Please tell me I'm not the only one watching this show, because it is amazing and other people need to talk to me about how amazing it is.
Oh man, I was looking for this thread yesterday! Glad I'm not the only one watching. I was so psyched to see Carrie smile at the end, you know she is back. I love how complex and flawed the characters are.
I loved the scene where her ID was being checked. She does crazy so well. Last season I was more understanding of Brody, but now I want his ass to go down hard. I particularly loved the scene where his wife throws the Quran on the floor and he flips out. Her reaction was priceless.
I think its a pretty interesting take on the whole "accusing-someone-of-being-a-Muslim" thing. As if being one is the actual crime. They show how Brody's wife feels, which I think is the show's writers trying to represent a demographic in this country. Slippery-slope political stuff aside, I feel like this show edges on being a "24"-style drama with a little less beating you over the head with the plot over and over again. And you also know whats going on the whole time.
Really hoping they keep up with the great writing and plots in this season. We already seem to know all the players and end games. The Last Psychiatrist wrote a great article regarding who are the bad guys on this show, this is an excerpt: <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... -homeland/</a>
Holy schmoly, that scene with Abu Nazir in Beirut was intense. Brody is losing his shit, little by little. He's going to be a basket case by the end of the season, I think.
What an amazing episode. Was so tense with the following happening: - Would they finally get Abu Nazir / or would Carrie source be a trap. - Broody texting them when in the joint staff meeting. - BUT THE ENDING - at least they know Carrie was most likely right. He will most likely be monitored as they have no proof or little and will have to build a case as he is a congressman.
Holy balls. This is the first time in a while that I have actually felt compelled to yell at the main character. Carrie knows what the fuck is up but when she was running around in that apartment...damn. My question is whether Saul is going to tell her right away.
I just got around to seeing the first episode. I love this show. And I would very much like to have sex with Claire Danes' character. But not Claire Danes. She comes off really bitchy in interviews. This bothered the living shit out of me, though: (that blue thing with the wreath is a CIB, which women are not allowed to have)
Maybe the producers are using the slightly alternate reality of the show to make a statement about women in combat. Which would kind of make sense. But also, shut the fuck up, no.
Shouldn't you be putting more pony pictures on your Pinterest account? But that's what bothered me; the laziness. Why not throw a globe and anchor on there, too? A woman wearing a CIB is kind of politically charged at the moment, too - which is why I thought they might have been making a statement.
This show moves very slow in regards to plot progression, but they sure make it tense and worth the wait. Little things on this show become painfully tense because of how it's presented. I really love how Saul went right to Carrie's from the airport. You can now see how she gets back into the fold.
When he pulled the second disk out....JESUS. I hope our actual CIA is that competent. I wonder if there actually is going to be some retribution for him getting shaken down at airport security, but I doubt it.
I love the development pace of this show. Even if I know exactly how a scene is going to play out (because they tell you), I'm always gaping at my computer, waiting for something to explode. (If you want the exact opposite pacing for a spy-thriller, by the way, check out 'Strike Back' on Cinemax - a show made by a team of perpetually erect idiot savants.) I also love Carrie's taste in music, art and clothes. Perfect CrazySmart/SmartCrazy. The scene where she's sitting cross-legged on her bed, writing an intelligence debrief, twisting at her hair and blasting Coltrane through her iPod headphones reinforced her entire character arc. And the make-up and dress she put on before she tried to kill herself... perfect.
The attempted suicide scene was so good, it was that good I actually wanted her to go through with it. You really emphasised with her about the CIA always taking more then they gave back to her, and Saul coming to show her the Broody tape means we definately have Carrie back!
Homeland writers officially > all other writers for being able to fuck with the status quo. Brody getting captured at the BEGINNING of the season leaves me absolutely clueless as to what the fuck they're up to for the end.