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Fumbling the Balls

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Pinkcup, Oct 12, 2010.

  1. Pinkcup

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 22, 2009
    Steel City
    Unless you've been living under a rock, you've probably heard about Brett Favre allegedly sending cock pictures to Jenn Sterger and some other random ladies. There is so, so much funny about this story that I don't even know where to begin...

    Focus: Discuss the incident. Would Favre really masturbate while wearing Crocs? How probable is it that this is a prankster? If it is indeed proved to a reasonable degree (I think that has already been done, by several different sources) that these are legit, how creepy is it that Jenn Sterger looks exactly like Brett Favre's wife?

    Alt. Focus Dick pics. Unless requested......why?
  2. rei

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Guelph, ON
    I heard they were intended for his wife but Jenn Sterger intercepted them.
  3. toddamus

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    Oct 21, 2009
    Somewhere west of New York
    As if Farve needed more attention. I'm actually surprised he has a cock seeing as how he's such a dam drama queen.
  4. scotchcrotch

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Nov 21, 2009
    When else would you wear Crocs than to fondle yourself on camera?

    I guess Croc Butter isn't lube after all.
  5. jets22

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    Oct 20, 2009
    I guess his throws aren't the only things that come up a little short these days.
  6. Beefy Phil

    Beefy Phil
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    Oct 19, 2009
    The whole thing stinks.

    Favre's image problems having been coming to a head for months. His preseason antics were tolerable as long as he produced on the field. That is no longer the case. Public opinion is steadily turning against him, and more people than ever are embracing this portrayal of him as an unscrupulous douchebag with loyalty and commitment issues. He betrayed Green Bay, he's toyed with the Jets and Vikings for the last three seasons, and now he can't even play anymore. Of course he'd betray his spouse and harass a reporter.

    Sterger, on the other hand, is a notorious attention-whore who fashioned an entire career out of manipulating her sex appeal. The reason she is famous is because Brent Musberger commented on her chest on national television. That's it. That's why we know her name right now. She also has roles in two films coming out this year, and a show on Versus that approximately seven (7) people knew about before this scandal broke. Furthermore, the whole Inez Sainz debacle has already painted the Jets as an organization in which this type of behavior is commonplace. The timing is too convenient.

    I'm not defending Favre's character and I'm not concluding that he didn't pull some skeezy shit, but if you're Sterger, you don't sit on a story like this for two years because you're embarrassed. Not when you used to troll internet messageboards asking people to comment on how hot they think you are. You do it because you're waiting for the right time to land a blow that is beneficial to you. Whether or not that is Brett's cock on camera, I don't doubt for a second that this is a very deliberate attempt by Sterger to discredit him and further her own career in the process.
  7. effinshenanigans

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    Oct 19, 2009
    Aside from the fact that she's saying it's his dick, what else ties this to him? Is the phone number his? Has a penile forensic analyst concluded that there are identifying marks or veins that match Brett's? I honestly haven't dug that deep into this whole thing and don't have a desire to start, but I'm just curious if any actual evidence has been produced other than a dick picture on a cell phone and her word against his.

    I'm as sick of Brett Favre as the next guy, but dick pictures to some chick just don't seem to fit. Who knows, though. No one knew that Tiger was banging porn stars left and right.
  8. Elset

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    Nov 4, 2009
    near Boulder, CO
    That reminds me. They should probably just have a tallywhacker line up to make sure it was his.

    "Now, Mr. Carter. I know this is completely unorthodox. But I think this is the only way to find that boy. Now that penis had a mole on it - I'd recognize that penis anywhere..."
  9. Rush-O-Matic

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    Nov 11, 2009
    I think I read one thing that it's not even her word against his, though. I think it was from a third party, and she has yet to confirm or deny publicly.
  10. shegirl

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    Redemption Seeking Whore

    Oct 19, 2009
    No one knows for sure what happened except the parties that were directly involved so I am in no way going to say he is innocent, or guilty, what I will say is there does seem to be some holes here and there. If he's guilty then he should be punished. Either way this shadows his last season, whether it's a good one or a bad one on the field. So far he certainly is going in the crappy playing direction.
  11. Pinkcup

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    Oct 22, 2009
    Steel City
    Just to clear things up: She actually did sit on this. From all accounts, she constantly mentioned the skeevy behavior of some players to her friends and laughed at them in private. Now, I don't know whether these were actual complaints that she made to her friends or if she was jokingly complaining as a method of spreading gossip to her close friends--I'll admit complete ignorance as to her motives for discussing the subject with them. But when pressed by her (now former) friend, who sometimes edits on Deadspin, she spilled specifics about the Favre thing under the promise of confidentiality. She showed him the pictures that she'd been showing her female friends, she played a voicemail for him, but balked at ever making them public. According to the editor, she was really concerned about what that would do to her career.

