So far I've liked this season of House, especially the season opener. I have yet to watch tonight's episode since the MLB playoffs decided to go into extra innings and take away most of the show.
This season got off to a great start, House in the mental institution was great. It is getting back into the old formula now, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. But the current story line with Foreman as House's boss was done a few seasons ago. They have found a good middle point with House, being a dick some of the time but not obnoxiously so.
This is shaping up to be the best season so far, particularly because it's not horribly predictable. I'm glad Cameron is leaving, and I hope Chase goes with her.
They showed the whole episode tonight after the game. I really have never liked Foreman or Chase. So them being around again as center pieces really isn't doing much for me right now, but we are definitely seeing developments in House that seem to be good for him (e.g. after he thought Wilson was dumb for talking to Amber at night, him actually starting to talk to his father). I really want them to bring the psychiatrist from the first two episodes back, as at least a friend/mentor to house, so hopefully that happens. Did Taub and 13 really leave for good?
I'm 99% sure Taub is gone for good. I don't know about 13, we'll have to wait and see what happens after Jennifer Morrison leaves the show. Taub up and quit and they were pretty much done with it, but 13 was put on a plane to Thailand or something, leaving her a great chance for a return entrance.
Which doesn't help if you DVR everything cause you're at work. I don't give a flying fuck about the Angels Yankees. Dammit. Now I have to wait 8 goddamn days for Fox to put up the full ep. Unless someone knows another streaming site I can find it?
I personally find that works the best when trying to watch recent TV shows, they have alot of links most of them from Megavideo on there. They are pretty quick which is nice as I watched house last night at midnight. is also a pretty good place for finding shows if you would rather torrent. I'm pretty sure they have new shows up normally within a couple hours of it showing on TV, but I normally don't download them until the next day anyways. This is how I've been keeping up with House. I hope Taub comes back. Although I didn't like him at first he was my favorite underling coming into this season, and his wife was pretty fucking hot. Did anyone else notice that Cuddy looked hotter than normal last night? And I thought that the preview for the rest of the season looked pretty intense. I wasn't sure about this season at the beginning, but I think it's going in a cool direction.
I thought last night would be a complete formula breaker with the patient dying in the first 20 minutes and then the next 40 minutes they try to find out what caused it to save his son. That didn't end up being the case but it was still pretty cool. I definitely feel that when Chase finally grows the balls to tell Cameron what really happened, she'll leave him (and the show). I love the House/Wilson interactions, especially since they are being much more civil with each other this season.
Thats what I think too. They announced that her leaving the show was a creative decision, and i'm betting thats what it is.
I know that House has had an endless amount of chances with Cuddy, but still, it's odd seeing her with the private dick.
I knew he was coming back to the show because I saw he was in this season on IMDB but I didn't realize it was in this capacity. Should be an interesting conflict, and may even cause House to relapse. His little speech at dinner with House certainly seemed to make him uncomfortable.
Cuddy's boyfriend Lucas creeps me out. He was on Six Feet Under as a psychopath who tortured (oddly enough) David aka Michael C. Hall aka Dexter. He was so creepy on that show that I cannot get past it. Whenever I see him, I just think that anytime he will go crazy on Cuddy or House. I was actually choked up at Cameron's exit at the end. You could tell she didn't want to, but she would never get past it and didn't want to go down the same road as Chase or House. I will miss Cameron, but I think it's a good move for the show. It needed a big shakeup like that in order to keep the personal storylines fresh and interesting.
I agree partially with you here. While I see that side of him the most, I also see the brain damaged veteran who relearns how to write his name from Scrubs. Pretty good actor.
What was actually wrong with the porno guy? He seemed to have a sinus infection, then liver failure. What caused the liver failure if the worms were not the problem. The treatment seemed to be to reinfect him with worms, but he already HAD worms when his liver failed?
An autoimmune disease. Something about growing up in a too-clean environment, and not picking up the natural defenses someone would while playing outside. Someone made a comment like, "This happened from being too clean rather than too dirty." The worms were helping to fight off his ailment, but they thought the worms were the problem, so they killed them all off. They realized this and then had to give him worms again.'s_disease's_disease#Extraintestinal_symptoms
Anyone else dislike Cuddy a little bit after that episode where she sent him to an empty house for thanksgiving? I know he is an asshole, but that was pretty cold. Also, I think at the start of that episode they said that the physicist had an IQ of 170 or something, then later he said that his girlfriend's IQ was 90 points lower than him, making hers around 80, which seems pretty close to retardation levels. I may be wrong on that though.