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"I Can't Help It, It Feels Too Good"

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by walt, Oct 5, 2019.

  1. walt

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    I just returned from dropping our sons off at my old high school and for some strange reason a story I remember from my days there came to me.

    Allegedly, one of the school weirdos was caught by a couple people jerking off at the urinal. When they caught him and started laughing, jeering, whatever, he supposedly didn't stop, instead saying, "I can't help it, it feels too good."

    Even then, I doubted it was true, but today as that weird memory came back 25+ years later, it made me think:

    Focus: What is something you do in your life that for whatever reason you sometimes wish you could stop doing, but simply can't because it still brings you some amount of joy?

    Alt. Focus: Is there something you've been tempted to try but are afraid you'll like it so much you'll be instantly hooked?
  2. Juice

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    Moderately Gender Fluid

    Oct 19, 2009
    The fact that your comment doesn’t line up with your focus makes me think you we were the rogue masturbator in your story.

    Focus: I still really enjoy playing video games, even into my 30s. It’s a fun way to unwind after a long week. On Saturday mornings a bunch of us in our 30s hop online and game for a few hours. I actually look forward to it. When our parents were up last I showed them my newly renovated gaming area and my mother-in-law said, “You’re still doing that? Most people grow out of it by now.” Whatever, bitch.

    Alt-Focus: Drugs harder than weed, and even then, I’m not that into it. I have a lot of drug and alcohol addicts on both sides of my family so Ive made a point not to get into anything or really drink all that much because of the possibility of being hooked.
  3. downndirty

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Nov 18, 2009
    Alt focus: Going raw. I did it with one ex, and a few months after we broke up she got knocked up (couldn't get her birth control consistent and paid the price). There's a Patrice O'Neal bit somewhere about if he knew how good it felt at 22, he'd have 40 kids by now. True shit. Condoms 100% of the time, for my own sanity, but...GOD DAMN that was addictive.

    I'm more concerned with things that are mildly habit forming, like coffee. You ever tried to quit coffee? It's fucking impossible. Weed as well, now that it's legal in DC. Weed makes me lethargic, anti-social, and voracious, all things that don't help with depression and weight loss.

    Reddit, or other internet fixes. I think the quality of user-generated content has declined over the past few years, to the point at which I get little actual enjoyment, compared to what I used to. But it's a powerfully deep habit, similar to what I imagine reading the daily paper was like.
  4. walt

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    Yep, I kinda fucked that one up. What I meant was something you know you should stop but can't.

    Focus: For me it's continuing to play in a band. Lugging gear and standing for long periods with an already bad back is a bad mix. Often by the time I get home I'm in a lot of pain. But I know not doing it would leave a hole in my life.