Hey all- We've had a couple of "help out <insert cause here>" threads in the last little while, and I'm in the unfortunate position to add another one. As some of you may know, my sister was recently diagnosed with MS. Her husband Damian, my brother-in-law, also has a sister who has MS. Every year for the past 5 years or so, Damian has participated in the MS fund-raising bike ride that goes from Grand Bend to London, Ontario. He's doing it again this year, and I just wanted you all to know, in case you felt like helping the cause. If you're in a position to help him and my sister out, you can do so HERE, and I'd be grateful. Thanks.
By the way... my family has NO idea about TiB, and if possible, I'd like to keep it that way. If you do donate, a simple "friend of Jeff" would be appreciated. (That would be me).
Gotcha my good man. And I'm not sure how Canadian money translates to American, but I think I just gave something like 40 cents...
Thanks dude... appreciated. And for those of you who've been sending me PM's along the lines of "You're name is Jeff Choma, isn't it?" No, it's not. Sure, my first name is "Jeff", and the list of donations lists a "Jeff", but that's not me. But it's not like I've gone out of my way to hide my name or anything... if anyone actually followed any of the racing links I've posted, and know that I'm the team manager, my name, email address, and phone number are plastered all over the place for you to find.
Your timing is impeccable. This weekend I'm participating for the first time in the MS 150 Ride 2011 from Duluth to the Twin Cities on the Willard Munger Trail. I'm doing this as part of a team from work, and we have over 70 people all riding together so far - not including all of their friends and family that are also riding and fundraising with us. In the past I've walked the Relay for Life because cancer is the disease that has most closely affected my family, but the more I learn about MS - the more I want to help out; it's a helluva disease. Bike MS: CH Robinson Worldwide MS 150 Ride (this link is for informational purposes only, send all your moneys to Nettdaddy's link HERE)
Donation coming his way. This is actually the 3rd MS bike ride I've donated to this year. We have done numerous MS walk/runs in past years with a couple friends who have MS. Always willing to donate to a good cause. My volunteer time has gone down a lot in the last couple years with increasing responsibilities at work, so I'm trying to offset that a little by spending a few of these extra salary dollars on charity.
I was going to PM you, but in case others had the same questions I figured I post it. Is there anyway to donate via PayPal? I went through the "online" pledge and there was just the credit card option. I would prefer PayPal, but otherwise I'll just mail a check to the address shown on the "mail" option. Also, this may just be because I'm an idiot. For most fundraisers I have done, "Pledge" usually means promise now, pay later. "Donate" would mean pay now. So, since I didn't finish the credit card entry, is it collected right then, or is it pledged to be collected later?
Not that I know of. CC seems to be the only online method. I think they've got their semantics screwed up. I'd consider the CC option to be a donation. When I made my CC "pledge", it was processed right then and there. The "email/fax pledge" does seem to be a pledge, in that they are accepting your word that the cheque is in the mail, and they recognize it as a donation right away.
Done and done. Nettdaddy, you know you're going to get grilled when he sees how many 'friends of Jeff' are contributing right? You'll have to 'fess up about your dirty little secret internet friends just to shut him up. Live in shame!
Thanks for helping out. I've just told him that they're coming from a Porsche forum that I run. He seems to have bought it so far.
Figured I could give back the love after all that I received from here. Glad to help in any way I can!
I've given to the other causes on this board and since I have a very dear friend of mine whose twin brother has MS I can fully appreciate the need to help the situation. Good Luck, and God Speed...
One of the organizers for my ride just sent out an email that said it looks like we're going to crack $40,000 as a team this year. That much closer to finding a cure.
Eh, crap. I just put my name instead of "friend of Jeff". I said nothing about this board though, so your Chinese wall should be intact. But in any case, done.