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I fuckin' HATE that show!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Dcc001, May 26, 2010.

  1. Dcc001

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    New Bitch On Top

    Oct 19, 2009
    Sarnia, Ontario
    In honour of the "Best Shows Ever" thread, we should have it's counterpart. I'll start.

    Friends. The epitome of the 'predictable half-hour sitcom.' You could see the jokes coming, the plots were predictable and the acting was bad. No thanks.

    Seinfeld. Yeah, I said it. Neurotic humour does nothing for me whatsoever. I can handle shows about nothing - America's Funniest Home Videos does it better than anyone - but Seinfeld, to me, was just plain annoying. What's worse is its level of syndication. Rest assured, if you're ever stuck in a waiting room somewhere and there's a TV in the corner, Seinfeld will be playing on it.

    The Gilmore Girls. There is four times the dialogue in this show than in any other program of similar length ever filmed. SHUT. THE. FUCK. UP. Real people don't speak this way, quaint little towns with no crime and friendly neigbours are a thing of the past and single moms who work odd jobs typically don't own big houses and send their kids to private school. Jesus I hate this show.

    Any CSI/NCIS/Law & Order (except the old ones with Chris Noth). My big problem with these shows is that the dialogue is all exposition. It exists only to tell the audience about the plot. Old L&O's were great; gritty, real life stuff with believable characters. Now, the way they're filmed, it would appear that the area of crime investigation is full of perfect hairdos, great lighting, private hospital rooms and lots of senseless conversations where the characters discuss things that an actual professional would already know.

    Focus: Let's here 'em.
  2. no use for a name

    no use for a name
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    Experienced Idiot

    Nov 4, 2009
    Anything with George Lopez. I fucking hate him. I refuse to watch his new late night show, but I saw his sit com enough when it was in prime time. You're Mexican, we fucking get it. You hate white people, good for you. Fuck off you racist piece of shit.

    I can't stand Hispanic comedy and hispanic comedians, because there is only one theme to anything they do and that's being hispanic. With that being said, I can admit that a few of them are still pretty funny. I know you're about to make a joke about being Mexican, but it still makes me laugh. George Lopez on the other hand is incapapble of telling a funny joke. Every fucking joke he makes falls flat. I would say his jokes are predictable, but usually they're even worse than what you expect. I don't understand how he makes money to entertain people.
  3. Dread

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    Apr 22, 2010
    Count me in. The show is just boring. None of the characters are remotely interesting and the humor is dull.

    I personally hate LA Ink. Wife™ watches it. The show's never on for more than 2 minutes before:

    1. Kat starts whining or crying about something.

    2. That new bitch (Aubry, is it?) pisses everyone off and gets away with it.

    3. The show cuts to coverage of the chick who left Kat's shop and is inexplicably still being featured on the show.
  4. uzisuicide

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    Oct 21, 2009
    I'll bite.

    That 70's Show- so you wear bellbottoms, smoke tons of pot, fuck a lot, and there's a token Hispanic kid telling jokes about smoking pot and fucking at every corner. Ridiculous and not funny.

    Two and a Half Men-I don't feel like a whole lot of explanation is needed here, but I have a couple of friends who LOVE this piece of amphibian shit. I find it lazy and boring-not my idea of comedy.
  5. goodfornothing

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    Average Idiot

    Oct 19, 2009
    Family Guy - I hate that show with a passion. The jokes all seem rehashed and tired. It was at one point tolerable (seasons 1 - 2/3), but now is just boring and annoying.
  6. Muney

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    T-dotish, Ontario
    Seinfeld for me also. My family all watches it and loves it so I've seen a lot of episodes, but never enjoyed any of them. They say I don't "get" the humour, I say it's not funny.
  7. Frebis

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Didn't you just watch The Simpsons for the first time last month? I'm not sure you can accuratly Identify a shitty TV show.

    1. Man vs. Wild- The fakest show ever to be on TV. I called it out for being fake two episodes in. No one else listened to me until someoen who worked on the show came out and confirmed it.

    2. Everybody Loves Raymond- the same thing happened in every show. Deborah tried to do something, the mom would come over and interupt, and hijinks would ensue. I'm not sure how it made it as long as it did. The hijinks weren't even funny.

