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Gift of the Magi

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by D26, Nov 30, 2011.

  1. D26

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    So we have a Christmas Wish List thread, and a thread about the stuff we wanted but got stiffed on, but how about a thread about gifts we're getting others?

    Focus: What are you getting for others this year? Anyone that is a pain in the ass to shop for?

    Alt-Focus: Any gifts you've bought before that went over particularly well, or were absolutely perfect?

    Personally, I love getting things for my family. I usually enjoy giving gifts way more than getting them. This year, we're getting an iPad (albeit slightly used) for my mother-in-law, and a high quality coffee maker for my parents. Both of them are running into a couple hundred dollars, but given how much they've spent on us for Christmases past, we can swing it.

    The hardest people to shop for are my wife and my father-in-law. My father-in-law always insists that we don't get him anything. As a result, my wife and I have started buying gifts through the Child's Play Charity for children's hospitals and children who are stuck in the hospital at Christmas. This stems back to the fact that my brother-in-law was in the hospital from Thanksgiving night until well past Christmas, and it was an absolutely brutal experience that was made only slightly better by the fact that people had donated some games for him to play, some DVDs for him to watch, and a few other things to occupy him. Even after he was in a coma, the games and DVDs kept my other little brother-in-law distracted enough. It is such a small, insignificant thing, but it made a big difference as we helped pass out gifts to other sick kids, and it was awesome to see them so happy to get something to cheer them up when they're stuck in a hospital. Every year, we buy tons of gifts for a Children's Hospital and donate them in my brother-in-law's name, and that is my father-in-law's gift, and he has said he looks forward to it every year.

    As for my wife, she always gets jewelry, and then some other gifts I think of. This year it is an iPhone charger/alarm clock, as her alarm clock is old as dirt and about to die, and she always complains that she can't listen to her music in the bedroom. I'm also getting her what I call the "so you're having a daughter" preparedness kit. It will include cute little girl dresses, purple bows (she hates pink), princess outfits, some Dora the Explorer DVDs, and for when the girl is older, a series of chick flicks on DVD (i.e. Twilight movies, Nicholas Sparks movies).
  2. Harry Coolahan

    Harry Coolahan
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    Apr 22, 2010
    My girlfriend's birthday is in a couple days, I'm getting her a gift certificate for two massages at a local spa, a dozen roses, and a vial of my blood.

    I am thoroughly looking forward to the mix of excitement and disgust that will flood over her face as she slowly scans the whole gift package.
  3. Judas

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    Oct 25, 2009
    I went home this Thanksgiving, and I over the dinner my dad asked me if I watched NCIS. With a murderous rage filling my heart I tritely replied that I watched real TV. This Christmas he is getting season 1 of The Wire, out of pure spite/love.

    I fully expect to receive a The Wire: Complete Edition for Christmas 2012 from him as a thank you.

    My sisters and I have never really gotten gifts for each other, since we never have had any money. I think I might buy them both UNC shirts and call it a day.

    My mom, I have no clue.

    I don't buy anyone else presents because I'm a cheap bastard...although I'm considering buying my girlfriend something.
  4. Frank

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    Dad - Shoes. I use to live by the Clark's corporate office and got him a couple pairs of shoes when they had their annual yard sale. They were $15 a piece that day, unfortunately checking them up online the same pair I bought him is about $150 now. Oh well, I'd rather spend the money on something I know he'll like than something that will still be in the wrapper for years.

    Mom - All weather mats for her car. I bought them for her once a little while ago and she loves them, this is the third car I'll be buying them for her.

    This is probably the first Christmas that I'll be 100% confident I'm giving good gifts.

    Other than that I don't exchange gifts with people because I think it's stupid. The gf and I don't even give each other holiday gifts, we'd rather be spontaneous about it throughout the year.
  5. katokoch

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Alt-Focus: Any gifts you've bought before that went over particularly well, or were absolutely perfect?