    She wrote this to the editor after he kept pressing her to go public with her story:
    He responded by promising to leave her specific details out of it...even though it's doubtful that he ever had any intentions of honoring that promise. In his own words:
    Is she silly for trusting an editor at Deadspin with hilarious gossip about FaRVE? Maybe. I can totally see how she would assume he might A) Respect her wishes as a friend or B) Follow journalistic guidelines of professionalism regarding sources and source material. But then again, everyone at Deadspin has deplorable morals and manners. It's a toss up.

    EDIT: I wouldn't put much stock in opinion pieces about the story. Sports writers tend to fellate their favorite players and overlook the obvious, especially with regards to these types of issues. Read the source material and make up your own mind.

    (I'm going to say NSFW only because it's Deadspin and the ads aren't work friendly, but there are no suprise dick shots in the articles I'm linking below although I can't vouch for the other articles.)
  12. Beefy Phil

    Beefy Phil
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    Oct 19, 2009
    Oh, I know that she sat on it. I'm more interested in why.

    The bolded part is what I find curious. If she were so eager to distance herself from the whole thing, why not flat-out refuse to give him the pictures and voicemails? Because e-mails are enough to 'get it started'? Without the pictures and the VMs, this is a flash-in-the-pan story with even more holes in it than it has right now. She may have been reluctant, but she didn't ultimately deny him what he asked for, did she? If anything, she escalated the issue.

    I still think this is a matter of convenient timing. Two years ago, she was with the Jets organization and the New York media had constant eyes on Favre. If she exposed him then, she probably risked losing her job, if only to prevent negative attention being directed toward a guy who was quite a popular story in New York at the time. So she covers her bases with emails that make her seem like an upstanding career-minded woman of virtue just in case there's a leak, and keeps her mouth shut.

    Two years later, Brett's in the doghouse with pretty much everyone, and Jenn's not with the Jets anymore. They have emails in hand that show how much she doesn't want this attention, and a bunch of snapshots and audio recordings that she saved for the last 24 months because...why exactly? Seems to me that if you don't "roll" with old married dudes and you just wanted the situation to disappear, you wouldn't hang on to pictures of his dick. And you definitely wouldn't hand them over to a gossip-site editor voluntarily.

    Unless Brett is holding on to information that proves they actually had a consensual affair, there is no downside for her. How exactly would it hurt her career? "Young female reporter who tried to prevent scandal exposed as victim of a dirty old man"? Doesn't make sense. As it stands, the product of this scandal for her is media exposure, which is what I think she wanted in the first place, and why she willingly handed over the dirt she'd been saving for two years.
  13. jets22

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    Oct 20, 2009
    She hasn't said anything publicly about it, but based on Favre's answers to questions about it and what ESPN is calling a "tearful apology" to his teammates, it certainly sounds like he's guilty.

    I don't know about the pictures, but I've listened to the voicemails and it does sound like his voice.

    My understanding of it is that the pictures and voicemails came from a third party that apparently has some ties to Sterger. So whether she showed them to somebody and they saved them or they were obtained some other way, she's not responsible for selling them to Deadspin.

    And if that's the case, what is she doing wrong right now? She hasn't done anything like the girls that Tiger Woods slept with and tried to sell her story to the media or cash in on this at all. She's keeping quiet and cooperating with the NFL investigation. Is she getting exposure for this? Of course. But if the pictures and voicemails didn't come from her, what would you want her to do in this situation?

    Peter King swears it's not Favre's.
  14. Beefy Phil

    Beefy Phil
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    EDIT: Misread the quote. I are dumb. I do question how exactly the editor threatens to go public with the story and wants the pictures, the voicemails or her name, has none of them, but then emails her, and both the pictures and the voicemails show up the next day through a 'third party'. Doesn't seem kosher.

    For the record, I don't think she's done anything 'wrong'. She's taking advantage of a Favre-centric moral witch hunt, especially since we don't yet know for sure how involved with him she really was, but am I vilifying her for it? Not at all. He fucked up. She had a play and she made it. Good on her. But just because she isn't literally cashing in on the scandal like the Woods Women doesn't mean she won't ultimately benefit from it. She was already kind of famous. She wanted to be more famous. She is one hundred times more famous today than she was a week ago. Mission accomplished.

    Also, she's keeping quiet because it doesn't behoove her to say anything, not because she respects the investigatory integrity of the National Football League. The confusion and lack of information is hurting Favre, not her. The minute she goes on the record, she has to defend what she says in light of any information that might come out in the next few weeks. Better to play the quiet, cooperative victim and let him dig his own grave.
  15. Pinkcup

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    Oct 22, 2009
    Steel City
    I don't know Jenn Sterger at ALL, but if I'm allowed to make reasonable assumptions I can address some of those issues for you.

