Having lunch at a Hardee's today, I was reminded of my first job there when I was 16. My manager was a fucking bitch, taking advantage of a kid getting paid minimum wage and having no idea of the workplace. She had me power wash and tar the parking lot, by myself. In the middle of summer. I regularly was scheduled working late shifts during the week after telling her before I started I had school. The icing on the cake was when I caught her repeatedly clocking me out early to avoid me hitting overtime. After finding out she did that, I took all the bacon (about 3 pounds worth), dumped a box of burgers in the the fryer, and walked out. What can I say, I love my bacon. Focus How have you quit shitty jobs?
Alt focus maybe? I'm working a shitty job right now, but I haven't quit yet. I'm always fantasizing of ways to get fired, but with the few job prospects out there, I really want to be able to put this on my resume. Took 5 interviews at different places of no callbacks so I was pretty desperate for this one. Minimum wage? Check. No breaks? Check. Hair must be worn down. Check. Wardrobe described conveying an "intellectual sex appeal". Check. (What the fuck? Sexy librarian? What are they fucking talking about?) Wearing a little skirt and minimum 3 inch heels while carrying plates of food? Check. I think I'd rather be working at Hooters. At least they're not bullshitting you. Intellectual sex appeal, my ass. I have to restock and clean the men's washroom too. My favorite moment was when a dude jokingly walked to the men's urinal next to me while I was cleaning and I said "Could you wait a few?" His buddy walked in and responded "Whoa, they have girls cleaning here?" I then said "It's like a party in here." And he responded "Not yet." Haaaa I walked out and their girlfriends were waiting outside. I thought "THAT doesn't look good." I told this to one of my friends and he suggested next time when I walk out of the men's bathroom I should pretend to un-smear my lipstick casually. Brilliant. Next time.
I used to work for K-mart. God I seriously still hate that place for various reasons. A little back story, my father happened to work there for almost 30 years, when I turned 16 he was a manager at a different store. I got a job there because, why not? Easy first job. I was a spoiled little brat and everyone treated me accordingly, but because they all knew where my dad worked I still had a job. Cue to college. I need a job, different town. I go to a much smaller K-mart. I did not know there was a varying scale in this shit. The managers were absolutely terrible. I'm not saying that these people sucked at their job, these people fucking blew at life. I made shit wages, they treated me like shit. I was alright at my job, don't get me wrong I may have been a huge pothead and did the things that go with that. Because these people were so terrible at life they tried to pull me down with them. I can remember managers telling me that I'm a piece of shit. Or me trying to get help in another department and them blatantly ignoring me. It was a frustrating display of suck. What I'm getting at though, and honestly what I've learned. You can choose where you work, I know that the economy sucks right now and everyone is applying everywhere. But I lucked out in the job I got after that. I still maintain a similar lifestyle, but I keep my work life and my personal life separate in some ways. I'm encouraged to think outside of the box, my managers actually engage me in a way that is positive to the growth of me as a professional. It is like fucking black and white. In fact, have you ever been to a Chik-fil-a? Have you ever gotten terrible service there? Like seriously has anyone ever treated you like shit in a Chik-fil-a? Nope? That's right those fuckers are on happy pills. I asked one of them the other day what was up. I figured that maybe it was some coveted high school job. Making ten dollars an hour to take some chick to the movies. All he told me though was that the environment was really cool to work in. It was an easy job to like. I wish more companies took that approach to managing employees. But, whatever.
