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I am the Law!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by downndirty, Jan 12, 2012.

  1. Kampf Trinker

    Kampf Trinker
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    That's cool. I'll make my own country and name it after my username. We might occasionally raid your borders for women and supplies. If you decide to make war on us, we'll solve the problem by actively ignoring it.


    Attached Files:

  2. suapyg

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    Oct 19, 2009
    That does seem to be the chosen method of solving the country's problems, yes.
  3. Hoosiermess

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Jun 2, 2010
    2. Only if you're a legal immigrant, any others are flogged and force marched home. Fuck you get out of our country. If you're here to study (visa for time in school, plus the option to stay) or work (we'll roll with the mexican standard, proof of financial responsibility) then ok; you're probationary. (masters or higher? I can't disagree as long as its not in literature or some other completely worthless field).

    Health care? REALY??? Get a job. I've heard they offer that. You know because that's a benefit. If you can't get a job you might want to do some soul searching because something is wrong...with you.

    Limits on procreation. Marginal. The earth is close to over population. There are studies that suggest that you need a 2.1 rating (i've been drinking, I might look this up later) to sustain a civilization. And while I would rather countries that have decent (and by this I mean industrialized nations) populations lead the charge I recognize those that have nothing other to do than fuck and cash in on other nations donations (I'm looking at you Africa, Pakistan, and others) are the one's procreating like its the national pastime. I do think, as I believe Scootah mentioned there should be a test or certification before people can procreate. I also think if those that pass said certification don't choose to have children that certification should be passed to someone else, a lottery, who may not have passed. Let's face it, I'd rather deal with first world hillbillys than third world assholes anyday.
  4. StayFrosty

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Apr 4, 2010
    Or, you know, you could stop turning threads into your personal fucking soapbox. Now there's a crazy thought.
  5. suapyg

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    Oct 19, 2009
    Do you realize you're making a point that would be perfectly valid in just about any other thread I've ever posted in, but you're making it in a thread that is actually calling for every poster to make it their personal fucking soapbox?

    Luckily, I've made it illegal for you to ever go outside again.
  6. goodlife23

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 19, 2009
    Some of these ideas appear smart on the surface but are short-sighted.

    Term limits are a bad idea, at least for every office lower than president, for a bunch of reasons. First, it prevents legislators from gaining experience in how to be effective in crafting policy and passing legislation. An elected who has years of experience will know the issues better and know how to get stuff done. Also, while I know the prevailing thought is all elected officials are morons and scum, there are in fact many quality ones who actually do good work. The thing is, a lot of good policy takes years to implement. What motive would smart people have of entering government if they aren't given enough time to implement change? Also, term limits take away the voters' carrot to ensure their reps are working for them. If the reps don't have to worry about re-election, they have less incentive to work for their constituents. They may simply be looking towards what position they can hold next instead. Now, if the terms were lengthened, or we said legislators get 15 years in office, with elections every 3 years, I'd be ok with that.

    My alternative to term limits is to pass laws that create greater competition in elections. Studies show that when there are legitimate campaigns, voter turnout increases. But the current system allows incumbents to accrue vast war chests to easily defeat any challenger. Usually, the parties ensure the incumbent never faces a primary. Gerrymandering is a HUGE issue that ensures incumbents stay in their seats. So my law is more of a general law that requires many parts. Essentially its:

    Election Reform- This includes campaign finance reform, including public financing of elections (which is generally successful in NYC), which gets money completely out of politics. I think you do this, a lot of the other laws people want but can't seem to get finally fall into place ( I mean, c'mon. 75% of the population supported a public option, yet the insurance lobby successfully removed it from the Affordable Care Act!) This also includes banning gerrymandering and creating independent redistricting. Politicians shouldn't choose their voters; voters should choose their politicians.

    That's really the most important thing I would do; and universal healthcare would be nice.

    Also, if you want to require voters to pass a civics test, then you better figure out education reform. I don't think it's fair for the government to restrict voting rights based on a poor education they were responsible for providing. It also disenfranchises the poor as they are more likely to receive a poorer education than the rich.
  7. Nicole

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 21, 2009
    The Honorable Dragonlady cedes the floor to the Honorable Crazy Gentleman from Oz
    Mandatory sentencing for felonies: felons shall be classified by crime, and placed into giant Thunderdome structures in TX/NM/AZ along with their cohorts. Basic life necessities will be provided, otherwise felons will be left to survive amongst their own...murderers with murderers, rapists with rapists, etc.

    Compulsory civic/military service
    All natural born citizens between the ages of 18-21 and naturalized citizens within the first 2 years of residency in the US are mandated to spend 4 years in the US military, and/or a combination of civil service, consisting of orientation to: municipal govt, women's shelters, animal shelters, USDA slaughterhouses, elementary schools, and alcohol and drug rehabilitation centers.

