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Huh, I didn't know that

Discussion in 'All-Star Threads' started by McDermott, Nov 18, 2009.

  1. McDermott

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    Average Idiot

    Nov 17, 2009
    I would doubt that anyone remembers me from the other board since I didn't post much.

    In elementary school, the top and bottom 5 percentiles for intelligence of the cohort were placed into separate classes. I was in the bottom five percentile for 2 years as a child. I didn't know my multiplication tables and could barely write a sentence.
  2. Kratos

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    St. Paul, MN
    I think I may have mentioned this before on RMMB, but I am a youth hockey coach. I have been a head coach for any level from Squirts to Junior Gold. I'm also 25, have no kids and am single, so I have no outside interest in why I do it other than my love of hockey. It's strictly volunteer and I invest hundreds of dollars into it each year in gas, hotel rooms, and equipment. Also, I just love to see the kids progress in their skills and who they are as people as they try to find their identities. I had great coaches growing up who really made a great impact on me; so this is one thing I really take pride in saying that I do.

    I am/was also a really good golfer. I used to be a scratch, or close to, in High School and could have probably played college golf if it weren't for the fact I would have had to pay DIII private school rates for tuition. I have been on the course a lot, enough to have my nose shattered by a ball that was shanked off a 5-iron (from 5-10 yards away).
  3. Dcc001

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    New Bitch On Top

    Oct 19, 2009
    Sarnia, Ontario
    I have an intense dislike of heights. I don't mind being up high if there's no chance I can fall (like in a building), but being on the edge of something makes the palms of my hands sweat and the bottoms of my feet tingle. Actually, just thinking about heights does this.

    Normally this wouldn't be a problem, but I design roof systems for a living. You know, like trusses and stuff. So when I get a call from site asking me to come and have a look, it pretty much means I bring someone else with me. Ironic, yes.
  4. LindseyBluth

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    Average Idiot

    Oct 21, 2009
    Twin Cities, MN
    I have a first degree black belt in Taekwondo. I was involved in it from elementary school through high school. I hated it and wanted to quit, but my parents forced me to join and then made me stay in it since quitting is bad.

    I took dance lessons for 15 years. Tap, pointe (ballet), and jazz. I was actually pretty good since I enjoyed it and tried hard. I am terribly uncoordinated, but for some reason I have rhythm.

    I have a BA in Psychology. Ha ha ha ha... Yeah, I'm probably never going to use it unless I go back to school for my master's and I'm sort of schooled-out.

    I got married in a short wedding dress. I'm non-traditional like that.
  5. Blue Dog

    Blue Dog
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    Absentee Mod

    Oct 19, 2009
    South Louisiana
    I won my school's Geography Bee in 7th Grade. I used to be smrt!

    I played the tenor sax for 2 years in jr high, was given "Best Student" Award, and quit the next day because it conflicted with basketball to much. Oh, and I played AAU basketball for 4 years with a couple of guys who are now in the NFL and won a national championship with them.

    I played soccer growing up until I got to high school (school wouldn't let you play both soccer and basketball because of schedule conflicts), but won a state championship when I was 12 and was named the tournament MVP.

    I played 1-AA football (I refuse to call it FCS), have three conference championship rings, and coached one summer at the Manning Passing Academy.

    I won the "Honestly and Integrity" award my senior year of high school.

    But the thing I am most proud of: I am an official member of the "I Took A Poo At Ernest Hemingway's House" Club.
  6. BaseballGuyCAA

    Expand Collapse
    Average Idiot

    Oct 19, 2009
    I play the French horn semi-professionally, and in the university wind band. I've been playing since I was eight years old.

    I am a member of the student senate at my university. A month ago, I co-sponsored legislation to get Sharps containers installed in restrooms in every building on campus. Currently, I am fighting my ass off against the all-campus smoking ban that seems inevitable.

    My first job was as a Little League umpire. I did it for five years. Depending on what my primary job is this summer, and when I'm working, I may look into doing it again.

