I think I covered my preference here. McLovin is the closest. Shit, I really need to stop saying these things in my out loud voice.
I was so tempted to pick B just because Sean Connery is a hotty. I ended up with C though. Bradd Pitt looks a little too lean there, but that's the body type I find most appealing. Whoever the hell is D is disgusting. Not because of the muscles, but because he is waxed, fake tanned, and has better hair than me. Fuck that shit.
Also, that preference gives her tons of e-prospects to choose from. According to the myriad self-descriptions I've read on TiB, there's not a male on this board under 6'3", 200 lbs. How incredible is that?
Ugh, I can't believe THESE are our choices. Atleast the guys got more generic 'body type' kind of options. Where's the "I would have to drink a whole fucking case of Dos Equis to do any of these guys" option? And then maybe Brad. Where are the Jeremiah Johnsons and the Indiana Jones' and the.... King Leonidas'! Now we're talking, honey. Throw a William Wallace and a Huron slaying Nathaniel in there and we'll be set. Keep your pretty boy, chick flick staring, McFaggoty sexy doctor, prefect hair types. If he can't lay waste to an entire village and build a log cabin while smothering a grizzly bear to death with his chest hair, not interested. Honestly, I've always just been in to blue eyes and I love blondes. (Oh to be a woman in 1940's Germany...) Physical fitness is a fluctuating attribute. My boy now wasn't exactly a perfect physical gem, but he's a sweetheart, he adores me, great in bed, smart as hell, and since I work out all the time, now he does too. Score. Had the heart frappéd in the blender enough in my life by amazingly hot guys. So I guess I’ll take the ‘chubby fixer-upper’ option? Extra chest hair please. I don’t want to be mauled by grizzlies.
My ex husband was very tall (6'3"), broad-shouldered and had tree trunk legs hardened by years of soccer. My current husband has a body shape similar to Sean Connery up there. He is also my height (5'7"). I've discovered I like this body type a lot. Especially the height. I've never found the ripped/cut/whatever look appealing at all. Looking fit and muscular is one thing, but the pictures of Durden and Lundgren...they just look like they have the warmth and softness of a statue. I could be wrong since I don't have experience with those body types. Maybe Dolph is a total cuddle bug.
I will freely admit I'm only 6'2", although I am over 200 pounds. A very poorly distributed 200 pounds. Shouldn't the choices look more like this?
Damn, I guess I'm not like the rest of ya'll, I'm only 6'2". Speaking of that, isn't there kind've a hole here? What about a guy who has a decent muscle but isn't cut like Ivan or Brad Pitt? You take the jump from those two to Seth Rogan. Is this what young Sean Connery is supposed to be? I don't get a Gerard Butler in the middle? I think I just outgayed John Mayer.
I'm not even gonna front - Brad Pitt might turn me gay. He's a pretty man. I say that in the most hetero-sexual way possible. I would go on to try to explain this statement but I'll just sink deeper and deeper into Brad's asshole, I mean my own hole, I mean... goddamnit....
I'm about 5'9", just under 200 lbs. If this board was a football team, I would be place-kicking. And don't mock Dolph Lundgren, he's smarter than anybody in Hollywood or on this board if you can believe that (a Full Bright scholarship to M.I.T. amongst other things. You heard me. Sgt. Scott from Universal Soldier is a genius).
Okay, I'd fuck Leonidas if he wouldn't talk. That fucking mush mouthed bastard. Looks like he's got sponge cake in there vying for the exit hole along with his words.
I picked Leonidas, because c'mon...there's only one reason women watch 300. However, in real life (where the guys aren't painted and CGI'd), I like guys to have some weight to them. Not fat, but thick, if that makes sense. The crazy body-buildier definition that Ludgren has makes me think 'juicer,' and that's kinda unattractive. I don't know if I'm making sense. Taller than me, broad through the shoulders and thick through the shoulders. And chest hair, but one or two notches down from Sean "Someone Knitted Me" Connery. Perfect-o.
McLovin' because he could make me laugh and if he ever got out of line, I could snap him like a twig. Why is it in the thread about how you guys prefer your women, you get three seemingly normal to choose from yet we get these extremes? I don't want some perfectly chilsed, and therefore (probably 9-10), a douchebag that takes more mirror time than I do. You can keep Seth, he's funny yes but he's too.....round, nor do I want the old guy, even though he's not exactly a woofer and is loaded. As long as he takes care of himself, doesn't own stock in McDonalds, is confident and most importantly funny, I'm good. I can't bitch about guys being so damn picky and then turn around and do the same thing. Just be yourself, have clean clothes and don't smell like butt, your foot is atleast in the door. We'll go from there.
Tyler Durden and Leonidas combined-with a sense of humour like Bill Murray. Seriously, brains are far more important in my book. Sensuality and creativity too...