    My dad is notoriously difficult to buy gifts for, but we got him one a few years ago that was a home run. If anyone you know enjoys photography and doing anything outdoors, a Gorillapod is a winner. They are basically tripods with flexible, grippy legs, so you can basically wrap or wedge them into staying still to get shots you otherwise couldn't, or just have a helluva lot easier time keeping the damn camera still. Not too spendy either for the gift-giver. They rock.

  6. Misanthropic

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    I'm discovering how hard it is to come up with new gift ideas for a woman you've been with for 14 years. The Mrsanthropic is not a big "stuff" gal, so she rarely drops hints.I've given her the usual clothes (sweaters, coats, robes, gloves) and diamond, pearl and birthstone jewelry. We've done the books, special trips, flowers, chocolate, etc. I'm having a hard time coming up with something new this year.

    Maybe I'll get her something useful, like a new snow shovel or lawnmower. Just to encourage her appreciation of the outdoors, of course.

    Actually I am thinking of getting her some Teavana stuff this year:

  7. shimmered

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    Emotionally Jaded

    May 12, 2010
    Last year I got The Guy three gifts:
    1. (joke gift) European style men's underwear. The Guy is 6'2" and between 235 and 250. It made me giggle to contemplate.
    2. (guy gift) Ian Kinsler jersey in red. He played baseball for years, his number was 5, and his school colors were red. AND he played second base.
    3. (serious gift) A bottle of Laphroaig engraved with 1, 2, and 17 of the rules of Zombieland.

    I have no idea what I'm getting him this year. I'm somewhat at a loss because of everything that we went through.

    For the We'll see how the budget looks.
  8. $100T2

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    OK Billy Bob. Hope Angelina likes it.

    I'm getting my son a kids' tool set like I had when I was a kid. None of this plastic fake shit, actual metal tools that can cut wood and build shit.

    I am also going to get him an erector set, let him actually start working with tools.

    My wife and daughter are tough to shop for, because my wife never wants anything, and my daughter just wants vampire and monster shit.
  9. dixiebandit69

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    The asshole of Texas
    Focus: Li'l Bandit and my nieces are the only people who get actual gifts from me, be it Christmas or birthday, although I am giving one of my close buddie's two-year-old daughter a Mr. Potato Head. For everyone else in my life, it's funny Christmas cards* with personalized messages written in them.

    Li'l Bandit will definitely get some Legos. He says he wants an Ipod so he can listen to music on the bus. I'll get him a used one as long as he doesn't put a bunch of stupid music on it.
    Now that I think of it, I should give it to him loaded up with a bunch of Rolling Stones, Metallica, Social Distortion, Johnny Cash, Led Zeppelin, Creedence, etc. already loaded onto it.

    For my nieces (ages 6, 10, 11, & 14) I'm at a loss. Littlest niece likes Barbie stuff, and 11 year-old niece likes arts & crafts, but I don't know what to get for the other two.

    *(though I do send out Kwanzaa and Hannuka cards, even to people who are Christian.)
  10. bewildered

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    Deeply satisfied pooper

    Oct 26, 2009
    Anyone else noticing a theme here? It seems like Christmas is a time to live vicariously through the children in your life.
  11. zyron

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    I had one of those sets as a kid and loved it. Had a small saw and other metal tools. I wouldn't even think you would be able to buy one today with how much pussies parents are.
  12. Frank

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    You're saying that like it's some sort of revelation.
  13. McSmallstuff

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Nov 18, 2009

    If it weren't for the legos and transformers I am about to rock out in a few weeks, I would gladly skip this whole headache inducing season.
  14. katokoch

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Me and my brother shared a plastic set when we were little. I guess you could say I'm compensating for it now.

    The amount of fun that can be had with some real tools and a sack of lumber scraps with a box of nails is endless.
  15. StayFrosty

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Apr 4, 2010
    I'm getting my mom a nice but fairly inexpensive bracelet, and an Outback Steakhouse giftcard for her and her husband to share.

