I just came across this: "Glenn Beck” Confesses His On-Air Persona Is Part Of Decade-Long Sociology Experiment. Apparently his real name is Peter Morton and he used to be a professor at a university in south Florida. I doubt this is true, but either way, it's pretty hilarious. http://www.inebriateddiscourse.com/2010/01/glennbeck2.html
Hard to discuss on a board with a no politics rule, but. . . Yes and no. On one hand, the article is an Onion-style satire piece, and you're an idiot for not being one hundred percent sure of that. On the other hand, of course the crying, impassioned Glenn Beck you see on Fox News is a fake persona. The show is really cynical, really obvious propaganda designed to manipulate idiots, but unfortunately America is so collectively retarded that the demon lives. So intelligent human beings from time to time must write Onion-style satire pieces about him to cope. But it ain't as funny as this:
I'll say this without getting political. It doesn't matter whether your liberal or conservative: if you hung on to the monstrously retarded horseshit that THIS man has said in the past two years, you should just plain kill yourself. If it's a hoax, then it's a decent one but I doubt it is. It's hard enough for a man to shed fake tears, not including the real, actual pathetic ones we've seen this special needs poster boy shed. Whether he's putting everybody on or not, he has said literally some of the stupidest, things I've ever heard in my entire life, and retards eat it up like it's a trail of fucking Reece's Pieces. At first, I just plain thought that this fat-assed chimp was some divine comedy, not thinking that people would ACTUALLY be stupid enough to "rise up with him". I'll give the guy credit, he managed to become a huge success without ever (EVER) saying a single intelligent thing in his entire career. I mean, the guy's dim, rascist (yes, he is. You know it), can't read half the captions on his show properly and apparently was born without th ability to feel impulse contol. If he's actually saying the was a "sociology experiment" then he's either finally dug his own grave with his mouth or he's a genius, and I refuse to believe the latter without hardcore evidence.
I apologize for not being aware of the no politics rule. I just assumed Glenn Beck's crap would fall under the category of "pop culture." Won't happen again. As to that video, I am curious as to what he was really saying under that raping dub.
<a class="postlink" href="http://www.thedailyshow.com/watch/thu-november-5-2009/the-11-3-project" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.thedailyshow.com/watch/thu-n ... -3-project</a> 1st