I really like this show. I thought it was a cool move by Netflix to do this, so I was rooting for them and hoping it would be good. Well, three days and 10 episodes later, I have to say I'm very impressed. Some random thoughts (a couple spoilers up to/including episode 10): Spoiler -The breaking the fourth wall thing took me by surprise in the opening scene, but I think it's working. I especially like when Frank just gives us a "get a load of this guy" look. -Frank is obviously a sociopath, right? Or psychopath, or whatever? I can't tell if they mean for that to be obvious, or if he's just supposed to look like a ruthless, manipulative badass. -A few scenes so far have seemed really ham handed: Frank screwing up his on-air debate with the whole "vowel game" thing, and then Russo screwing up his interview because he was drunk. I get that the point of each scene was to show the character fucking up, but in both cases it just seemed way too blunt. With Frank especially, it was completely out of character for him to look SO stupid and make such a complete fool out of himself. With Russo, obviously the point was to show that he really screwed things up, but I still think they could have written it better. -Anyone else laugh out loud at the Play Station Vita product placement? Good god that was blatant. Oh well, it's an expensive show, I get it.
The only thing retarded about it is the dismissal of the blogging chick by the newspaper. It's 2013, blogging has more than established itself as something other than random rankings of fringe weirdos. This issue might have been relevant in 2003, but in 2013 seems a bit anachronistic.
My wife and I caught the first three episodes. My wife isn't into politics that much, but I love the show. Very engaging. I've always been a Kevin Spacey fan, and this is an excellent vehicle for his talents. The surrounding cast has been really strong as well.
Agreed. This is the perfect role for Spacey. His character is the perfect anti-hero and a great unreliable narrator. Fincher has his gloss all over it.
I just finished the first season. Apparently there will be a season 2 - as Netflix committed to 26 episodes. I can't wait til people finish watching this season in its entirety so I can discuss it without spoilers.
It's like I said earlier - Frank is clearly a psychopath (or sociopath... I don't really understand the difference). He looks at everything in a cost/benefit sort of way, and doesn't seem to feel emotion the same way most people do. Frank killed Russo because he recognized it as an opportunity to improve his own position. He didn't want to kill him, and he didn't not want to kill him; that was simply the option that presented itself, and he took it. Everything he does is calculated and manipulative - not because he's blinded by his hunger for power, but because that's just how his mind works. Even when he makes the call to save his bodyguard's job, he says something about how the cost to him is so small (making a phone call), and it could pay off somehow down the road. It had nothing to do with feeling bad for the guy. I think that's really interesting, and it makes the show a lot darker. This isn't a story about a man overcome with greed who might eventually see the error of his ways and feel remorse, it's about a psychopath who is shockingly well adapted to thrive in the political arena. Having said all that, I'm planning on re-watching the season in the next couple weeks. I blasted through it and I think there was a ton of subtle character stuff that I missed. With Frank for sure, but also with Claire... I feel like there was a lot going on with her between the lines, but I was pretty much just wrapped up in the main plot.
Robin Wright is great in this show. Her chemistry with Spacey is really good. I agree, Underwood is incredibly dark. I still wouldn't call him a villain though, but definitely on the Walter White path to the dark side. He saved his bodyguard purely so he could replace his old one. A trusted ally for when shit gets dicey.
I just got through the last episode. I love this show and I can't figure out why beyond how well the story was told. I may be in the minority, but I found it impossible to really like a single character, with the exception of Russo (RIP). He was flawed, but he owned up to it, worked past it, and truly was committed to his fresh start. The sole true believer. I mean, I know the concept of the flawed anti-hero is huge lately (Dexter, Mad Men, Breaking Bad), but most of those heroes start out with a solid, likable core. With Frank Underwood I found myself vacillating a million times every episode. My fiance and I would have the same conversation every episode- "Oh, that was awesome. I like him." and then 5 minutes later "What a fucking dick. I can't believe that." At no point throughout the series could I actually say I liked Frank. The same goes for Claire, but I for the most part just disliked her immensely. Especially after the SanCorp/Remy backstabbing. I put full blame on her for the death of Russo. Doug Stamper is a badass, though. Even if he was complicit in Russo's downfall. He's every bit as conniving, power driven, coldly calculating, and impressive as his boss. If they ever pitted those two characters against one another, it would be truly amazing. Finally, I wish they would let the former Dana Gordon be as hot as she was on Entourage. Good God, get her out of those frumpy outfits and mediocre plot lines and give her more.
I'm late to this parade. Having just read the spoilers above (goddammit, Juice), I'm only into Episode 8 but I have to say that watching a 54 year old Kevin Spacey eat out a 30 year old Kate Mara brought back some very pleasant memories for this gal. Kudos to having her on the phone wishing her dad a happy father's day while he did it. Someone on the writing staff is a kinky motherfucker.