Pretty sure Philalawyer had a blog post and started a thread like this back on the Rudius board. I find it's a fun writing exercise to do every couple years. Quite simply, what do you believe? From my blog: Spoiler I believe that believing anything too strongly is dangerous, and that not all beliefs are equal. I believe that in our most ideal society, people like Chris Brown wouldn't exist, because we would kill them. I believe waking up without an alarm is one of the greatest things in life, being little spoon is ok a third of the time, and from a cleanliness standpoint, sitting down to pee in your own bathroom just makes sense. I believe skating and skiing is the closest we've come to superhero-type flying, except for those people in those flying suits, whom I hate. I believe most girls wear at least 25% too much make up, implants are almost always a bad idea, and no piece of any kind of art will ever be as beautiful as two girls kissing. Also, T < A...
I believe a good portion of why many unhappy people are miserable is inability to control desire or impulse.
I believe that reading the phrase "President [name] ..." in newspaper headlines makes far too much of an impact on the personal happiness of far too great a proportion of the population, regardless of what the ellipsis might contain.
I believe in whiskey, bacon, natural breasts, melted cheese, fast cars, and super-absorbant paper towels. I believe that you are never too old to enjoy waking someone up with a remote control helicopter hovering inches above their face. I believe that no matter what you think about the merits of the Red Bull Stratos project, the guy jumped out of a balloon from the edge of space, broke the sound barrier without a plane or rocket surrounding him, and lived--and that's amazing. I believe in RGIII. I believe that science and religion do nasty things to each other after dark in a basement somewhere. I believe that's called "hate fucking." I believe in love, but not "soul mates." I believe that Stevie Ray Vaughan died way too fucking soon. I believe in Harvey Dent.
I believe that the feeling of needing to pee so badly and finally being able to do so, a feeling so profoundly relieving and amazing that your body shudders, rivals an orgasm though lacking in the mental release and satiation. I believe that the lower midfiff/lower back, when slightly exposed in the right ways is the subtly sexiest part of a woman's body. I believe an acceptance of and lack of disgust with mediocrity leads to more unhappiness than anything else. I believe dreams are the most confusing, wonderful, and terrifying things a human experiences. I believe, regardless of political beliefs, we will all be much happier when this annoying fucking Presidential race is finally over.
I believe that shit happens. I believe that when striking somone in the skull with a wine bottle you should always choose overhand rather than side-arm. More torque. I believe that we are all individuals, and we should get to believe and say what we want. Even if you thought Speed 2: Cruise Control was a good movie, you're entitled to state that. You're extraordinarily wrong, but you still have the right. I believe in complete separation of church and state. Not negotiable. I believe people should get paid for the job they actually do. If you bust your ass and are productive then you deserve to make good money, and every single worker should get a "say".
I believe in self-reliance. No one really gives a fuck about you, except (maybe) your immediate family. I believe the following degrees are worthless outside of academia: Political Science, Philosophy, Sociology, Psychology, History, Economics, Poetry, Women's Studies, and any pseudo-science. Don't hate; I have two of the degrees listed, and they are assuredly worthless. I also believe in the full separation of church and state, but I also believe in God but would be perfectly fine with a society driven primarily by scientific innovation. I believe there is no greater media than the written word. I believe in good red wine. I believe that bacon can make any meal, no matter what it may be, instantly better. I believe money does buy happiness, if not at least stability.
I believe most people are dangerously stupid. I believe in less government and more personal responsibility. I believe we are currently over taxing the strong to subsidise the weak, this is ultimately self destructive. I believe that anyone who chooses blind belief over evidence based observation is contemptible and not worthy of either consideration or attention.
Well of course; that's where you blow your load most of the time (if you're pulling out). Focus: I believe that the government and all agencies associated with it have too much power over our lives. I believe that law enforcement is nothing more than muscle for agencies that extort the working man. I believe that insurance companies are blood sucking, shit eating, vomit licking, corpse sodomizing, bottom feeding scumfucks. I believe that everyone should shut the fuck up about their religion. I believe that there are way too many electronics on cars these days. I believe that people are too fat these days. I believe that sleep is the biggest waste of mine or anyone else's time ever.