    My grandmother loves McDonald's coffee, so in lieu of giving her a gift card for real coffee, I'll accept she has her tastes and get her a gift card for that. She's also really into keeping her yard maintained, something she can't do herself anymore. I'm going to make several coupons that say "Good for one yard-mowing by [StayFrosty]" or something along those lines and give it to her.

    For my brother, I'm at a loss. I'd get him a game store gift card, but he does nothing but play games already, so I'd like to think of something that will have more value than as another reason to sit alone in his room. If he keeps turning down the hordes of girls practically begging for his dick, I might buy him a pocket pussy.

    My dad? Fuck, I don't even know. The man is impossible to buy for. When I was younger, we bought him watches, and he never wore them. We tried cologne, he didn't use it. One year we got him a remote starter for his car. He opened it, looked genuinely happy, then said "When are you going to install it?" I was 12, my brother was 6 or 7, and my mother, bless her heart, couldn't explain the difference between phillips and flathead if you gave her crayons and paper.

    This year, he wants screwdrivers. Because apparently there is something wrong with the 6,742 he already has. I feel bad, but what do you get for someone whose entire life consists of work, working from home, DIY fix it stuff at home, and sitting in a chair all weekend petting/feeding his lapdog in a manner eerily reminiscent of Dr. Evil and that fucking cat of his.

    So, gift cards, and fuck if I know. As if Christmas wasn't already depressing, this year it's making me hate myself.
  16. Rush-O-Matic

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Nov 11, 2009
    Someone gave me one of these a couple years ago. I use it often, and it does rock.

    Also, related side note: one of the things that it's useful for is that "family picture," when you need to use the timer outside. But, if you're inside, here's a tip for those of you who don't have a gorillapod. You know how everybody gets in front of the fireplace for the picture? And, how you can't find anything to set the camera on? And, how when you do, the table or book messes up the angle? Well, most people don't know this tip . . . but, everyone has a lamp. And, a lot of times, the room where you're trying to take the picture has a stand lamp. Guess what has threads the same size as the tripod mount on the bottom of your camera. If you said, DixieBandits 1/2" fabricated pipe, you'd be wrong. Buuuuuuuuut, if you said, the thing that holds up the lamp shade, you'd be damn right. Unscrew that mother, screw on your camera - Boom! monopod. Set the timer, everybody calls you a nerd, but has a smile on their face, because THEY did not know that trick and are impressed, and cousin Larry's new hot girlfriend is checking you out (high five! what? you know that's right) for being awesome.

    Focus: What are you getting for others this year?

    I've finally decided on the new Nook tablet for somebody. Existing B&N members get $25 off.

    F:Anyone that is a pain in the ass to shop for?

    Ug, my mom is impossible.
  17. caseykasem

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    Emotionally Jaded

    May 6, 2010
    Focus: I'll be getting my brother some clothes. I didn't get him anything for his birthday so I'll be getting him something extra for Christmas. So far I bought him a New York Rangers winter classic shirt. He's a big rangers fan and will absolutely love it.

    I have no idea what I'm going to buy my mom. For my dad, I'm going to get a few paintings by a local artist of famous records. He needs some more art for around their house and he will love them. I'm a pretty practical gift giver and I've heard the lady friend talk about wanting a new fleece from Patagonia so the only thing I have left to decide on that front is what color I'll be getting her.

    Alt. Focus: Two years ago I gave the ex girlfriend a Roku and some snowboard bindings which she absolutely loved. Not romantic at all but she was absolutely thrilled to get both of them.

    Attached Files:

  18. shimmered

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    Emotionally Jaded

    May 12, 2010
    4,469 has 1200+ threadcount sheets for under $150. They make a fantastic gift.
  19. audreymonroe

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    The most powerful cervix... in the world...

    Nov 23, 2009
    Brooklyn, NY
    I made this for my dad for his birthday a few years ago:


    The nice shaving kit I got him last year is in second place.