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How many gallons of beer in a year?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by effinshenanigans, Feb 24, 2010.

  1. T0KEN

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    Village Idiot

    Feb 4, 2010
    This is actually an interesting (albeit scary) thread. I will do some math on the fly and see what I come up with.

    I will preface this by saying that I don't keep count when I drink, it's not a fucking round of golf. That said, here we go.

    The state I live in has a .10c refund on empty bottles, so I guess that is the best method to quantify the volume I go through.

    I have 1 housemate, who generally drinks approx the same as I do, so we will half the end figure.

    Last time we took our empties to recycle, we received somewhere in the region of $230. This was about 3 months worth of empties.

    That is 1150 beers, each. This works out to:

    12.7 beers a day.
    4663 beers a year.
    1655 litres a year.
    439 gallons a year.
    194 cartons a year @ $40 p/ carton = $7700 a year.
    $465 in government refunds on the empties, which in turn buys 11 fresh cartons.

    Now, this number does not account for when people come over to watch sports and leave empties, but this is fairly negligible as we reciprocate when visiting others. 12 a day seems fairly accurate, as a couple of six packs after work is fairly standard for the course and as always weekends, there are no holds barred.

    This also does not take into account beer had at the bar, which although low, would probably take me up to about 450-470 gallons per year.

    I hope my mother doesn't read this.

    PS: I just had a look in our shed, and it looks like about $500 worth of empties, we havent been in a quite a while.
  2. Drewpy

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    Village Idiot

    Nov 2, 2009
    Yeah.. Minnesota is pretty strict (at least in the county I'm in). I go to school with people from Wisconsin and they are baffled when they can't buy anything other than 3.2 on Sundays, and the liquor stores close at 10pm. On campus we've got no drunk bus, and we have undercover security cars driving around to bust people coming back from parties.
  3. whatisinaname

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    Hoping to be even a fraction of the man Jim is.

    Oct 20, 2009
    Try living in the great state of Georgia. No carry-out at all on Sundays. That's no liquor, beer or wine. In some counties, you cannot even get a drink with your meal on Sunday. Try it one time watching Sunday football at a bar, eating nachos, and sipping a coke. Yeah, sucks...
  4. Mantis Toboggan M.D.

    Mantis Toboggan M.D.
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    Dec 6, 2009
    I very rarely drink at all during the week any more, but I'd say I put down about 15 beers most Fridays and Saturdays. That comes out to 146.25 gallons a year.

    The peaks of my drinking were my senior year of college (2005-06) and then the entire year of 2007 and most of 08. Then, I was drinking 15-20 beers 3 or 4 nights a week plus another 10 or so scattered throughout my "off" days. That's over 347 gallons per year, almost one per day. Wow.
  5. BigChops

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 22, 2009
    Close enough to the D, MI
    Gah, when I'm at work DJing, I tend to show up with at least a buzz with around 3-4 drinks in me already. Then over the course of a 6 hour shift, I'll probably consume at least 6-8 beers, along with 6 shots throughout the night. That happens every friday and Saturday night. It is really starting to take a toll on me though.. I'm usually not feeling better until Tuesday at that point, which I take as an opportunity to go to the bar as a customer and consume at least that much if not more. Then another two days of feeling like shit, and then the whole cycle repeats itself.

    I really need to get out of the bar business because when I take some time off from DJing, I don't drink nearly half as much on the average week.