    I can't whistle or snap my fingers. Dozens of people have tried to teach me. I just can't do it.
  7. Supertramp

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    I'm a stand-up comedian, but you wouldn't be able to tell that by my posting record I bet. I'm also a scriptwriter on the verge of getting picked up, big *crossing fingers*.
  8. PrimaryDisorder

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    Village Idiot

    Nov 4, 2009
    -I read alot of poetry. My two favorite poets are Charles Bukowski and Steve Richmond. I also collect rare publications and broadside poems from both.
    -I never graduated high school and completed my GED tests in one day the following year. I was high on speed.
    -I like to collect west coast grindcore and power-violence vinyl records from the 90s.
    -I worked for Google at the Mountain View campus under contract for two weeks and was fired for falling asleep on the job.
    -Every time I get in a fistfight with someone whether I win or lose, I always go somewhere alone to vomit. I'm a big guy who never backs down, but I hate fighting.
    -I'm a felon with a drug possession charge and used to sell drugs for a living. Mainly meth and heroin.
    -I am a self-taught expert with lockpicks and can get into practically anything locked with relative ease.
    -I use mouthwash in the shower.
  9. Samr

    Expand Collapse
    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    I am a male, I work in daycare administration, and I am not gay.

    I know, shocking right?

    Started out as a teacher then worked at the front desk in various capacities. Now I'm doing more behind-the-scenes stuff, getting us ready to go into franchising. I do all their major editing, helped design the website, some marketing, and write a lot of the formal outgoing materials. But I wouldn't be in it if I didn't love the people I work with, or the reason we all show up to work in the first place.

    I also wrote a book, had an agent for about half a year, but recently cut the contract for a variety of reasons including the fact I have to focus more on work. Also, I've planned out a significant improvement on the original manuscript, and I believe when it comes time to sell it, that I'll be able to better than my current setup.

    Used to run x-country, broke my back doing it, and now bike as time permits. I'm almost finished with my BA in public speaking, getting married this summer, and I have the worst medical luck of anyone you have ever met.
  10. Sicnevol

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    Oct 22, 2009
    I'm a HUGE nerd. I've got an online subscription to the Oxford English Dictionary because I love Historical Linguistics. Did you know the first recorded use of dirt was in a context that meant shit? I Did.

    I got first place in the State Science Fair in High School.
    I can read a topographical map.
    I do amateur archaeology.
    I can read Latin.
    I usually joke that I'd make a great 19th Century man.

    I hate it when I can't see the stars at night, I'll never be able to live in a large city.

    Elevators scare the shit out of me. I'm in a box hanging by a cable in a shaft. Makes my skin crawl. I have to use them though because with the gimp heart I can't climb more then 1 or 2 flights at a time.

    I don't like being higher up then two or three floors in a building. I can do it when I have to and maintain, but I don't like too.

    I've had my chest cracked 3 times, and multiple other operations.
    I've spent so much time in the ER the nurses and doctors know me by name.
  11. effinshenanigans

    Expand Collapse
    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Next week I'm going to become the editor of a major publication for the blind and visually impaired.
  12. JC62

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    I have six children ranging in age from 26 to 4.

    I think I might be older than Toytoy

    I own a manufacturing company

    I made CT Allstate choir my freshman year of high school as a tenor and my senior year as a baritone
  13. Tyty

    Expand Collapse
    Average Idiot

    Oct 19, 2009
    I was on the rowing national team (junior), got 4th place at nationals in college, spent eight years of my life dedicated to the sport, and left it completely behind to train to fight (even though I have never been in a fight).

    Once I went to band camp, for choir, and though I told everyone that my mom sent me against my will, I really wanted to go. Still I think I have a good voice, but I never really get a chance to sing.
  14. Crown Royal

    Crown Royal
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    Just call me Topher

    Oct 31, 2009
    London, Ontario
    -I know more about music and movies than just anybody I have ever met, period. I've probably won over 100 radio contests, most of them involved with pop culture which I'm virtually unstumpable at. I've won lots of concert tickets, free parties thrown at my house, a beautiful sunburst yellow-red coloured Les Paul II guitar (..and I should be shot for because I STILL have not learned to play, but it looks so fucking awesome hanging up in our living room), etc. My latest win was a Big Rock Brewery beer commerical writing contest, which I won a $1000 backyard barbecue party (including free AAA Alberta steaks, unlimited beer and drinks, appetizers and fire-roasted pizza for 15 people).

    -For 5'10", I have a huge fucking head (though it doesn't actually look it). Seriously, it's 26" around. You know something's big when you take the time to measure it.

    -I hate talking on the phone. I FUCKING HATE it. If I'm on the phone for literally more than twenty seconds, I'll start making totured faces and thinking up lies to end the conversation. I honestly cannot fathom why anyone enjoys talking on those stupid things for hours on end about nothing interesting whatsoever. Yes, they are a necessary tool in life, but so is HAVING a life, and you don't have one when you're on the phone all the goddamn time.

