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Great Moments in RMMB [& TiB] History

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by BaseballGuyCAA, Oct 19, 2009.

  1. brookgo

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    Should still be lurking

    Oct 19, 2009
    Re: Great Moments in RMMB History

    I'm going to second the Hotwheelz thread. That kid has a lot of balls to come out and talk about his disability in such a straightforward manner. I don't think I'd be stretching at all if I were to say that a lot of people on the TMMB were really inspired by what that kid had to say.

    The Dimeo and Starfucker threads, also previously mentioned, were excellent because of the way that it pitted all of the TMMB against two very unlikable characters. Whether you still like him or not, seeing and laughing with Tucker when he chastised those d-bags was a lot of what the idiot board was about.
  2. Omegaham

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Re: Great Moments in RMMB History

    My bad for fucking that one up. Tucker closed the thread because I was a newbie moron who didn't know his place.
  3. Creelmania

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 19, 2009
    Vancouver, BC
    Re: Great Moments in RMMB History

    My favorite had to be the Gorilla vs. Lion debate.

    I've never seen so many intelligently worded, well thought out, and factually backed arguments for such an inane subject.

    That's what I loved about the RMMB, and why I was glad when I heard about this board: plenty of fairly intelligent people, all coming together to bullshit and talk about shit that didn't actually matter in the end, just to have a good time.

    Oh and Gris' comics.
  4. Rob4Broncos

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Re: Great Moments in RMMB History

    Fuck all of you, I'm going to the gym in 26 minutes.
  5. KIMaster

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Re: Great Moments in RMMB History

    All of Gris's 3D Animation films, not just the one that coined "shitpussy", were comedic gold. Even better than his comics. Still all up on Youtube, in fact.

    From the earlier days, the LovelyBarbie and CloudStachaser topics were huge highlights, although RoshKosh was unfortunately before my time. The Reaper situation was anything but amusing, though; not only was it sad and sobering, but it marked the end of SoupSandwich, which used to be one of my favorite comedic sites.
  6. Frebis

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Re: Great Moments in RMMB History

    My favorite memory of the old board will always be the rant and rave thread before it become the live journal thread. I used to love logging in there just to see that my life wasn't as shitty as the rest of the world was. Plus people used to be really angry.

    I also enjoyed the wahoo. And does anyone remember the porno video with the dude sticking his balls in the chick? That was a running joke for the best time.

    I also loved the first three months of daddy don't hit me. When there were three authors, and before it became the BC Woods has a shitty life thread. I still miss Jane. And I wonder to this day which board member it was. She had a great post about using abortion as birth control which will go down as my favorite blog ever.
  7. sublime

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    Village Idiot

    Oct 19, 2009
    Re: Great Moments in RMMB History

    I think that is a pretty big overstatement there. The timing is suspect yes, and I am disappointed too because I wanted to keep reading the IHTSBIH movie forum, but the guy is 30 years old running his own business. If you were around a long time ago you should remember that Tucker was a lot more active back then. He has a media company, wrote a book, went on tours, made a movie, etc. It isn't such a far stretch to believe him when he writes
    The RMMB was obviously some part of his business and I think for a man as devoted as he is to his company, it would be out of character for him to suddenly take his toys and go home. Besides that, if he really
    then why would he bother making the goodbye message and linking to all of the new forums?
  8. DrinksOnTheHouse

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    Average Idiot

    Oct 19, 2009
    We don't smoke that shit in the SFC
    Re: Great Moments in RMMB History

    Dude, remember it? That is alisha_17 and it is still a running joke amongst all of my friends (who probably have no clue where I found it). Stick dem nutz in there. Oh yeah Tone, you clownin' that bitch. A solo DP.
  9. whatisinaname

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    Hoping to be even a fraction of the man Jim is.

    Oct 20, 2009
    Re: Great Moments in RMMB History

    It sad, but the more I learn about what really happened, the less respect I have for the guy. The truth is all over blogs and it's not pretty.

    That said, hello to all.