    Short-term, meet Long-term
    All decisionmakers will be forced to live with the long term effects of their decisions, and all negative externalities associated with profit making will need to be calculated into the expenses of the profit makers. I don't know how to make this happen, so a smart policy wonk will develop the necessary policy.
  8. JoeCanada

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    Edmonton, AB
    You forgot "Law #5: Get off my lawn."
  9. Disgustipated

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    Gold Coast, Australia
    (Bear in mind these laws are for a society in which universal welfare and healthcare is already provided)

    1. You may only vote if you are "contributing" to society. For example: you pay taxes, you employ people, you voluntarily work at a charity, you are actively raising children and so forth. In other words, if you sit on your ass and do nothing - you don't get a say in running the country.

    2. All prisoners are required to perform some form of work during their custody. The income from this is used to pay the cost of their incarceration. Above a certain amount, they may keep the excess and this is used to pay for anything they want above the bare necessities. Consequently, all prisoners only receive the bare necessities unless paid for.

    3. Objective, performance based criteria for remuneration of politicians and bureaucrats.

    4. All laws must be written in accordance with the "reasonable person" test, instead of the current "lowest common denominator" test. Stupidity is no longer a defence, nor a reason to change regulations.
  10. Aribidi

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 24, 2009
    Seriously, we're still doing this? Every time a thread like this comes up, people immediately charge in with the whole 'IQ-tests for would-be parents, unhealthy people should pay more and dumb people can't vote'-spiel. It's not that these rules aren't practical (it's a hypothetical thread on the Idiot Board so we're just shooting the shit) or whether I agree with them (I don't, just to be clear. They're at best stupid, at worst they're reprehensible), it's just that these rules we always come up with have become such a cliché. Ten years ago these remarks were funny and edgy, time to think of something new. This thread makes me laugh about the rules that are meant to be funny. But some of those that are meant to be serious kind of scare me.

    I would like to make up some rules about legalising weed and hookers, but that's already been done over here.
  11. Sam N

    Sam N
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Cars would only be allowed in rural areas, or "drive zones," and would have to be registered to addresses in these areas. All relatively urban areas would be "no drive zones," and would in the implementation of this law beef up current public transportation services exponentially while working to overhall the whole infrastructure (i.e. build metro systems, perhaps rapid transit lines, I don't know, fancy new stuff to get around neatly).

    You don't like hauling groceries on the bus? Look at that, now there is a demand for neighborhood markets.
  12. Sam N

    Sam N
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009

    "You guys aren't funny. I'd like to be funny.... Be funny now guys! No Stupid Scary!"
  13. Dcc001

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    New Bitch On Top

    Oct 19, 2009
    Sarnia, Ontario
    1. Institute the death penalty. I think to implement this effectively, there has to be a new classification for 'guilty' that takes into consideration present social media. There is "guilty beyond reasonable doubt before a jury of your peers," and then there are some crimes like when Vince Li killed Tim McLean and ate his heart in front of everyone, where the sheer number of witnesses and people with cell phone cameras precludes the idea that the person is anything but responsible. It is for THESE cases that I am suggesting the death penalty.

    2. Legalize drugs and prostitution and tax the living shit out of them. Just like T0m88 said.

    3. Have a two-tiered health system. Our present system is broken beyond repair, and it is almost impossible to get effective, timely health care in this country - unless you know someone in the system. I want my GP to be as compassionate, available and helpful as my dentist, chiropractor and veterinarian. For that to happen now, I need to go to America. Time to keep it within this country.

    I'm stuck for a fourth. Part of me wants to get rid of public insurance - it's nothing but a fucking shakedown. Part of me wants to make licensing/insurance federal, so that when you move provinces you don't have to shell out hundreds of dollars just to redo everything. Then again, I could make harming an animal a crime punishable with 20 years of jail time. Given my nature, though, it might be a good idea to bring corporal punishment into the system. Instead of 20 years, 20 lashes with a cane...hmm...decisions, decisions.
  14. jordan_paul

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    Oct 26, 2009
    Binbrook, Ontario
    What about, electricians, plumbers, fitters, HVAC guys and anyother trade that requires the use of a fully stocked and tooled service truck or van to go from building to building fixing stuff? Sound pretty hard to get all that on a bus in a urban neighbourhood eh hippy? Then who would pay for the extra time spent travelling and haulling tools and materials on these busses? The conusmers, that's who. So essentially you're going to raise the cost of goods and servces for everybody in this already screwed up economy? Get real hippy.
  15. Pinkcup

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 22, 2009
    Steel City
    OR there's an exemption for people whose jobs require daily travel with large-ish amounts of tools/materials. The essence of his law is the same, but obviously there are those whose circumstances dictate special treatment.

    But by all means, please continue to denigrate his fabulous idea (and truly, it IS a fabulous idea) and call him a "hippy."

    Law: Uncharitable assumptions, blatant stupidity, and disproportionately high levels of dickery on the Internet cost you bandwidth.
  16. dubyu tee eff

    dubyu tee eff
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    Thinks he has a chance with Christina Hendricks...

