Starts tomorrow night. Excited, but I'm already mourning that this is the last season. Anyone else think they'll do an X-Files and go to the big screen next?
I was surprised it didn't get pulled half way through last season they could have done all they did in like 3 or 4 episodes not 8, but they did pick it up in the second half for sure. I'll watch for sure, but mainly due to it being like a book 4/5th done.
I was somewhat disappointed in the season premier, but seeing William Bell encased in amber gave me hope.
Well last year they spent half the year slowly saying "OMG who's this Peter and what universe are we in" and sadly it looks like this year will be "OMG we had a plan but Walter forgot it all let's spend most of the season helping him remember" All in all looks like a set up for a lot of nothing again. Also how the observers went from "interesting characters that watch key events play out" to "Evil alien invasion" is a little weak as well to me and has been a pretty big disappointment.
Very disappointing so far. It's as if the prevailing attitude was, "Well, it's the last season, so why bother?". I'll hang with it just to see how it wraps up, but I don't have near the enthusiasm for watching a new episode as I did in past seasons. Luckily, Strike Back is on at 9 so Friday night programming isn't a total loss.
A disappointing ending to a disappointing season. My hope is that they follow the same formula as the X-Files and make a couple of movies for the big screen. Tear a hole in a different alternate universe, or an alternate universe invades the first alternate and they turn to ours for help, or Walter & Bellie: The Early Years. Anyway, this is one season I won't be purchasing on DVD.