Inspired by this: Toxic Shock Syndrome From Tampon Held Too Long In His Pussy Code: "This is somebody who's going to receive an enormous amount of support from the United States, and I have to say I'm very suspicious of it, simply because he, as an ambassador at large, has been virtually silent. For those of us in Haiti, he has been a non-presence," Penn said. Mkay. So my hatred of Sean Penn hearkens back to when Chris Rock hosted the Emmy's. During one segment Rock asked, "Who is this guy?" in reference to actor Jude Law seemingly appearing in every movie Rock had seen that year and implied Law was a low-rent Tom Cruise (he made a joke about filmmakers rushing production when unable to get the actors they want: "If you want Tom Cruise and all you can get is Jude Law, wait [to make the film]!"). Subsequently, a defensive Sean Penn took the stage to present and said, "In answer to our host's question, Jude Law is one of our finest young actors." (taken from wiki) In general this fucker thinks he knows more about world events than well, anyone. He inserts himself in places that he just doesn't fucking belong with credentials that he doesn't fucking have. He takes himself waaaaay too seriously. Listen to me Sean - Your job is to pretend to be other people. Stop drinking your own Kool-Aid and stop buying into your own press releases. Focus Who do you see in the public eye that takes themselves way too seriously or has an overinflated since of importance. Fling poo at them Alt Focus Who do you know in your personal life that take themselves too seriously. Rag on them mercilessly
Focus: The whole actor/activist thing has grown tiresome. If you have a cause/fight you strongly believe in, that's fine. Do your work and make the world a better place. But award ceremonies are not the appropriate venue for you to spew your political views on the rest of us (I'm looking at you Susan Sarandon and Tim Robbins). We know, atrocities are occurring around the globe and if we wanted to know more about them, we'd be tuned into CNN or another news outlet and not the Oscars. Now go back to your seat and be grateful some in Hollywood still thinks you're relevant enough to hand out an award. Alt. Focus: If personal life includes folks on the internet, I can think of a certain narcissist and a psychotic furry woodland creature that meet the criteria.
Jenny McCarthy How many children's and parents lives has she ruined by filling peoples head with bullshit anti-vaccination advice. Most of her facts are incorrect and borderline crazy. Oh and fuck Oprah for allowing Jenny McCarthy to spout out her nonsense every few months.
Bill O'Reilly.He bashed Jennifer Aniston about being a single parent. He's an ass in general, not just about this.
I honestly think the over-vaccination - autism may have some connections and should maybe be researched by someone other than crack pots; however when you get a Jenny spouting the shit she does it ruins all potential there may have even had for anything. Over reacting and making absurd statements will lose you any crowd but the loony fanatics. (My personal opinion isn't to refuse shots for my kids that’s just stupid, however they don't need 8 at one time when 3 months old when they can be spaced out at 3 every few months, some are for convenience not need - ie -chicken pox) When it comes to any cause or illness, or disaster relief the fastest way to get me to lose interest is to have celebrity jackoffs trying to guilt the planet and explain why they are still so much better than you are. Bullshit, you showed up for a photo and then went back to your mansion you pompous ass.
I don't have the chance to pull up the proper data at the moment, my apologies for that, but my understanding is that the rise noted in sheer number of cases of autism is simply a reflection of better identification and more diagnosis of cases. Until fairly recently, anything short of severe cases of autism were largely ignored, and many people were just considered "off." Also, now autism is diagnosed as a full spectrum of related disorders, with many people now diagnosed as autistic who would earlier simply have been diagnosed something along the lines of "mental retardation" or "feeblemindedness." Given that, I'm not sure there is any actual rise in prevalence of autism. It's a fact that not vaccinating children makes them far more susceptible to any number of fatal illnesses, however, and that's what makes the campaign against vaccination so dangerously misguided.