    Oct 25, 2009
    This is among the dumbest things I've ever read on the internet, which is saying a lot. Can you give me any good reason why a person born in a America, or any other first-world country, deserves priority access to all the good things available in a first world country? Do you realize that where you a born is an accident of birth? That is, you did NOTHING do deserve any of the privileges that come with being born American? Can you come up with any reason why this is good or fair? "Fuck you get out of our country"? What exactly makes it your country, asshole? What makes an American any more worthy of receiving government support than a Mexican? Further, do you have any idea how hard it is to get a visa to work or study here? Do you have any idea how hard it is to get a green card? Are you capable of any rationalization towards why the process should be so difficult?

    And then you go on to criticize people who don't have health care. This is just special. Have you heard we are in a recession and getting a job with good benefits is difficult? It's been going on for a couple of years now. In good times, the unemployment rate was 4.5% and in the peak of the recession it was above 9%. If something is wrong with the people who don't have a job, why did that value change so suddenly? Did those 4.5% of people who are now unemployed cause the recession? Are you sure it is entirely their fault they don't have a job.

    Then you take an even more incredible path and make judgements on people procreating. After all the stupidity you crammed into a couple of paragraphs, it is laughable that you think you can judge who should and shouldn't procreate. First of all, you know nothing about overpopulation. I'd suggest you first try to define overpopulation before deciding whether or not it is occurring. I doubt you are capable of this. You also, very clearly, know nothing about population dynamics because you think there is some sort of relationship between receiving foreign aid and procreation rates. Let me assure you, none exists. I don't even know which part of your ass you pulled this out of. It's so stupid that it is legitimately difficult to respond to. Don't worry about having to deal with "third-world assholes." I can tell by the way you write and think that you have never traveled to a third world country, and have zero plans to do so in the future.

    Seriously dude, you're an entitled retard. Please don't post again until you get smarter and more humble.
  17. Aetius

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    1) Create a massive database of extremely complex and in depth logic puzzles. At every election, every citizen who wishes to vote is given a randomly selected puzzle from the database, and can only vote if they solve it correctly by the end of election day.

    2) In the event of pandemic, those who have willfully abstained from vaccination (not those too young/old or with compromised immune systems, but the "I don't wanna" crowd) will be used in the human trials of any vaccine developed to combat the pandemic.

    3) The 43% of Americans who believe that Tebow is benefited by divine intervention must gather at Gilette Stadium every year and say "Jesus Christ is a lie" while Bill Belichick drinks the blood of a calf.

    4) All marketing is banned. Advertisement is still allowed, but public executions of those convicted of marketing will force the others to toe the line.
  18. toytoy88

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    Alone in the dark, drooling on himself

    Oct 20, 2009
    The fucking desert. I hate the fucking desert.
    Get rid of those idiotic Gun by back Programs:

    Seriously, do you think the gang bangers are going to give up their firearms for pennies on the dollar?

    I've got a much better idea...a Gun give away program. Give every gang banger a loaded gun and turn them loose with target accuistion training. They'll kill the fuck out of each other and miss the rest of us with their high powered stupidity.

    Yeah, I know that's a dumb idea, but in rough theory it's pretty...wishful thinking.
  19. scootah

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    New mod

    Oct 21, 2009
    You people are almost as funny as athlete's foot. The thread is to talk about what four retarded laws you'd make. Not to bitch about the fact that other people making laws are stupid. Quit arguing about who's imaginary laws are stupider and be funny, or at the very least, on focus.
  20. Gravitas

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    somewhere vaguely rapey
    1. You are rationed three exclamation points each year. For extras you must submit a 20 page paper written with an eagle feather quill that you harvested yourself using virgin's blood as ink. You can use your own blood, so young people have it a bit easier. The paper will be judged by a panel of 7 published authors. A majority vote decides if the exclamation point is allowed.

    If you fail to do the above and use another exclamation point you will receive a henna tattoo on your forehead in one of the following variations based on how many offenses you have committed:

    I am overly dramatic.

    I thought my inanity would excite you.

    My life is series of mundane coincidences that I must hype the shit out of so that I can convince myself that I have some semblance of relevance in this cold, dark, lonely, world.

    2. If you want to watch reality television you must publicly wear a patch with the name/logo/insignia of that show. So NASCAR mixed with Nazi Germany. If you fail to comply with this law you will be forced to wear the patches of the shows that you yourself abhor.

    3. Any parent who does not attempt to control their child in public when said child is acting like a shithead will receive the punishment that the child would if he/she were 18. Your kid is randomly pushing over cans of food on a shelf and you ignore him to debate what kind of salad dressing you want to compliment your shitty existence? Wal-Mart will now treat you as if you did just that.

    4. Hollywood will not be allowed to make any prequels or sequels for the next 100 years. This will not solve the problem of them making terrible movies, but at least they will be different terrible movies.