    And the JFP will always be one of my favorites. Even better when the douche Dr Phil was making JFP look like a bigger one.
  10. Supertramp

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Re: Great Moments in RMMB History

    What is it that you think/read happened?
  11. Frebis

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Re: Great Moments in RMMB History

    Take what Buiscuits said. Add in what you can tell is true from IMDB. between all the trolling it is simple to tell who knows what happened and who didn't.

    I did read one thing on IMDB this morning that I found interesting. Someone speculated that Tucker would be putting some of the best of the all star thread into a book. Fuck, I may get published! granted, it may be because of how I wipe my ass, but who the fuck cares?!?
  12. Omegaham

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Re: Great Moments in RMMB History

    I'd also like to ask the same question. From what I know, Tucker Max used the messageboard to stir up publicity for his book and movie. Now that both are done - the book an amazing success, the movie a failure, he has no reason to pay the huge fees of hosting such an enormous board. Why would he host something that has no purpose for him? After all, he wasn't exactly a big participant on the board after the first few years.

    I'm sad that he decided that being fans of his didn't even warrant a notice so we could say goodbye, but having his movie fail doesn't really detract from my respect for him. After all, would we respect him any more if he just sold the script for a million bucks and walked away, then said, "Yeah, the movie sucked and we could have done a lot better, but didn't want to take the risk?"
  13. DrFrylock

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    The White

    Oct 19, 2009
    Re: Great Moments in RMMB History

    I think that the great moments I remember have already mostly been covered. The Reaper Incident, Cloud Starchaser... I didn't find the Blueberry Heir episodes to be very great at all, mostly because litigating against someone in real life over shit-talking on the Internet when everyone involved is an adult is just sad and a little disturbing. Who needs that kind of trouble for posting on a board called THE IDIOT BOARD amirite?

    A personal favorite not mentioned was the Twinkietoezz thread. I'm pretty sure when she originally registered, her username was just Twinkletoes, but over a number of surreptitious moderator changes, she was rechristened Twinkietoezz.

    Another: In the original Hotwheelz thread, which was an epic thread to end most other epic threads, for about the first two or three pages, some poor other handicapped kid kept trying to horn in on Hotwheelz' action (as if Hotwheelz could be upstaged). There were several posts of the "Hey well I don't have any use of my legs, anybody want to ask me anything?" (No.) Then him trying to tell us all his personal story, which was met with resounding ignorage. RMMB members may not be classy, but they can spot class.

    And a purely selfish personal favorite: the only time that anyone has ever caricatured me in a cartoon form. One of our favorite Silly Little Mods had posted a thread - the kind that only a mod could post, and not a member. Anyway he was inviting RMMBers to an art opening at the Saint Jesus de la Cucaracha de San Ramon Art Gallery in LA, or something like that. Not thinking, I posted a comment like "so why should I consider coming to this? What's the point?" Apparently an art opening WAS the point, and thus began a shitstorm of epic proportions. I was subsequently accused of having every disorder on the autism spectrum, and finally I was banned from coming within a 50-mile-radius, lest the Wrath of the RMMB Moderators come down on me. Looking back, I probably deserved it.

    But the best part was that the discussion had gotten so heated that Gris drew an MS Paint four-panel comic with me as the main character. I was depicted as an ordinary-looking guy, except where my head should have been there was a hairy ballsack with eyes. Thus another ten seconds was taken off my 15-minutes-of-fame clock.

    Ah memories. But, as they say in New York, Excelsior! Onward and upward! New ones to make here!
  14. graffin226

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    Village Idiot

    Oct 19, 2009
    DC Metro
    Re: Great Moments in RMMB History

    But he does have plans for other books, right? If you look on his facebook, it looks like he just wasn't happy with the way things were going here, or the jobs the mods were doing.
  15. whatisinaname

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    Hoping to be even a fraction of the man Jim is.