Kanyemotherfuckingwest. That douche could disappear from the face of the earth and no one except neon wearing teenage girls would give a shit. Like Penn, West falls into the "philanthropic/political douche" category. Does anyone with a brain believe the shit that comes out of this guy's mouth? Perez Hilton aka Mario Armando Lavandeira, Jr. This fucking guy can't come up with an original name but he sure as shit can make money leeching off of celebrity fuck ups and enthralling young women everywhere. I wish I had a nickel for every time I heard girls around campus mention Perez Hilton. This dude actually thinks he's a celebrity even though he doesn't do shit. Celebrity gossip? That has to be the lowest form of "news" and entertainment. He just stirrs up controversy to make money. His whole career is one giant publicity stunt. Why he believes he has some redeemable quality or skill is beyond me. I can't decide what's worse, this guy's ego or the fact that people allow someone like this to exist. Fuck you Perez Hilton.
I am surprised that Penn can get various dictators cocks out of his mouth long enough these days to say anything at all.
Glen Beck. Swish. Face the facts, this guy is a dangerously insane retard that millions of idiots are under the false impression that he's smart because he puts on fake reading glasses and points at one of his monstrously retarded chalk board graphs. When he's in surgery, he docs it and talks about how the medical community needs vast improvement in America. 18 months later he flip-flops barking out of his fat head that "'Merica has thuh BEST health care in the WURLD! Blah Blah Blah". He demands people who go to church to leave their chapter of Christianity if they talk about the evils of social justice in "The Lord's House". I mean, people honestly hang off every word this dude says? This guy is fucking clown shoes. I demand to know one time he has even come close to anything associated with logic. When this schmuck comes on TV, I sit back and laugh my ass off at the shit that comes out of his pie hole, and thank god we don't have seas of nincompoops like this in Canada. I guess he needs a lot of screen time because fat rich white people must have their word said just like all the big guys.
Tha moment that stands out for me came during Hurricane Katrina. Penn rents a 12' fishing boat in order to rescue trapped victims himself (Spicoli to the rescue!). The road to Hell is paved with good intentions, indeed! He proceeds to load the boat up with himself, his photographer, his publicist and the guy driving the boat. He got about 50 yards out when the boat began to take on water and sank due to the weight! Even if the boat stayed afloat, all reports said he would still have had no room for victims even if he had been able to reach them! One of the most selfish, self-seving, LAME moves I've ever seen.
The fucking American Bar Association. They recently filed an amicus brief in the case challenging the Arizona immigration bill (the first one, not the case the fed brought). Who the fuck files an amicus brief while a case is at trial level? They also passed a resolution urging the US to adopt the nuclear weapons test ban treaty. 6 months ago the resolution was challenged as not being germane to the ABA's mission. This time around the purported reason they should speak on the issue was "lawyers often help write treaties." Basically, any time there's a "sexy" social issue they feel like they should weigh in, I guess they know it's the closest to being a rock star as they'll get. Oh, and also the Dr. Rob guy. I mean really, who the fuck does he think he is? Baby-faced little shit.
Oh, Reverend Ted. You can do no wrong. You remember the honourable and prolific Reverend Ted Haggard, right? One of the most outspoken Evangelical crusaders against the gay movement? Caught having gay sex with a gay male prostitute and smoking gay crystal meth? Nope, he's not gay! His people are behind him, because he's just "A straight person sinning". *bunches fingers and kisses them, then flicks them into air* That's right, kids. This guy and his minions have convinced MANY MANY MANY people that there is no such thing as being gay. That is both hilarious and scary. Scary that people why buy into such fuckery. Hilarious because people buy into such fuckery.
Tila Tequila, who oddly enough just had shit thrown at her. I don't advocate violence towards women or the Insane Clown Posse, but good shot Juggalos, good shot. Will she just cut to the chase and do porn already.
I have been filled with hate for Dov Charney for years. He's such a disgusting asshole. I am so happy that American Apparel is bankrupt and will hopefully be gone forever by the end of the year.
Drew Barrymore is on Letterman right now talking about how beautiful the culture of India is, and how she took ashes of her dog and put them in the River Ganges and blah blah blah. I think lots of stuff about Indian culture is really cool and interesting (hell, I'm like a 1/32 Indian), but come on! Liking another culture more than your own does not make you a good person, it just makes you someone with too much money to spend on travel. It's all she can fucking talk about. It's a culture, just like any other culture, get the fuck over it!