I only get my hair cut about 3-4 times a year, not because I'm some hippy or to make some statement, I'm just fucking lazy. Every time I go is a production though because I have to explain to them that yes, I do understand a number two is REALLY short and no, please don't put any gel in my hair. When they ask what my style is I can only say "however it lands." This is true even after months of growing. Somehow I manage to not look like a complete fucking slob until midway through month 3 or 4 of no haircut. In contrast I know dudes that get their haircut TWICE A MONTH. Why the fuck would do you do this? Focus: Guys, how often do you cut it? What's your 'style.' Alt-Focus: Ladies: How do you like a man's hair?
I know a guy who keeps it pretty high and tight whose philosophy is "you should get your hair trimmed every time you fill up your gas tank." That's a little extreme for me. I have had two hairstyles in my life. For the first ~25 years, I had the Standard Disney Cast Member Men's Cut (1960s edition). Short on the sides, parted on the top, and never over the ears. Now I have a non-messy version of "the messy look" in which a tiny bit of product and two seconds of arranging things leaves it looking pretty natural and slightly popped up in the front. So this when I have gotten a haircut recently and this when I need one badly. I believe this is still Disney-compliant, though they have relaxed the rules somewhat - I am not sure whether it would have passed muster in decades past.
I'm balding and lazy, which is not a good combination. In order to look decent I need to keep my hair trimmed pretty short, but I always put off getting a haircut about a month or two later than I should. So right now I look like a balding middle-aged guy because the hair on the sides and back of my head is way longer than it should be. Once I get to comb-over length I'll be disgusted enough with my appearance and then finally get my ass to the barber. This is why I need to get a girlfriend, because she probably wouldn't let me get away with looking like a slob.
It depends. I spent most of high school and college with sort of long-ish, floppy hair. I'd get the longest buzzer, and then get it cut again 4 or so months later. I think the longest was when it reached over my eyes. On a decent day, I sort of resembled a less mentally incapacitated Jay Cutler: On a bad day, I had a resemblence to Bob Dylan and not in a flattering way: Likewise, people ask me what I 'do' with my hair, and my usual answer is "Umm...I get out of the shower...and dry it...and whatever it's like then, that's basically how it's gonna look the rest of the day. Sadly, when combined with my occasional beard, it can lend an aura of homelessness, and I'm told that corporate America tends to frown on that sort of thing. It's a miracle that anyone ever has sex with me." Note to guys: if you're not balding, girls have in the past told me that they preferred it when there was "enough to grab," for what it's worth.
Ever since I was 18 I've had my hair cut once a year, on average. I'm 32 now. My hair grows fast and I have "pretty hair". Most of my jobs haven't cared too much. The reason being is that when I cut my hair I donate it to Locks of Love. Kind of shuts them the fuck up. Since January I've been trying to become a firefighter, so my generosity towards cancer patients' hair has been compromised.
I started losing my hair around 18-19 and by 21 I was using the clippers as low as they go. I haven't been to the barber in 12 years as it is pretty easy to shave your head. I am pretty good about shaving my head except in the winter when I can wear beanies because a head with no hair is cold as fuck.
I haven't cut my hair in...oh about a decade now. I get it retwisted every 1-3 months. I get comments on it pretty often (obviously), mostly complimentary. Sometimes people ask to touch it, which is a little weird, and sometimes they don't even ask, which is weirder.
Last Friday of every month at 6pm. At the same place. I've become mates with the owner Steve and bring a half a dozen Bourbon (Wild Turkey) and Cokes with me each time, it's part of the tradition. All my friends who know about this think it's incredibly gay. I don't give a fuck. Steve is an awesome bloke and only charges me $10. And a gobshag.
Hate all you want Frank, but I get my hair cut at least once every other week. Preferably once every 10 days or so. I go half guard into a one near the top on the sides and scissor cut short on top. Sort of a high and tight. When I was younger I went with a shaggy hippy look but these days I'm all squared away.
I get mine cut every four or five weeks. My hair grows really fast and I like to keep it looking nice. My hair is very similar to this but I get it cut a little longer so that it doesn't get to an awkward "fuzzy" stage that makes it very hard to style and get it to look decent. This length would be perfect but I would have to go every two weeks to keep it looking good. As I mentioned on here before, I go to a really nice salon to get it cut because you would be shocked by how many people can fuck this type of haircut up when cutting blond hair.
My hair started thinning when I was 16. I went through various stages of denial, trying to colour it to make it look thicker and random shit. Then I dyed it a bunch of weird colours and shaved a mohawk, and then gave up and shaved it all. That was 2005. Since then, I run a pair of clippers on #2 through my beard about once a fortnight and shave my head five or six times a week.
Three cheers for Wahls, a bathroom, and a buddy. Short, easy, and free. It may not be the most stylish 'do on the planet, but it looks good enough. Grab someone who is good with their hands and you're not far off of what you would pay for in a barbershop. Anything longer than a buzz and I'm going to a salon. Guys can use clippers all day but for some reason women are the only ones who understand scissors. I find that I look good with either very short hair (current), or longer hair, but fuck that middle stage where everything is an awkward length and nothing looks right. A haircut every month or so to keep it short.
As a kid, my parents gave me the longer hair parted on the side. Then I became a teenager and got the stereotypical "short hair spiked into a weapon" haircut that most teenagers in the late 90s and early 2000s had. Now, my philosophy is to cut it short enough that I don't have to do a damn thing. Roll out of bed, and I'm good to go. I usually get it cut every month or so, and this keeps it short enough to not worry about it. I've tried letting it grow longer in the past, because I'm told I have great hair that lays well when it gets a little longer, but there is an awkward middle phase where everything sticks straight up and makes my head look like a puffball, and that lasts about three to four months before my hair is long enough to lay down on its own, so it isn't worth walking around looking like a brown-topped-Q-tip for four months.
Four times a year. I've been hacking it down to where I can't comb it (not quite buzzed). Give it a couple months until I can slick it back like normal, then in another two months get it hacked off again. Got a kind of 60s Johnny Cash thing going usually. A barber is around $10. It's well worth spending the extra $4 to go to a salon where a lovely, white trashy lady will shampoo and condition your hair. Seriously, fuck barbers. Those lee press-on nails scratching at my scalp is worth every penny. They really get into it too until my leg is tapping on the floor like dog's. A barber that does shampoos is probably one I'd stay away from. Plus the barber knows about three styles: short, bald, Guatemalan migrant flat top. The guy I went to as a kid/teen, he still brought out the bowl on some kids.
When I was a kid, my mom made me do a Pierce Brosnan 007 cut, which I absolutely hated. When I hit my teens, I transitioned to an equally God-awful Angel haircut, followed by a spike. I've refused to use any hair product beyond shampoo for several years now. I get a cut every month, pretty much like Kasem's Brad Colbert cut. I love it, because it requires no more effort than showering, drying it, and going about my day. Also, for those of you who get shampooed at the stylist, do you get the whole package with the facial and manicure?
I buzz it to a 1 whenever I decide I look like too much of a hippy. Usually every 2-3 months. I've managed to get pretty good at the back without a mirror or anything. Sometimes I fuck up, but it grows back quick enough to not really matter. My hair grows to make my already big head look like a globe if it gets long without regulating the sides pretty heavily, which is way more effort than it's worth. The last time I got it cut somewhere was probably almost a year ago. Back in middle school I rocked the hair spiked in front like a visor (if you went to middle school between 1999 and 2002 you probably did too) like it was going out of style. Which it turns out, it was.