Isn't this a little bit more exciting now that you had to wait for it? Lost my favorite client today. They were my favorite client because they didn't interfere at all with my work, and I never heard from them. Apparently, neither did accounts receivable, because they haven't paid anything in months. Maybe they're all dead? Anyway, happy Friday and shit.
I watched the news all night and Istealcheese didn't seem to be on there. For this, I am disappointed. I guess maybe I should check the Jerry Springer show?
So will this be the hap-hap-happiest drunk thread since Bing Crosby tap-danced with Danny fuckin' Kaye?
El husband does it and I laugh my ass off every time. That and the mangina. If I am having a bad day he knows how to cheer me up. The past couple days have been emotional highs and lows. My transmission is busted and I might have a stalker. I met an amazing old couple at the restaurant and they wanted to know all about me and took my name to spread it to help with my job hunt. Also, I somehow either lost or grossly miscounted someone's cash change because I only had enough cash to cover my cash to remit. I should have had 15-25 in tips. It isn't a lot of money but I sure was pissed for a little bit about that. Last night my friend had a going away dinner and drunk vidya gaming sesh. I met some awesome people and may have a new friend to do fun shit with. It is nice to be able to get drunk and talk about boobs, guns, and Filipino she boys without the listener condemning you to hell or worse, praying for you.
Woke up to 2.5" of ice on the road and sleet still coming down, so I elected to cancel my endoscopy and return to the warmth and comfort of my bed. It's a good day to stay in bed, pop Vicodins and watch movies. Actually, that sounds like an ideal weekend plan!
She was not a fan of that moustache, maybe because I surprised her with it after she came back from a trip expecting to see me clean shaven. Not a stretch of the imagination... James??
A day late. I actually drank last night. A lot of rum and coke zero. My wife likes when I drink, I was home and relaxed, so she poured the drinks and we watched Disney's Robin Hood and then random other stuff. A really nice relaxed evening. Though the main side effect isn't alcohol related; all the caffeine kept me up until 2 am. Dragging this morning, but I'll nap eventually and then do a client meeting. So not too bad.
Just watched Fast and Furious Tokyo Drift. What an awful movie, worst in the series. Id rather buttfuck Paul Walkers BBQed corpse then sit through that again.
You really thought it was worse than the first one? I remember audibly preaching "GAY AS FUCK!" in the theatres. I thought they gradually improved, and peaked at Five.
Every single one of my boyfriends has tried to get me to watch a Fast and Furious movie with them, though none have succeeded. I think I need to reevaluate my life.
Are you willing to sodomize Paul Walkers charred body tho? You'll probably need a strap on or something. Unless you're a tranny and you have a functioning penis.
You need to pick a better class of boyfriend. I have a friend who, on date four or five, would make whoever it was sit down with him and watch "The Good the Bad, and the Ugly". If she made it through the whole thing without audibly sighing or leaving the room or picking up a magazine he'd keep her. He married the first one that actually did that.
I keep trying to get my girlfriend to watch Tombstone with me but have always failed. It's always something about the moustaches, I guess she really hates them. Our selection for tonight is the classic National Lampoon's Chrismas Vacation. Shitter's full!