    3. Contest based reallity TV shows- No explanation needed here.

    4. How I met your mother- I get it, gay guy plays a pimp. Dude has relationship issues. SAME FUCKING THING EVRY EPISODE. It's not funny. And I really don't know why you all seem to get a hard on for it.
  8. effinshenanigans

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    My girlfriend's work schedule changed recently and she was getting home around 4 instead of 5:30, leaving her plenty of time to watch stupid things on TV. About a week after the change she started uttering a phrase that makes me cringe just thinking about it: "So today, on Tyra's show..." I of course replied, "Tyra? As in, Tyra Banks, Tyra? That vapid, bald, crazy bitch who's afraid of fucking dolphins and thinks it's edgy and hilarious to eat alka-seltzer and bark at her equally retarded audience as she fakes rabies? Well, in that case, please bestow upon me the wisdom that she blurted out today. Something important about the oil spill? Her thoughts on cancelling space shuttle launches, perhaps? No? Ohhh, she was talking about how sandwiches without bread are really just piles of meat. Well of course she deserves her own show."

    Tyra Banks is like Oprah if she never ate and had a lobotomy. When I heard her show was cancelled, I couldn't have been happier. Even though I never watched one second of that ridiculous show (outside of youtube videos produced to make fun of her), knowing she's off the air somehow makes me feel that there's hope for humanity afterall.
  9. Diablo

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Armpit, NC
    I'll third or forth the Seinfeld. Jebus christ that show blows. It's so ungodly boring and dry that any time I see it I age a good 10 years. There's no one remotely good looking on the show, everyone seems like they are self absorbed pieces of shit on the show and in real life, and they are in no way funny. 'No soup for you?' Really? No shitty TV show for you, bitch.

    I'm gonna go ahead and say that I do not like Lost...not hate, just not like. I stopped watching it after the 3rd season when nothing added up at all and it was just the same shit over and over again. Especially the fucking black smoke shit with the metal grinding sound. What the fuck? I'm sure if I watch the next 68 seasons of it to catch up, then everything will be explained, but all the characters seem like whiny little bitches, so it doesn't really seem worth it. They know where the island is, just fucking leave if it sucks so bad and people are hunting you. And the fucking underground rooms and the button? Fuck. Granted the story line is pretty interesting and how it all interconnects and stuff. We'll see if I get the time to watch the rest of dot away.

    And Everybody Loves Raymond. No, no they don't.

    It's a given that all these fucking reality shows could suck my asshole, so not gonna mention all 5 million of them.
  10. Fernanthonies

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Grey's Anatomy, Desperate Housewives, etc. - I have known so many women that talk like these are the most amazing, dramatic shows ever. News flash, they suck.

    ER - I liked this one at first, but before long it got to be too damned depressing and melodramatic.
  11. NeonWraith

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    Village Idiot

    Mar 13, 2010
    Manchester, England
    Actually, Fez isn't meant to be hispanic. He's supposed to be from somewhere in in India/Pakistan. But anyway.

    I'll agree with both Seinfeld and Everybody Loves Raymond. Both those shows just make me cringe inwardly.

    I'll also agree with any of the Ink shows, partly because it just seems to be really vapid TV to have gone on this long.
  12. kuhjäger

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    So in reply to all the people who don't like Seinfeld, I can understand why.

    If you look at all the posts hating it, with the exception of Diablo, you are all outside of the US. I have found that people outside the US hate Seinfeld, and call it one of the worst shows that they have seen. I am not sure why. Maybe because it was a very American centralized show. Maybe it because they secretly hate Jewish comedians. But mostly because the humor just doesn't ring true to people outside of America, and even in America those away from the city and suburbs hated that show as well.

    Even at times I found it unwitty and alienating, but on the whole I liked it.

    Focus: Anything "Unscripted/reality"
  13. Dmix3

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    In the four-toed statue
    Ghost Hunters, Ghost Adventure, Most Haunted, Paranormal State etc.

    I'm obligated to sit through at least three to four hours of this shit a week thanks to the gf. It's the same formulaic bullshit in EVERY, SINGLE one of them. Get there, set up, wander around the dark, and every thirty seconds say "Did you hear that?", "What was that?".

    I'll let South Park sum it up.

    #13 Dmix3, May 27, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 27, 2015
  14. McSmallstuff

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Nov 18, 2009
    Hmm... I like the show, but we've made it almost an entire page without Scrubs hate? Color me shocked.

    I will throw in on the Seinfeld hate. Especially that whiney ass hat George.

