I was doing some reading about Latin the other day and came across mention of Reginald Foster, possibly the greatest living Latinist and the official Latin translator for the Vatican for 40 years. Not a single Latin document published by the Vatican wasn't signed off by him first. Then, I recognized him from somewhere. He was that rebel priest Bill Maher spoke to in Religulous. From another source, he's got quite a history of being critical of the Catholic Church (see 4:00) And the establishment tried to get him to toe the line, but he wouldn't shut up. And because he was so damn good at Latin, they had to keep him around. It occurs to me this guy has fuck-you talent in the way rich people have fuck-you money. He's too valuable to give up. Focus: What shit have you gotten away with because you were providing something rare and in demand? Alt-focus: What super-talent would you choose to have and what shit would you get away with?
There a professor at my school in the biology department who has fuck you talent. He gets the biggest corner offer, sports a grey pony tail and a small hoop earring, and he is fucking awesome. He is very well known in his field, his specialty being paleobotony, has been to Asia nearly 20 times for various research trips, has led teams from National Geographic several times, is funded by the NSF, and has published many papers. Yeah, he's got fuck-you talent.
One of the civilians in my shop has Fuck-You talent. He's an ornery old bastard who yells at pretty much everyone. I've seen him yell at the CO, at the master sergeant, at the controllers, at us... We tune him out, but he's miserable to work with. He'll walk into the room, and you can feel the stress level rise. However, since he was the one who supervised getting the radar built and knows everything about the installation, they have to keep him around; the radar would fall apart without him. No one else has the skillset he does, so he can be as much of a dick as he wants and still have a job.
I don't know if this really counts, but I can't be fired from my current job because I'm the only one who knows where anything is in the filing room. I work for a doctor who hasn't updated the technology in the office since the mid-80's (there is one modern computer in the office at the manager's desk because she has to print out the Dr's emails so that he will read them.) and he hasn't gotten rid of a single file since 1979, so the room is a complete mess. I have a highly complicated system for filing where any patient who hasn't been in the office since 2007 gets put in a box and put wherever there is room. I suppose when I finish school and get a real job, they're going to have to get new computers.
I can't think of any fuck you talents at the moment, but I did immediately think of the line the lead actor gets to say in the Hollywood version of the movie of his assassination by the Vatican because he won't back down: "Now Latin really is a dead language." Fuck I'm awesome.