Look who stopped by for a visit! He's staying over here for about a week while The Wife's brother goes on vacation, and I couldn't be happier to have him back around the house. I mean, I did make the right decision in giving him over to her brother (its going to be tough to have him even for a week with the baby), but I'll be damned if I don't miss my little buddy. But when her brother dropped him off here yesterday, he let me know what Tex has been up to this week- Apparently yesterday while him and his wife were at work, somebody broke into their house by kicking in their front door. Now, he lives kinda in the country (one of the main reasons Tex likes it so much out there- lots a land and ponds for him to play in), so no one is really around to see or hear any kind of disturbance. Nobody except my buddy Tex! From what the police gathered, they think Tex heard people in the house, went to see who was there to play with him, and ended up scaring off the burglar(s). The only thing they took was some cheap jewelry that was on a nightstand, as well as a drawer full of quarters. Thats it. They didn't take the cash that was ALSO in the nightstand, nor the gun. No TVs or anything. I can hardly believe it- Tex... Scaring someone? They must have been really scared of dogs, because Tex doesn't have a mean bone in his body. So her brother was very lucky to make out as he did, and I get to play with a hero dog for a week! THAT'S GREAT HUSTLE! I know someone who's getting a giant bone and a piece of steak tonight! I may even let him stay inside tonig... *Looks at dog hair that has ALREADY accumulated*... I mean, I'll go outside to play with him all the time! And in his honor, his daddy is going to drink a bunch of wine and take The Wife to meet Bruce from "Swamp People" this evening at the Piggly Wiggly. BEST EVENING EVER!
Nasty? NASTY?! Let me ask you, which of these would you consider "nasty": Fried pork cutlet? Awesome. Hotdog? Awesome. Fried ham and chorizo? Awesome. Melty havarti cheese? Awesome. Fried egg? I'll challenge you to name ANY sandwich that is not made instantly better by throwing a fried egg on top. AwesomeX2 Put that all together, you get Awesome^6. That is Awesome to the mother effing sixth power! BOOM! MATH, EFFERS! THATS HOW IT WORKS (I THINK!)!
In the spirit of "moderation", happy Pi Approximation Day (22/7), you nerdy bastards. Our office is celebrating with a plethora of pies this afternoon. Sadly, I suspect this will not be one of the offerings...
Love. I ordered two XL coffees for myself on the way in to work. It's totally going to be "that kind of day." I can feel it.
There is a Happy Hour after work that everyone from across the entire company with an analytical focus has been invited to. It'll probably be even more awkward than a Reddit Meet-Up; but better for my career. We're probably going to take over the entire lawn-bowling deck at Brit's. Also: I'm stoked that I get to see these guys tomorrow! I'm from Duluth, and haven't had a chance to see them since one of thier first shows at the Fitgers Brewhouse. Let the shitshow commence!
I used to do securities fraud work for PDVSA, the national oil company of Venezuela, I got to read highly confidential correspondence between Dick Fuld and other Lehman executives, I've hidden money from South American governments in the British Virgin Islands. Now I've been offered a gig writing printer reviews for $1800 a month. Printer gets mailed to me, I kick the sides a bit, write 200 words, and mail it back. I think I'm becoming a Chuck Palahniuk character.
New job is just the best parts of the old job. Fridays off still in the mix for the summer... and thank god. 95 degrees here already and it's supposed to be 102 up here in the mountains, can only imagine how shitty it is down in the city. Time to inflate a pool float, grab my floating cooler, and go for a float. I'm out of rolling papers... fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck.
I have to go pick up a case of beer for tonight when the girl arrives. I might as well continue this week-long bender I have been on getting sloshed every night followed by working at 6AM the next day. MMMMMMM Also I think I am going to go buy an air conditioner. Fuck this heat.
Dawww, cute dog. Here, I am at work, my boss is still in Europe, and I have to write a white paper on social media, which feels more like a blog post. Hence, I am procrastinating. Behold, my latest brilliant Internet discovery: SANDWICH BLOG! Spoiler Mmm. Is it wrong to say I want your life?
Yeah, that's pretty fucking retarded actually. Now, if I can get that $1800 plus the $1350 I'd have if I get in to my top pick MFA, then we can start getting in to jealousy territory. If I can get those two things going, plus an occasional check from College Humor or somewhere, maybe a little advertising revenue from my site, it would be ...whatever the opposite of a perfect storm is.
Yeah, I figured. Still haven't accomplished jack shit. Getting a Dilbert's-eye-view of corporate nonsense over the past few days has been... entertaining.
I've been wondering, which will burn you out quicker: Giving a shit about a bullshit job, taking it very seriously, and really giving it your all, or not giving a shit, and being constantly aware of how meaningless your 9-5 is?
Working 40 hours a week in meeningless job doesn't really cause burn out for me. I can goof around. It gives me a pay check, etc. What does burn me out is when I have to work 80 hours a week at that same job. It means nothing to me but a pay check, and they want me to dedicate every hour that I'm awake this week? They can go fuck themselves. That happens way too much at my current job. And it has caused a shit ton of burn out. Then again, out of every job I've ever had, the only one I have ever enjoyed was washing golf carts at the golf course. Every job fucking blows. Win the lottery or find one you moderately tolerate that pays well. It is the only way to happiness.
I generally hate a lot of the day-to-day aspects of my job, but since I like the organization I work for and what it stands for, it's tolerable. I find it interesting that there's this notion that people should be looking for happiness and fulfillment through work and a career. What about people for whom a job is simply a job, who use it to fund activities or goals they're truly passionate about? Personally I think if you need to find a career or job that is fulfilling because you have nothing else in your life that meets those needs, you need to re-evaluate your entire life.