I worked at a Friendly's restaurant. I had worked there since age 14 and I guess I was about 16 when I quit. I started as a dishwasher and eventually ended up at a point where I worked as a cook, food prep, or dishwasher as needed. The job itself sucked, but the people working there were awesome. The older ones would provide alcohol to us youngsters and invite us to some parties. We'd get drunk at work, do whippits, etc. I'm sure I worked there way longer than I would have if the staff were different. Eventually, most of the cooler staff quit/moved on, whatever and the job started to suck. The managers were assholes, the hours were long, and the job wasn't fun anymore. I was barely hanging on, mostly because I was too lazy to look for anything else. The day I quit was a Sunday. I was scheduled to work 6-2 as a cook, cooking breakfast and items for the breakfast buffet. There was another cook with me and there was supposed to be a dishwasher, but he had called in sick. They couldn't get anyone else in, so there were two of us trying to cook and wash dishes. We were somehow keeping up until we got a busload of people and we just got swamped. Everyone was in a foul mood. The usually cool waitresses were bitching because we were behind on both cooking the food and providing dishes to put it on. The asst manager was yelling at us to move faster. We were pissed at them for yelling at us. After the bus left, I asked the asst. manager if I could take a ten minute break before I attacked the dishes since the restaurant was slow at the time, and he lost it. Screaming at me that the dishes had to get done, etc. I guess I just realized that I had enough of the job and I was only 16 and said "fuck this, I quit". He tried that usual "You aren't allowed to quit" bullshit. I called my mother to pick me up (yes, I was a dork and didn't have my own car yet) and went outside to wait. She came and got me and before we left, I realized I left my radio back in the dishwashing area and went in to get it. I went back in and the place is a disaster area. There are piles of dirty dishes everywhere, so much so that they had resorted to leaving the bins on the floor because there wasn't any more room on the washing table area to hold them. The assistant manager is back there trying to wash them. He sees me and his face brightens up. He says "Oh thank god you're back, I'm so glad..." I cut him off with "Forgot my radio". Unplugged the radio and carried it out of there. I did look back and he was standing there fuming in the middle of a mound of dishes. Fuck that place. First time I ever quit a job and probably the best I ever felt about quitting a job. God damn that felt awesome.
I worked in telemarketing for roughly a year. In that time I worked at two different call centers. This is about the first one I worked at. I had mistakenly chosen to seek work at the "more fun, less work" center. Which was totally true, for the first few months I worked there I was on in-bound calls. Meaning I took calls from people who wanted to set up their new DSL service, having no prior service. Problem is, more than 75% of the calls I got were from dumbasses who couldnt navigate the automated menu correctly and were sent to the wrong department, who would subsequently be transferred to customer service, or "tier 2". Well I quickly figured out that you could simply transfer these people without ever even talking to them to tier 2. The most fun however was transferring them to numbers such as 1-900-big-tits, or 1-900-cum-sluts. You can't imagine how pissed off, or sometimes scared people get after waiting on hold for so long, only to be transferred to a porn line. Shitty of me I know, but equally hilarious for me. So after about 4-6 months of working in this place I was placed on out-bound calling. IE, cold calls, calling people out of the blue and asking them to set up, or change, their telephone service to something that would quote "save them money" (which was rarely the case, usually they ended up spending 10-30$ a month extra). So after a little while of this non-sense, all of the friends that I had been working with (my friends and I all got jobs there together, which was the point) had quit or didnt come in this day. It was one of the first days of spring, very beautiful outside and just not the kind of weather I want to be calling people asking them to change their telephone service. Well my manager at the time, being this very strict, very condescending black woman, was an asshole. She had gotten under my skin a little earlier in the day by yelling some racist comment about "whitey needs to code his call" (hang up the phone and quit slacking.....). Well this just didnt sit right with me, so here I am fuming mad about her harping on me cold calling people. Cue dipshit on the phone cussing me out for calling him at 12pm. Well I guess I just totally freaked out, cause all I really remember about the incident is yelling at the person on the phone, then the next thing I know, I'm standing on my desk, pants around ankles talking about KISS MY WHITE ASS YOU FUCKING RACIST BITCH!!!!!!
I worked at Bebe once for month. Every girl there made me want to stab myself. They all spent the whole time gossiping at the counter while telling me to clean up everything and straighten racks, because I was new and needed the practice. We worked on commission and they would always try to undercut me by stealing my sales. Then they would pretend that we were all best friends. I tried being nice, but they hated me for my ability to string together coherent sentences that weren't about fashion, celebrities or other whores. I felt like I was going crazy working there. I had been entertaining ideas of shaving my head at the time, but I wouldn't have been able to do that working at Bebe, because it wasn't a good way to "represent the brand" (i.e. if you don't look like every other whore who works there, you're fired). Then I realized I couldn't stand another minute at that godforsaken store if it was dictating that much of my life. I didn't feel like giving a two-weeks notice, so I shaved my head and walked in with a letter that said I had gone crazy and I was being committed to a mental hospital by my parents. It worked pretty well, and the look on their faces was hilarious. It was a mixture between, "I knew it" and "I hope she doesn't try to kill me."