    Thanks to the girlfriend, whom I honestly love, I have seen at least 10 uninterupted minutes of Degrassi. Jesus titty fucking Christ drinking a fetal baby smoothie, how in the hell does anyone stomach that piece of shit show? The acting was bland at best, brain hemmorage enducing at the worst. And didn't we all get over teenagers whining, and completely blowing EVERY problem they have out of preportion, back during Dawsons Creek?

    And how in the hell is Chuck on the brink of termination, when shows like Old Christine, and all fifty thousand incarnations of "Random fuck all unbelievable cop show" still going strong?
  15. Beefy Phil

    Beefy Phil
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Everybody Loves Raymond

    Look at me, I'm a bad father who constantly tries to figure out ways to pawn my kids off on my frustrated wife so I can play golf. When she gets angry at me for my negligent behavior, I act flustered and confused and never. ever. learn my lesson. Over here is my overbearing mother who does nothing but berate and belittle my wife in front of our family. Over there is my father, who berates and belittles my mother in much the same way. And here is my socially impotent brother whose identity is permanently tied to mine through an overwhelming sense of inferiority. To top it all off, there are three little blond-haired Aryan spawn running around our house that don't look anything like me, but what do I know? After all, I'm just Raymond. Apparently, everyone fucking loves me.

    Punch. Stab. Bombs in the throat.
  16. dixiebandit69

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    The asshole of Texas
    Monster Quest, and all similar shows.
    They never find the damn sasquatch/loch ness monster/alien/troll under the bridge. They lead you on the whole time, then as soon as there is about to be some huge revelation, they cut to commercial. In the end, it turns out that the sasquatch was just a hobo living out in the woods, and the loch Ness monster was a log with a Haloween mask stapled to it.
    Or even worse, they don't find anything at all but claim that the creature could still be out there!

    Edit: What the hell, I guess I'll join everyone else. Fuck Seinfeld. Something I always wondered was how the hell Kramer and Jerry could afford apartments in downtown Manhattan. Kramer had no income whatsoever, and Jerry (who claimed to have never had a "real" job) was a damn standup comedian, a profession which is not known for paying well.
  17. caseykasem

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    Emotionally Jaded

    May 6, 2010
    American Idol: Quite possibly the most boring show I've ever seen. The people that I know that watch American Idol talk about it incessantly and act like it's the end of the world if the contestant they like doesn't win. I don't understand America's infatuation with that show and I never will.
  18. downndirty

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Nov 18, 2009
    Entourage. Someone told me it was like Sex and The City for guys, so I watched it. These are the world's biggest douche bags who do not have real problems, thus no real drama. Ari and Johnny are fun to watch, I'll give you that. But a tv show about celebrity parasites can fellate a wood chipper. I hate that show, because it really illustrates the fact that if no one were famous, they would be pizza delivery guys.

    Orange County Choppers. I will give myself a twitch if I try to elaborate on how much I hate that show.
  19. no use for a name

    no use for a name
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    Experienced Idiot

    Nov 4, 2009
    Really? Seriously, really? First of all, what the hell does that have to do with how good a show is? Second of all, have you ever actually seen an episode? Jerry has a new smoking hot girlfriend in every other episode. There are webpages and messageboards all over the interwebz to discuss which of Jerry's girlfriends was the hottest. Teri Hatcher, Debra Messing, Amanda Peete, Christine Taylor, Courtney Cox, Kristin Davis. Those are just the really famous girls that I can think of. The comparatively unknown girls are usually even hotter. Combine Jerry's endless stream of girlfriends with the other random girls that appear in the show for whatever reason, and you have a hot chick in just about every single episode.
  20. Volo

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Dec 9, 2009

    Wife Swap

    Really? I mean, fuckin' really? I can just imagine the execs being fed grapes by the hands of slaves while coming up with this shit.

    "Hey! Why don't we have women abandon their families and switch places, fucking up the lives of these people, for the sake of a few bucks and some screen time? I mean, it wouldn't damage the children or anything, right?

    "No way dude, our mothers were total whores and we turned out just fine. I mean, look at us!"

    "And we'll totally pair up mothers from completely different backgrounds, like hippies and rednecks and it'll be comedy gold!"

    "Holy shit! I blew a load just thinking about it!"

    "Can I see it?"

    "Sure! It'll be a better watch than the fucking show, that's for sure!"