I'm surprised I haven't seen these... Spoiler I agree that CS is just amazing as well. Heck, I know a lot of people who still play it. However, during High School, this was my game of choice. I was addicted, was in clans, and even went to a LAN (yes, I'm serious). If anyone has played this, or knows what it is, I'll be impressed. Spoiler
I played Vigilante 8 when I was younger and just recently purchased it. You just drive around, pick up weapons, and shoot other cars.
Back in college the game of choice was Age of Empires II. We would have most of our floor playing a LAN game together on a daily basis. One friend would get so focused on the game he would be oblivious to everything around him. We took off the door to his dorm room one time.
For a second, I had Lief Garret confused with Lief Ericson, which actually worked because I envision Shegirl as this kind of Brunhilde-esque Viking giantess. Not that that's a bad thing. I have weird tastes. Sue me.
Anyone ever play this gem? Spoiler Even though DF3 Landwarrior was a better game, I have too many fond memories from DF1. Staying up until 2 a.m. playing online and having my Dad storm into the room mad as hell that I was still awake, taking up our home phone line for hours at a time so that I could be online to play, the memories are endless. Edit: If any of you played DF Landwarrior and can watch this video and tell me how this guy is (probably) cheating I will be very, very impressed.
You can play this game (and a bunch of other old school ones) on Sarien.net. You can still find this one on torrents. As for me, I'm a relative young-un; my gaming career started in earnest with The Learning Company, Sierra and Broderbund educational games. Spoiler Spoiler
I had an Atari system as a kid, but wasn't that into it. It wasn't until Wolfenstein 3D came out that I was more than passingly interested in video games.
Was I the only kid that played the Original Duke Nukem? Spoiler And thanks to this thread I remember my love of Comander Keen... and am playing it online now. So much for work getting done today. And also Spoiler
I lost a significant portion of 1992-1993 playing Street Fighter 2, so much in fact that still to this day I can pretty much wreck shop on anyone that dares grab a controller. It was a great day when they ported that over to xbox live arcade. For all you Golden-eye & Mario Kart 64 lovers, if this thread is giving you the itch to play, most of the N64 games have been ROMed and you can play them with Nintendo 64 emulators on a PC.
The Original Prince of Persia, Played this on a computer running dos, everything was green, and I was no older than 7. First game I ever remember playing. Spoiler Any one else play the Descent games? I had some good times playing these when I was in elementary school. Spoiler Luckily my brother was 5 years older and introduced me to all these sweet games at a young age.
When I was in high school we had to take a computer class. It was on those early Apple Macintosh's which were linked togethor. This is all we did almost everyday: Bolo
I bought Banjo-Kazooie (one of my favorites) for $15.00 a few months ago for the N64, of which I still have a working unit. The 64 had some great adventure games that were so extensive! Not this 5 hour crap you get these days. I still have a working SNES too but not many games for that. My local RePlay store (think Gamestop) has a fairly decent selection of SNES games but not many tickled my fancy. In the SNES's heyday I was a teenage girl and had better things to do than sit around playing video games. Plus, most games that I would want to play now I can download on the virtual console. I happened upon Quake today for the 64 and snatched it up. I don't think I ever played it on the 64 but I played it on the PC many freaking moons ago. I can't wait to dive into that! We already have both Duke Nukem and Doom.
I can't be the only one who obsessed over Zombies ate my neighbors for an entire summer. Jesus, conquering that game is still one of the top 5 greatest moments of my life.