Crapcrapcrapcrapcrap: So, this may put a hamper on some of my weekend plans (I know it won't hit till late Sunday/early Monday, but there will still be bad weather beforehand), being as tomorrow is supposed to be the 5th Annual Redneck Regatta river-floating trip with my buddies. Oh well, I guess I can use the beer money to buy generators and bourbon instead. I'm not even going to get into the whole storm surge+oil spill fiasco that will undoubtedly occur. I'm just sad that I might not get to wear the awesome jorts that I made.
Trust me on this one: Stranahan's Colorado Whiskey. I'm usually a Booker's kind of guy, and will sometimes swill Wild Turkey if things get tight, but this is by far and away the best shit I have had. Bar none. It's a little pricey, and its only 2.5 years old, but the flavor profile is amazing. I could put it on my cheerios. But I wouldn't do that. I don't eat cheerios. That being said, I should be inebriated by 1, decently drunk by 4 and I am aiming at blacking out before the sun goes down. It's been a bad week.
What? I didn't realize coonasses needed a reason to wear jorts. Even trips to Wal-Mart warrant that kind of attire, right? In other news, I turn 22 tomorrow. I will be smoking myself silly after knocking back a shot or 12 of tequila. Might be getting birthday sex and free alcohol brought to me. Woo! And all these festivities start tonight and roll through tomorrow. Gotcha covered. (Have we done this one already? I have no idea. Note to Chater: make a list or something and post it somewhere, so we can keep track of themes we've done.)
Can the theme be oil and water? Like, suntan oil and water . . . Or, the rescue of beautiful creatures from the sea?
I'm not the fire-water connoisseur that BD is, but for whatever it's worth, straight Jim Beam has served me well. I used to fucking hate brown liquor, but Beam changed that. A year in the dorms with a full-blooded Irish guy will broaden one's alcohol horizons quickly. This is a man who once told me, "There are three types of beer: stout, lager, and piss."
Mix it? Fuckin' pussy. Neat or on the rocks, the only two ways to drink a proper bourbon. If you are drinking regular, mass market stuff, fine, add a splash, but if it is craft, why ruin it? There are way, way too many commas in that last sentence.
It depends on how much money I have. If I'm drinking good stuff, its going to be Knob Creek, Basilhaydens, Bookers, Woodford Reserve, or something similar. I drink this stuff on the rocks or chilled straight up. For 90% of the rest of the time, I drink either Old Charter or Eeeeevhan Williams. These have to be drank (Drunk? Drinkened?) out of tall styrofoam cups either with Sprite or pressed. Eeeeeee-Vahn is actually not that bad. Once you get used to it. Better than the other $20 handles out there. I've actually never worn or owned a pair of jorts. I was kinda looking forward to rocking some out. I cut them extra short and everything!
On the bourbon note, Eagle Rare is fantastic. One of the most complex tasting bourbons I've had. Knob Creek and Makers Mark are also often in my liquor cabinet at home. I'm going to a wedding tomorrow that will (unfortunately) have a cash bar. I'm going to scope out what they've got to serve, but I'm thinking that no matter what, bourbon will be involved--and probably tequila, too. Edit: On the rocks. Never mix the good stuff.
Re: mixers. I'm on board with what everyone's said so far. Then again, I prefer all my liquor straight. I can't stand mixers. Seems to be subtraction by addition, to me. Rum and coke just ends up making both taste bad, y'know?
What about tequila? I have never said to myself after a tequila shot "That was a good idea." And I personally hate the taste, so I buy the cheapest stuff I can find. I'm talking Montezuma brand tequila in a plastic bottle. Is Patron or Cabo Wabo really worth the extra dime?
A shot of either wont make you flinch like cheap tequila does. It goes down smooth. Kinda like stong citrus flavored water. But the night will end the same. You will puke. Your friends will fight. Someone will hook up with someone elses girl friend. Kittens will die. etc.
I've never once taken a shot of tequila without immediately saying, "Who's got the next round?" I love tequila, and I'm only scared of it because--for me, anyway--it is so damn easy to drink. While I try not to go overboard, I could easily slam 10 shots of it without blinking. Doesn't matter if it's Cuervo or Patron. The problem is that it doesn't really sneak up on you. One minute you're standing having a conversation as your normal eloquent and charming self. The next, you're drooling and using a barstool as a walker. The best tequila I've ever had was bought at a duty free on my way back from Puerto Vallarta. The woman said that it's not exported to the United States and was willing to give me a taste. It was amazing, you could drink it like water. San Augustine was the name, I think.
They may be the worst thing unleashed upon to the world by MTV, but there ain't nothing wrong with looking at them: NSFW As to the rest of the topics: Mixers: if you have to mix, you're probably using cheap booze. And cheap booze is a false economy. That said, where does one draw the line between a mixer and a cocktail? A vodka and tonic is superior to the sum of its parts in so many ways that I will not stand to see its name tarnished. Vodka, lemon slice, and a splash of tonic. Oh god yes. And I actually quite like this Ketel One stuff here. Bourbon: I prefer Scotch. I have a bottle of Knob Creek in my booze cabinet and the 50% alcohol makes it way too strong to not at least add some ice, and I don't much care for the corn flavour. That said, it is nice for studying with. Tequila: I've drank tequila, and even did a shot of it once, but I have never been tequila drunk. And as someone trained in the pharmacological arts I am sceptical as to the claims of one particular kind of liquor imparting a certain kind of drunk for reasons other than the amount of alcohol drank, or societal expectations of said alcohol.
Yeah, but there's not many bourbons I can get up here. Knob Creek, Woodford Reserve, and Maker's Mark are pretty much it.
No ammount of training can teach you what experiencing it first hand can (and will). Go get a bottle of tequila, and split it between you and two other friends. Do the same thing the next night with whiskey, and I guarantee you night one will be 2-3x as crazy.
Agreed. It's fucking embarassing to be part of this mixer generation. The line between a mixer and a cocktail? Gin and tonic, whiskey and a splash of water, etc. are cocktails. Jack and coke, rum and coke, screwdrivers, "faderade", etc. are mixers. To me, my grandfather and his brother are the kings of booze. Some would call them old school, I just call them a men who drink like men and drink good booze. My personal rule: if my grandfather wouldn't order or buy it I won't either. I will however drink pretty much anything if it's free. Me too. It doesn't matter what my friends and I are getting shitfaced off of on a particular evening. The vodka nights are the same as the whiskey nights which are the same as the tequila nights. They're all wild and somehow we always find a fight and try to pull some ass. God bless alcohol.
It's about to start rainin' oil. Put a pan on the porch and you'll have gas for a month. Yee-haw! I just realized that I'm so out of touch with MTV that I don't even know who their latest ass-clowns are. This makes me happy inside.
I usually drink Makers only at weddings, because they don't have scotch. But I do like it because I find it's pretty similar in taste to scotches I like. I just had some Johnny Gold last night and highly recommend it. The only problem is that it's almost TOO smooth.