Season 4 Episode 1 of Friday Night Lights aired on Direct TV last night. You can view it from free by going to I love this show with a passion mostly just for the sheer amount of hot girls and also Coach Taylor speeches. Did anyone catch the new season yet? Any comments on the old seasons? Or let's just talk about how hot Derek Jeter's girlfriend is
I thought it was a great first episode setting the stage for the new season. You can obviously tell tensions and emotions are going to run high concerning the split and re-zoning of the schools. While East Dillon is at rock bottom now, they have nowhere to go but up once Coach Taylor is able to work some of his magic (although forfeitting at halftime might have seemed like the right thing to do, you think he would have at least explained it to the team/fans). Dillon High is being set up to be the "bad guys" headlined by JD McCoy and his arrogant asshole father. I cannot wait for the inevitable matchup between East Dillon and Dillon. There seem to be plenty of available avenues they can travel down plot-wise now, and as long as they stay away from ridiculously farfetched ones like the murder story line of season 2, then we as an audience should be in for a hell of a ride this season. Clear eyes. Full hearts. Can't lose!
I just watched last night's episode, and I agree that this season has a ton of potential with the whole Dillon/East Dillon thing. I'm not sure how many people have seen the episode yet, and I've been looking for an opportunity to use the spoiler function anyway, so talk of the first episode below. Spoiler I'm not sure I liked the way Coach Taylor blew up after the Landry fight. He totally fucking lost it, which seemed kind of out of character. And I was definitely disappointed with the way he just threw in the towel, even though I know it was because he wanted to protect the team. I loved the Sears coach repeating everything Taylor said. Really funny. Also, Mrs. Taylor doing the exact opposite of what Wade asked was fucking awesome.
I don't have Direc TV, so I'll be stealing the episodes every week. I'm intrigued. Can't wait for the next episode. I know we'll be getting alot of inspirational speeches from Coach Taylor, which will be awesome. It said Zach Gilford was guest starring, so I'm assuming they will be giving him the same treatment Smash and Street got last year with him presumably going to the art school in Chicago. I feel bad for the guy delivering pizzas. The whole fight with JD McCoy was poorly done. Seeing JD become king shit of douche mountain was inevitable, but the whole "coach should have never pulled me out of that game" was just stupid. I'd really like to see that kid get his ass kicked, and his Dad too. Riggins, I'm assuming, will be portraying the fall from glory, which was a big part of the book. I don't know if the show will continue to be entertaining with characters that I like getting shit on.
I didn't like this either, but it's been pretty consistent with his character throughout the show. He thinks he's going to get up and become something more, then drops back to Earth. It seems like a vicious cycle. However, I don't know if you saw the previews for upcoming episodes and what not, but Spoiler one brief clip showed Coach Taylor standing alone on the field and then Riggins coming up to talk to him. This can be interpreted in many different ways, but if Riggins starts helping out with the East Dillon team, he may just be able to find a calling in coaching. There is hope!
Just watched the first episode, and I'm excited for the season already. Glad to see Devin return, what with all the departures from last season I wonder if she'll be a regular now? And did Tyra get a proper send-off? I don't remember hearing if she'd be back this year.
Last night's episode (or today's, if you're watching on sidereel), was great. Seeing Tami stand up to "the good ol' boys" was great. Anytime she can stick it to Joe McCoy makes for great television. That guy plays his role to perfection. It will definitely be interesting to see how Riggins helps out Coach Taylor, them two together should be funny, entertaining, and successful all at the same time. You did have to feel bad for Luke, though. I liked how they made him out to be a great kid who just wanted to play football. Between him apologizing to Tami for lying to her twice, and then tossing in his Dillon t-shirt to the fire, you just have to root for the kid. Once he gets Riggins showing him a thing or two ... watch out. Overall, another excellent episode.
Great episode, which happened to have one of the best Cameos of all time. Spoiler Mike Leach was fucking hilarious, "You have lost your inner pirate!" Can't wait to see Coach Taylor bring this team around and rub it in the smug asshole Joe McCoy's face.
Purely for Luke Cafferty's sake, East Dillon damn well better go to state. Watching that poor kid when he was begging Tami was heartbreaking. Also, how long till Riggins sleeps with his now-landlord's daughter and fucks up his life even more?
This show is such compelling TV, I just fucking love it. Pretty much all my thoughts have been said, but I was liking the random new characters from shows past. Vince is Wallace from the Wire and then Jess Meriweather is that little girl from Full House and Hanging with Mr. Cooper, how random. Speaking of, her dad subtlety asking her WTF when Landry came to the restaurant was hilarious.
Another great episode. Coach Taylor paying for the jerseys out of his own pocket was so realistic. While I don't condone him lying to Tami about it, I know so many coaches that would have done the exact same thing -- myself included. And the Under Armour guy staying loyal to him ... while that might not seem like a big deal, it is so extremely realistic in more ways than can be considered. This is an unbelievably realistic show, that completely catches on all the smallest intricasies of high school coaching. I am so glad Buddy realised what was going on -- and can only hope that he is going be become a Lion and help Coach Taylor get East Dillon on the right track. Shit, between them and Riggins, they will have them shaped up in no time. That is, assuming Riggins keeps his dick out of the 17 year old punany long enough to get his coaching strenghts solidified. This show is so unbelievably real, and fantastic ... it is without a doubt, the best show on TV, hands down. As a Texas high school coach, I couldn't ask for anything better.
I usually don't love episodes without any football in them, but this was a corker. Great to see the team and community starting to get together.
Saracen is always getting shit on, the poor kid. I think I feel genuine sympathy for him, despite intellectually knowing that he's a fictional character on a television show. Who paid for all the food at the pep rally? How does a guy as ugly and awkward as Landry keep landing annoying semi-babes?
Heh, good question. Apparently in Dillon nice guys finish first. Another great episode though I could have went for more of Saracen and Riggens hunting. Coach mentioned having papers to grade...I guess I never really thought about it, but he must be a teacher in addition to being head coach, right?
Wow, what a heartbreaking episode. Zach Gilford was impeccable. Again, he drew me in. I didn't feel like I was watching a show; I felt like I was watching a friend deal with the death of his father. I don't know if he will do as well in roles outside of FNL where he may not get as much freedom to make artistic choices, but the dude makes Saracen his own. Fantastic performance.
That was a great episode, as the above said, it was a REMARKABLE performance by Saracen. Just a completely touching episode all around. I'm glad Riggins pulled away from the girl, I was worried for a minute when she called him at the wake and he had to hold back from smiling. Good boy, Tim. I also loved Coach watching old game films and hearing the announcer say the name "Smash" Williams. Coach is such a powerful figure, and him walking Saracen home was perfect. I can't wait to see JD Mc"Dick" get his in the end. He is such a douche -- very well played on his part. Oh yea, and Lyla is back around. Fuck. Yes.
Just watched the funeral episode, and I definitely teared up. Has anyone seen Zach Gilford in anything but FNL? I wonder if he actually acts like Saracen. And nice little Lyla cameo. If she back for a few episodes?
I had this huge write up about the show and what my thoughts/feelings were about everything, yet I can only muster one word ....... Lyla.
They really left that open ended, eh? I assume he's heading off to Art school, maybe the one in Chicago?