep this civil. Bump.
I hate the way white people dance. Seriously, is it factory-installed in our DNA to dance like rhythm-free marionettes? With me as king, the first law I'd declare is that dancing will be strictly reserved to the 3% of the white population that can actually DO it. This isn't something that's slowly dwindling as time progresses like sexism, homophobia, etc. it's hereditary, its stronger than ever and it must be stopped.
There's nothing worse than holidaying abroad and hearing an Australian accent. Being overseas somehow makes it sound significantly more bogan and annoying. It even got the stage where I'd cringe at the sound of my own voice. On the home front, our culture has pretty serious problems with alcohol-related violence. Obviously this isn't just an issue in Australia, but we've had particular instances where certain types of cowards, after a fair bit of daytime drinking, heading out into Sydney, and punching a random in the back of the head. Not only has this resulted in a couple of tragic deaths, but it's meant our government, in an effort to look like it's doing something, has introduced a variety of laws which really only punish the majority of people of people who don't do anything wrong, and in particular, hospitality workers. It's an absolute shambles at the moment, and a city I've grown up in my entire life, and has remained a favourite despite the fact I've travelled throughout Europe and America, is slowly becoming less enjoyable to live in because of these thugs and the punishments they've brought down on everyone else
I LOVE Texas. I love my state and if it seceded I'd pack my car and leave Maryland in a hot minute to go back to the motherland. I love the dust and the flat and the heat and the pastures and the boots and the bars and the beer. But goddammit I hate Rick Perry. And I hate everything - literally - that bumblefuck represents about Texas.
Have you witnessed coal rolling? I have never even heard of it till someone posted about it on FB a couple days ago. I don't know if I've ever seen it - if I did I probably just thought the person had something wrong with his vehicle. Which sort of brings me to my focus: I am annoyed with how it seems like people are extremely sensitive or extremely not giving a shit. Empathy and logic can work well together if you bother to use them. The Adam Richman incident is a good example of both types colliding. The aspect of our culture that genuinely upsets me, and my own neurotic personality is certainly culpable in allowing this shit to get inside my head, is the heightened fear and judgment that has pervaded the raising of kids these days. I mean, 11.5 years in I am getting better in some ways and worse in others, but damn it has been a white knuckled ride so far. I feel like if I had experienced child-rearing even 30 years ago I might have had a better time of it.
I hate the news, local and national, and its certainly a reflection of American culture. The news isn't news, its infotrainment at best. Look at CNN or FoxNews, or your favorite local news station. Its pretty much about cute puppies, weather, and some sort of violence. Its kind of gross. Apparently Americans aren't interested in news that isn't about one of those three things. Not sure what that says about the population at large, take it as you will. Another thing that gets me is the hyperbole in the politics. Each side likes to say that the other side is the devil and they will burn down the country. Because of this, I am very apolitical and will never willingly engage in a political conversation, it seems any sort of moderation has gone out of our culture, maybe you can see that in the news and politics. I am a very opinionated person, pretty much about everything for better or for worse, but when it comes to politics I just don't care.
I hate the concept of "millennials", especially "90's kids". These are people who claim anyone who reboots a cartoon from our childhood into a movie is raping our childhood. They reminisce more than live and I hate being associated with this idea. The fact that we need to play "last person to pick up their cellphones pays for dinner" when we go out to restaurants also annoys me. I am all for being connected to people through the internet (for example, I love all of you and you are wonderful new human being I get to meet in a way) but I hate how often people are on their phones. Perfect example, My cousin went with his girlfriend and her family to a lake house a few weeks ago. He said they spent the entire day sitting around inside on their cellphones because it looked like it might start raining. He ended up sitting around this lake house for an entire day not talking to anyone or doing anything because everyone was obsessed with their phones. I think this annoys me the most because my generation is seen as useless without the internet because we don't know anything else. I spent my entire childhood outside and didn't have a computer until I went to college.
I hate the term "open minded" and any other term with the same meaning. Every discussion about religion and politics seems to end with one side accusing the other of not being "open minded" and ends abruptly. It's a trump card used to back out without conceding that your argument is flawed. Typically those who use this trump card are just as bigoted with just a polar opposite opinion. This is the worst argument a person can make and it proves stupidity. There I said it. Anybody who disagrees is just a close minded little bitch.
I hate that multicultural has been turned into a thing where every other culture is valued over Canada's culture. Instead of its intent to show that each Province and Territory has its own unique culture that is a part of the Canadian one. I know people who are 5th or 6th generation Canadians who identify as Italian over being Canadian. You have to pay income tax in other countries before you get to identify with their culture.
<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... %27%20Coal</a> Color me angry-astonished. I can't handily think of any argument more fucking redneck and pointless than the garbling fuckery they spew about "meh truck's bigger'n urs". Faggotry in it's most offensive form....the Ford vs. Dodge. vs. Chevy debate has shaved years off my life via outbursts of rage to the tune of "who in the fuck that can spell "Chevrolet" and "transmission" gives a wet fuck?" This fetish of outdated motor technology is a huge part of why Nascar and Harley Davidson can now go fuck crushed glass.
Don't tell World Cup fans that. Their great-grandparents were born in Italy. That makes them Italian.. You can tell by the flags all over their cars.