    Oct 20, 2009
    Re: Great Moments in RMMB History

    Looking at three names here at least, I know they absolutely know what happened. I'd be happy to post what I know as fact and what is rumor, but I don't know if that's what people want. It's really up to the board owner to decide.
  16. elo

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    Village Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    Re: Great Moments in RMMB History

    Sad and sobering if you were involved or caught up in what happened... not so much sad, and even funny if you were on the outside looking in.

    I remember someone bought his "men" expensive things like night vision goggles, gloves, footwear, etc... while others baked him cookies and sent him toiletries. I had this hilarious fucking image in my head of reaper sitting in front of his computer typing his next entry in his war memoir, wearing night vision goggles, eating cookies, and waving off his pregnant fiance (he was supposedly hooking up with TMMB members, but really had a fiance "at home").

    .. or maybe I'm just bitter that I wasn't one of the elite invited to the cool kids club to read his war stories on the super secret Reaper forum.

    anyone remember TFTT (tanked for the troops) events?

    I think what made the TMMB board so great back then was that everyone took themselves so seriously. Even though the premise of the site was for his friends to have fun, it was usually that real life bond that brought the real funny shit. Like the BrianH (? if i remember correctly) ordeal where he tried to "steal" tucker's material, recruit his best friend nils, and walk thebunny into the sunset (I think it was bunny and some redbull rep chick?.. may have been some other women from the forum)... all from the backdrop of the VMAs.

    way way way back when, when tucker was literally bouncing from friends house to friends house, sleeping on their couches and wearing out his welcome in a week. Begging mrjake(?) to foot the bill for the forum for just one more month and stringing him along to do just one more pro bono project for the board. sippycup losing his shit monthly, and tucker having to reel him back in gingerly.

    it was like watching a tv show.. that was the days of the REAL unintentional comedy

    sadly, over the last few years, as tucker gained fame... the board stopped being friends and "members", and everyone became "fans". All the mods were second/third generation mods all trying to, as someone else put it, "be the tucker max of the thread".

    hopefully this board won't take itself too seriously... and everyone maintains reasonable expectations of what this place should be.

  17. BrianH

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    Oct 20, 2009
    Re: Great Moments in RMMB History

    An interesting tidbit about the Reaper375 saga that was never really published:

    It came out recently that Reaper was not just lying about going to Iraq with Blackwater, but that he was never even an Army Ranger to begin with. Never served one day as an infantryman of any sort. He did, however, serve as a drummer in the Army Band.

    Think about that for a second: he convinced not just the RMMB, but the members of a well known Special Operations messageboard that he was a Ranger literally for YEARS. He knew all of these guys in real life, and had crafted such an expert alternate persona that he had deceived multiple members of Ranger Regiment. I still have trouble wrapping my head around it.
  18. mekka

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    Re: Great Moments in RMMB History

    - The Advice Board (best unintentional humor ever)
    - The various user calling out threads/wahoos (the Gris comics get special mention)
    - Sillylittlefreak still being on the job hunt and raining down the pain on anyone who admitted to Bit Torrenting
    - The Ask a Cripple/Ask a Pornstar Threads
    - The Philalawyer thread (mostly since it completely changed my view on working in that profession)
    - Dimeo III
    - The MMA board (which was the single greatest MMA community on the internet, bar none)
    - That kid that posted the thread about buying his boss a dildo and not realize how much of a moron he was
  19. elo

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    Village Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    Re: Great Moments in RMMB History

    I thought the members of "that other board" vested him? Didn't some know him in Real Life? Served with him in the Ranger Bat?

    If he truly pulled that off, then my hat's off to him. Bravo.
  20. Omegaham

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Re: Great Moments in RMMB History

    Holy shit, I never knew that. Looking at the archives, he was one of the most BS-proof people on the board - he would call guys out monthly for pretending they were in the service. Maybe that's how he knew what to look for. I always thought he was a Ranger who just burned out and wanted to relive his glory days. That's about as pathetic as you can get. Honestly, the amount of effort that he must have spent getting the information to play that part, the amount of research, the strain of carrying on that charade... wouldn't it have been easier just to go and do it?