So we're half way through the third season and there's no thread? Well, there is now! I can't be the only one on the board watching this. When Fox moved it to Friday night, I feared the worst: cancellation is coming. But from what I've read, the Friday timeslot apparently gives the show more creative leeway and flexibility (how, I'm not sure. It's still primetime). Anyway, in last week's episode, did anyone see Fauxlivia's (she's so much hotter as a ginger) pregnancy coming? I didn't (but should have). There's going to be an espisode this season that is a "part 2" to last season's "Peter" episode that takes place in 1985 when Walter brought Peter over to our universe. I suspect this episode will tell the full story of what happened to Peter's mom and Walter's "lobotomy" and institutionalization.
Honestly, I've been letting it pile up in my "to watch" folder of torrents. The stop and start schedule just pissed me off so I'm waiting for the season to end and then I'll watch it all at once.
I'm wondering if they're trying to resolve the entire series story arc this season, knowing that the move to Fridays means they're probably not getting a 4th? Friday's episode was a little on the lame side as far as the Fringe Science goes (dual mourning is causing a rift? really?) but I did like the character development in Walter, realizing that Walternate too is a human being, a man of science doing what he feels he must, and a man who lost his son. It helps to make him a little sympathetic, which is good since he and Fauxlivia are the only two characters worth a shit in the alternate universe.
I'm enjoying the subtle and gaping differences between the two universes. One of my favorites is when Walternate learns of the discovery of Cortexiphin and then learns that the younger the patient, the better the result, and immediately, dismisses even the THOUGHT of using children to save the universe. It seems that Walternate has some very different morals than that of Walter. The whole Boliva having Peter's baby is going to set up for an interesting arc, evenmoreso now that peter and Oliva are bumping uglies. Sam Weiss is a Motherfucker... I feel like the writers of the show are just banking on him if they need to, to come in and explain everything. Then tell Peter how to save the world(s). And finally, Lenard Nimoy signed on for another episode or two. Lets see what happens.
The fuck? Dead in one universe, dispersed energy in the other. Is it going to be for flashbacks? video recordings? Or are they actually going to discover that he wasn't actually dead from helping them cross over the last time?
At some point in the last episode Walter said something about how Bell was trying to find a way to capture energy after it left the body. So that could be it. And if you think about it compared to other things in the Fringe universe this actually wouldn't be that weird.
As I remember it (and I may have missed something), when Peter, Walter and Fauxlivia crossed over to our universe, all we saw of Bell was the "lightshow of power" he was generating. He was outside the circle, so he wouldn't have been part of their crossover, but they sequenced to their arrival in our universe, so we didn't see what happened in the theatre on the other side after the crossover took place. Maybe he did blow himself up (but Broyles and the other Fringe agents survived), or maybe he just collapsed and Walternate has him locked up someplace (though there was no mention or reference to him in subsequent episodes that took place over there when Olivia was trying to make her way back). Seems they just left it wide open to Bell either being dead or alive, depending on what it was going to take to get Nimoy to sign on for a few more episodes.