For some reason Italians are the worst about it. Growing up, I knew Croatians, Germans, and Spaniards like that who were actually in touch with their historical cultures, spoke the language even though it wasn't "spoken in the home", and were generally cool about it. Italians felt the need to tattoo the flag, wear Ferrari shirts, and smash pasta even though their relatives left Parma 120 years ago and they couldn't tell you what Arrivederci meant. FOCUS: I love the patriotism and pride of the US, but I hate how fucking myopic Americans are. Not just the ignorance, but the pride in such ignorance. Remember the Chris Rock bit about ahem, "n****s love to not know things"? I feel like alot of Americans are like that. From other languages, to cultures, etc... Thats why American tourists have such an obnoxious reputation abroad. I'd tell people I was interested in living abroad and I'd get looked at like I have 3 heads cause "AMERICA IS THE BEST, WHY LIVE ANYWHERE ELSE?" My company's President is German and he speaks 4 other languages. Only English and Spanish were out of professional necessity, French and Italian were because he met many of both and wanted to be able to learn and communicate better with them. Sharply contrasts the "EVERYONE SHOULD JUST SPEAK ENGLISH" mentality the US is known for. I think the US is incredible and the best country in the world, but I hate anything that further propagates the "dumb American" stereotype. Additionally, I grew up in Wisconsin and I HATE "stereotypical" Wisconsin shit. Cheeseheads, "ya dere hey", eating tons of cheese, beer, and fried food till you are gross, and a general hatred of Chicago and the coasts cause those places are "stuck up". Milwaukee is a pretty great smaller city, but people think of it with the stereotype that actually represents 90% of Wisconsin. Most states are like that outside of a metro area, god knows Illinois is as well, but I feel like Wisconsin takes the cake at times especially since I grew up in an affluent burb and kids whose parents drove luxury cars still loved embracing the white trash tendencies of the rest of the state. Finally, I hate that leaning conservative in my politics has now aligned me with Tea Party fuckheads, Ted Cruz, and other ignorant, racist assholes who are out of touch with reality. It is possible to protect my financial interests while having progressive social policies, but those sensible level headed politicians dont make it out of the State Senate, certainly not to the upper echelons of the party. (MODS, FEEL FREE TO DELETE THIS IF ITS GONNA TAKE US IN A BAD DIRECTION. NOT MY INTENT)
Most the things that I truly loathe are too political, much like Juicy mentioned. What I can talk about without alienating anyone is the celebration of stupid. I hate our culture of fame, reality TV, and processed garbage food. We not only gladly suck it down and ask for more, but we started exporting it. McDonald's culture is destroying our health and is getting a foothold in developing countries. Schools are doing a great disservice to kids with a lame duck curriculum, but also poisoning them physically with shit food. Some of those kids, that's the only meal they get that day. But according to some people its OK because their parents don't have the gumption to get better jobs. Mass media news is still reporting, but you have to look for the good stuff through infotainment and fake outrage pieces. The fact that the Kardashians make multiple millions a year is disturbing. Who the hell is fulfilling themselves by spending hard earned coin on Kardashian products? Let's face it, smart people were never really universally cool, but idiots and cretins were not lauded as role models. At least now we have Neil DeGrasse Tyson. I am not a patriotic guy, or necessarily proud of my country, but I have humble veneration. I like the idea that one should be wary of overt celebration of a country/culture/lifestyle because it leads to myopia. We are celebrating the worst aspects of a dangerous slope; just like the comments before mine about "redneck" culture. In the past 20 years what have we really got to celebrate? There were a lot of things criminally and shamefully wrong with the 50s (civil liberties especially), but national pride was EARNED. Unprecedented infrastructure growth, income growth, corporate growth, small business boomed. Public schools were a damn sight better. A man could seek out a trade and rely on that trade to provide for his family. Education was something celebrated and not derided. We really were the best country in the world. All of these things went down the proverbial shitter astonishingly quick. Corporate greed almost ruined us, small businesses are dying, public education is expensive, 2.3 million prisoners, nobody wants to be a carpenter or a plumber, drop outs at an all time high, math and reading comprehension at all time lows. We will be the first generation not only to make less than our parents, but not live as long because we're too stupid to stop eating ourselves to death. Slowly we seem to be righting a lot of social ills, but once again, it is a battle against our own citizens by our citizens. You fucking rimjobs, do you realize how hard it was to get to this point and you're fighting each other all over again over nonsense. What hurts me most is how simple some of these fixes are. But keep shooting yourself in the foot while waving that flag, doofus.
My wife is half-Brit, her mother is English, lives in England, has a hardcore Brit accent, and even thinks monarchies are important and provide actual use (WRONG). My wife has a sort of broken half-accent where she flourishes and punctuates words much differently than you or I. She doesn't even acknowledge being British. "I was born here, this country raised and protected me, I'm Canadian" is what she'll tell you.
I hate how overly 'supportive' and PC we all need to be now. Sometimes people just need to be told to stop whining and/or work harder. Kids in the 5th grade who can barely read because we pass them along when they're working below grade level. Team sports with no winners or losers, employers afraid to fire shitty workers because of lawsuits. People need to know what it is to fail. Facebook posts about 'stay positive, you're awesome and special and good things are coming for you'. Shut the fuck up, good things will come when you go and get them. I hate how much importance people put on shit like Facebook and having a circle of 8700 'friends'. Why can't we go for a drink without people having to update their status and tag the venue like anyone gives a flying fuck about where they are at 7:32pm on Friday evening and what the appy they just ordered looks like?
There is a White Woman Nightmare right there. My wife's cousin got into that and immediately stated that it was the greatest and most legit form of motivation and success to exist. Of course, this idiot also believes in gemstone therapy and claims she's a "Wiccan". Shut. UP.
I think America's news media, how Americans lap it up, and the state of politics today are what I am most ashamed of. How people now fall face first into supporting what ever hyper opinionated reporting of their preferred news station tells them. It has come to a point where it is straight opinion and a ever growing hint of a large latent conspiracy in every story they report now. Honestly my new measure of peoples intelligence hinges on if they watch and believe any sort of cable news network bullshit spin.