I believe all organized religion is rooted in the same core principles, billions have died over semantics. I believe those opposing gay marriage would've also hated the Civil Rights Movement. I believe that lobbyists are one of the lowest scum on the planet. Special interests mock the constitution. I believe cannabis will be legal within a US state in a month and will have a showdown with the Feds. I believe the Feds will win. I believe education does not stop after graduation.
I believe the culture we live in is inherently toxic and we would all benefit from dismantling it and rebuilding it from scratch. I believe that anyone who relies on 'the system' to have their best interests at heart is either not particularly bright or appallingly naive. I believe that hard work is its own reward, and it should be complemented by extreme hedonism. I believe that art and science can uplift humanity as a whole. I believe travel is a critical part of being a well-rounded person. Increasingly I believe that happiness is found in giving something back to society, even if you don't particularly like society. I believe waking up next to someone you love is the best feeling in the world. Especially if its followed by morning sex.
I believe that our nation is growing apart more and more, and I believe this is one hundred percent the fault of the media I believe that for-profit news networks are the worst thing to happen to this country, even moreso than money in politics I believe that most people live in a bubble, hearing only what they want, and actively dismissing anything they don't as lies I believe that the vast majority of Republicans view Democrats as evil, and the vast majority Democrats view all Republicans as evil, and both are wrong I believe empathy is dead I believe that the news is more interested in scaring you (i.e. "so-and-so will be the WORST PRESIDENT EVER!" or "so-and-so will DESTROY AMERICA!") more than informing you, and therefore if that is where you get your information, you are grossly misinformed I believe in Cognitive Dissonance, and if you disagree, feel free to actually pay attention to our politicians and pundits I believe that if you can summarize anyone's political leanings in a picture or single sentence, you're doing it wrong I believe, at the end of the day, I don't give a fuck what your politics are. That is why there are curtains on voting booths I believe that nothing is sacred, and I will make jokes about absolutely everything I believe that it is bullshit if any motherfucking words are censored, and people who censor are cunts I believe organized religion is silly, but I also believe I am a hypocrite and will attend church on Sundays I believe that no one should give a flying fuck what I believe I believe teachers are, generally, underpaid and over blamed for the problems of kids I believe the above is due to increasingly shitty parents who refuse to take responsibility for their own children I believe I could do this for days, but again, I also believe no one should care for a minute what I believe
I believe that a house isn't a home without a pet. I believe that print media is infinitely better than digital media. I believe that there is a spiritual aspect to our world, but that no one religion has figured it out yet. I believe that a lot of life is powered by luck, and that some people have more of it than others. I believe that we don't entirely cease to exist after we die, but I haven't figured out many details about that yet. I believe that some things are just shitty, and that not everything happens for a reason. I believe in myself, and that I'm going to do great things throughout my life. I believe in the healing powers of art, travel, chocolate, retail therapy, regular therapy. I believe that happiness is essentially about balance. I believe in the idea of soul mates, but in a broader sense. It doesn't have to be romantic, or for life, but I believe that certain people come into your life at certain times to help you grow in different ways.
I believe that having diverse media has opened up the possibilities of more voices being heard, unlike three networks and two newspapers per city as it used to be. In that same respect, plus 800 channels, I believe that most people have been outed in their willingness to be challenged by ideas. Laziness in thought is harder to accept when we have so many more opportunities. I believe there are no more idiots now than there were 10, 20, or umpteen hundred years ago. It's just easier for us to pick them out.
I believe that at the end of a hard day at work there is nothing better than a beer and a blow job. I believe that old dogs are the best, they are better than your friends and family, better than any sport, way better than a puppy. There is nothing better in this world than the loyalty and patience of a good old dog.
I believe that we are no closer to societal meltdown than we were 10, 20, 50, 100 years ago. Apply this most specifically to percentage of idiots in the general population and incidence of premarital sex. I believe that if you don't like dogs, I shouldn't trust you. 'Sup, father-in-law. I believe monogamy may not be the be-all, end-all. But I also believe that if you go around preaching that monogamy is dead, you're kind of a douche. I believe in free speech, but don't act so fucking surprised if I'm not a huge fan of your racist statements. I believe in Santa, Disney, and Hallmark holidays. The companies behind them can go fuck themselves for all I care, but the rest of us can still enjoy the excuse for a little happiness and innocence. I believe in cheese, chocolate, and alcoholic beverages.