    --I don't think she realized that A.J./DAULERIO was bluffing in his email. Actually, I'm not even clear whether that email was a bluff or not. He's the type of "journalist" who would run a crap story just for the page hits...retractions don't bother him a bit. He said he was going to run the story, gaping holes be damned, and feature her emails prominently. She could either be in or out, but it wasn't staying quiet.

    If I were in that situation, I would rather reluctantly cooperate. The alternative is this: The story runs sans proof. People automatically assume I'm a lying whore trying to cash in on poor Favre's name, because if I was telling the truth I would've provided proof, right? So if I take the high road by refusing to comment...I get dragged through the mud in the court of public opinion. The best option for her, once she perceived that her hand was being forced, is to hand over the evidence (first setting up a neutral third party to hand over the information/get payment for the information, so no critics are able to say that she did it "for the money"....since, ostensibly, she isn't getting any money from this) and then refuse to comment.

    She gets to take the somewhat elevated road by refusing to comment, but still has proof to back herself up so that no one can say she's making false allegations for attention/money/fame. And she gets paid for having her hand forced.

    --I keep dick pics. If I ever got a famous man's dick in my text inbox, I'd save that fucker forever. Even if that dude was old, married, fat, bald, and herpes-ridden....I'd keep it. I'm never gonna "roll" in the hay with him, but it's a conversation piece. Plus, they're hilarious. If the famous dude in question was ALSO wearing Crocs........I think you know where I'm going with this.

    --Even with all the proof, though, the story isn't playing out as "Young female reporter who tried to prevent scandal exposed as victim of a dirty old man". Hell, check out the article Shegirl posted above. People still don't believe her story. She's getting painted as a liar (not in Shegirls' article, but there are plenty others out there) or someone who is associated with a lie/false accusation. Even if that doesn't directly affect your current career, no one wants that stink attached to their name.

    I am 99.9% positive she banks on the fact that she's gorgeous and has a large sports-watching fan base in order to get jobs. This should bother me, but it doesn't...more power to her. Getting employment is tough right now. This might be mean-spirited, but she's no Erin Andrews--she doesn't have that kind of skill and she doesn't have the benefit of Andrews' squeaky clean image. There are a TON of sexist pricks working in the sports industry who see her sexy collegiate persona and will automatically decide that she's a dirty whore who is in this for the fame/athlete cock/hush money.

    Case in point:
    Terez Owens dismisses her allegations, points to a photo gallery of her sexy pictures, and says "Now peep the gallery below to tell me if this girl looks like she’s telling the truth..."

    This is a lose-lose for Jenn. As soon as her "friend" decided to toss her confidentiality to the wind, she was going to get fucked in this. But she's made the best possible outcome for herself, and that's admirable.
  16. Nitwit

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 25, 2009
    Hey did someone say this girl used to post on the old board? Can anyone provide a link to her old post or some back story?
  17. Beefy Phil

    Beefy Phil
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Long story short, soon after the Musberger Incident, she showed up posting pictures and links to her website and basically asked the Max and the board to "rate" her. In typical old-school fashion, a bunch of posters ganged up on and ridiculed her. She tried to bite back, but if you remember anything about that place, you can imagine how successful she wasn't.
  18. jets22

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    Just to clarify, the email conversation where Daulerio threatened to go public with the story was posted on Deadspin back in late August/early September. I don't know if it took this long for the third party to come forward with them or if they were negotiating, but I don't think Deadspin had the pictures for very long before posting them last week. This story (rumor at the time, really) has been brewing for a few months now and is only being thrust into the spotlight thanks to the pictures.
  19. Beefy Phil

    Beefy Phil
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    They call what I have done here "conjecture based on horseshit information".
  20. iczorro

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    Oct 19, 2009
    The Island
    I had heard rumors from Favre haters that he had admitted guilt. This is not so. I would expect any stand-up athlete to do this. Admittedly, I'm a Vikings Homer...

    <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... story.html</a>

    This does not, in any way, say that he is guilty of what he's been accused of. Sure, those messages sounded like him, but I haven't seen any proof they were from him. I bet no on out there can do a Brett Favre impression, right?

    Now, I admit it's a possibility that this whole thing is real, while hoping it isn't. Either way, if he leads the Vikings to victories, I won't care. The guy holds all the records for QBs, good and bad. If he can lead my team better than he has this first four games, I won't give a shit. That's just honest.

    How many people still cheer for Tiger? Most of them.