Not 100% on focus, but earlier this year, around the Superbowl some site had a list of the 10 best Superbowl commercials of all time. I clicked on the first one to watch it, and it showed a 30 second commercial before the other commercial. What the fuck?
I always wonder if thats real, or the kid is a great actress. Seems to be pretty messed up that a parents would allow their kid to be disappointed for money. Shiny suds
Crying Number commercial. Can't make up my mind if this is funny, evil or just plain sad. All three? Also, is it just me or does this feature Sally Struthers, David Hassellhoff and Mick Jagger? Another favorite of mine is the one with the women playing basketball in heels. Hillariously un-P.C. and makes me hawny, too. I liked it so much I have no idea what product it represents. Dr. Scholl's?
There is no one on this board who has not taken a walk of shame, and then jumped in the shower and scrubbed themselves like a rape victim. I humbly submit for your consideration:
This is my favourite commercial of all. It's funny, quick and very Canuck. Labatt and Molson always duke it out with commercials over the summer, and this one tops them. The last line is a gem: This is hands down my favourite U.S. commerical: And who could forget THIS shit:
It's a newer commercial that I can't find on youtube, probably because I can't remember if it was for cable, or direcTV, or whatever. They're in the board room talking about how they can compete, when the President/CEO ominously looks around and says, "One person will not be here next week." Everyone shits themselves thinking they're gonna get canned, when he stands up laughing, "It's me! I'm going to Barbados" and high-fives one of the other execs. Love it.