This weekend is a nice 4-day weekend (Happy Fucking Canada Day!) and I have absolutely no plans. Well, other than sitting on my deck by the lake, enjoying the sun, bbq-ing prawns/tenderloin, and drinking some killer sangria. So, what better time to work on some upgrades to the site? I've already got a list of shit I want to get done, but thought I'd throw it to the membership to see what kind of features they want to see added to the site? The basic stuff I'm doing includes an upgrade to the latest version of the forum software, providing better access for iPhone/Blackberries, and a few improvements for some mod tools. FOCUS: Tell me the features you want to see on the site.
Not really a feature, but the amount of stickies on the General Discussion page is... a lot. I know they're for promoting stuff, but wouldn't it work better if the threads were just necroed every time something new came up? I hardly even look at the stickied posts to see what's new, just because of the fact that they're always in the same spot.
I'm not sure how many others are keen on this, but I'd like to see a fake Idiot Board cash feature. I don't know what it's called on here, but like vbulletin does vbookie. It could just make things interesting sometimes, like bets on who will win the world cup, where Lebron is going, or when toytoy's cousin-creeping hillbilly ass is going to show up again, etc.
SGEDIT: Let's keep this thread for real requests since it's about improving the site and all. Mmmmkay.
I'd like to see a full forum section dedicated to the "Ask a _____" I find the posts extremely interesting and if we could just post the answers to questions, not the 10 questions before I can find an answer. Since the questions asked are quoted when answered, would this be possible?
While I'm thinking about it, would we be able to to a "Best of Post", similiar to what Craigslist does. Nominate hilarious, informative or genuinely weird posts from TIB to fall into a Best of Post section?
Soemone bitched about this in the rant and rave thread last week, and I felt it was valid. - Make a users name a link to their profile. That way I don't have to search for the stupid profile button, where ever in the hell it is. Rigging the rep up so it doesn't head to seperate page would be awesome.
For a few days when this board was first being set up you could see other people's rep comments. I think it was unintentional but I thought it was quite cool. I don't know if anyone else agrees, but it could be something to think about.
I miss the old gambling system. I'd like to see the fake points re instituted so that we can make ridiculous and frivolous bets.
I'd be interested in having vCash and Rep to be the same currency. You'd be less inclined to bet Lebron to Memphis if your ever-so-valuable rep was at stake. I'd also like rep points to be anonymous.
I must respectfully disagree. I think anonymous rep would bring out the trolls and the assheads who don't have the balls to say something under their, uh, fake anonymous usernames. On the whole, though, this place is pretty good. No complaints. Sadly, no suggestions either.
Along the lines of the vcash, I've seen other forums that have a specific casino area (usually in the form of a drop-down thing that takes you to another window/area of the site). Think like flash games. Slots, roulette, black jack, poker, etc. It'd be cool if we had that, or at the minimum, at least a place where we could all go and play poker against each other with our vcash. Or a chat room might be interesting. I'm just throwing out somewhat-feasible ideas. Hell, this thread is still open, why not...
I'm going to speak up here and say I don't want this or anything to do with it responsibility wise. You guys interact here a lot and on a daily basis for most of you. Here alone you have like 4 ways to communicate, with rep, PM's, posts and email do you really need something else? Sorry to single you out Sam but you were the first to post about this.
It would still just be a bunch of dudes beating off. +1 for vCash, Im killing it in UFC lately. Lets bet!
If there's an arcade and whatnot, this place will become really cheesy. Keep it minimal, funny and brutal. I only want vCash in terms of rep, as in, the only way you can get more "vCash" would be by being funny or winning bets.
Remember the first time you undressed your sister's Barbie doll in the hopes of seeing some vag? Yeah... kind of like that.