    -My only fear are wasps and hornets. I don't know why. I am not allergic, and I can handle their painful sting, but they give me the heebie-jeebies like none other. I have ran around the ledge of a fifty story building, I have jumped off the highest bungee bridge in the world, I have picked a fight with a guy who was the size of Lawrence Taylor and (my some miracle) beat him, and I have even sat through the entire duration of Varisty Blues without killing everyone in the theatre (not an easy task) but I will run away like a little sissy girl when these things are around.
  15. McDermott

    Expand Collapse
    Average Idiot

    Nov 17, 2009
    So how did it feel being on Maury?

    #15 McDermott, Nov 18, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 27, 2015
  16. Hello

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    Village Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    I have a song on iTunes.

    No, I'm not going to tell you what it is.
  17. Nettdata

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    Mr. Toast

    Feb 14, 2006
    When I was in high school in the mid-80's, I was part of a band that had your typical parachute pants, mullets, and wireless guitar solos. We were a bit of a metal band, with some strange Howard Jones kind of vibe. We regularly covered tunes by Iron Maiden and Black Sabbath, and our band was named after a Maiden album. My nickname was RMS, as in I was the chubby guitar player who oh-so-badly wanted to be Eddie Van Halen. FYI, RMS == "Round Mound of Sound". I was awesome at guitar, in the "all of our knobs go to 11" kind of way.

    Anyway, we actually managed to call in a few favours and scrape up enough cash to cut an EP with the 2 songs we thought were not too bad.

    6 months later we got a call from some promoter who wanted to take us touring in the Netherlands, as our single had made it to #2 on the radio play list. We thought we'd hit the big time, and were so incredibly pumped to go out on tour.

    It was the big time!

    Unfortunately, none of our parents would let us.

    It was probably for the best.

    EDIT: And I am so fucking happy that we were doing this in the pre-internet, pre-youtube, pre-cel phone days, and that there are next to no records of this ever happening. I do have a copy of the EP, but don't even have a record player to play it on any more. This is a much more tolerable history when remembered fondly from memory, rather than from guaranteed horror of actual photographic or video evidence.
  18. shegirl

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    Redemption Seeking Whore

    Oct 19, 2009
    I had never broke a bone in my body until my recent foot/now broken toe incident with the buttend of a beer bottle. I have however, twisted, turned, sprained and jammed just about everything, more than once.

    I played sports my entire school career. Volleyball, basketball and softball. Note, I absolutely sucked it up on the softball field, so much so I quit, probably before they would have benched me.

    Outside a couple months with a temp service, I have only had 3 real jobs my entire life. I am a creature of habit and hate change.

    I used to be a rocker. I owned a 1971 Pontiac Ventura that was banana yellow, had fatties on the back and air shocks. I cried the day the new owner drove it away.

    I have sang in a band. I play no musical instrument but I tried the flute. Like softball, I sucked.

    I have been a dog owner my entire life. Dogs rule.
  19. Dmix3

    Expand Collapse
    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    In the four-toed statue
    I'm a published poet.

    I can recite every episode title of every episode of LOST in chronological order starting with season 1. You can also shout a season and episode number, i.e. Season 1 Episode 4 - Walkabout.

    I have autographed pictures of Sean Connery, Stephen King, and Kane Hodder...he played Jason Voorhees in Friday the 13th parts 7, 8, 9 and X.

    I saw the original TMNT movie in the theater 8 times, I can still recite the lyrics to the rap Turtle Power on the soundtrack.

    I saw every Star Wars the night of it's release, including the re-releases of the original trilogy. I saw Episode 1 at 2:40 in the morning with ten friends and we all fell asleep in the front row (Xanax and booze didn't help).

    I can speedread. An average 600 page book takes me about ninety minutes to finish with total comprehension and recall.

    I never did a single homework assignment in high school, I passed every test with an A and graduated with a C average.

    My favorite symbol is the Yin-Yang, I have a sun and a moon each with a Yin-Yang tatooed on my left arm. My father graduated high school in 1969, I graduated in 1996.
  20. Beefy Phil

    Beefy Phil
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    I have a fear of bridges. I love heights, I love flying, and I've worked on roofs many times. Any time I cross bridge, though, my palms get sweaty and my heart pounds. I still have recurring nightmares about the George Washington Bridge collapsing while I'm driving over it, and the car plummeting hundreds of feet into the water below. It's not a paralyzing fear, because I can still drive over them when I have to, but it's as close to a panic attack as I've ever come.