Ugh. Focus: Discuss. Alt. Focus: Everyone shudders when they think about some of the lame shit they've done when they were younger. What did you do as a teenager that you regret now?
When I was in high school there were a few kids that would wear the fake ears and tails. They weren't werewolves, they just really liked bestiality.
Awesome. I'd read about this earlier, but I hadn't watched the video. "Gangs are posers. They just want attention." Yes. You're wearing tails, howling and pretending to be werewolves because you DON'T want attention. I see. Thank you for clarifying. Take off. Nuke the site from orbit. Only way to be sure. Etcetera.
Well, it really is a shame that silver is so expensive these days. It is going to be quite expensive to rid the world of these folks.
Focus: The leader claims he "has some wolf in him." How exactly did that happen? Seriously, I wonder what their stance is on bestiality. That one kid seems to have killed a dog in his neighborhood, so what did he do to it before he killed it? Geez, I didn't think it was possible to make werewolves seem gay, but boy was I wrong. I can also say that shit would not have flown at my highschool; they would send boys home for wearing makeup.
She. She claims that she didn't kill the canine because she IS a canine. But she's more than happy to tell you about how she BOILED THE DOG'S HEAD. I mean... What do you say to something like that?
I watched this news story on tv when it was first reported and holy shit did I ever laugh my ass off. It opened with shots of kids wearing wolf ears and tails and I thought for sure it was going to be about "Furies." Never would I have guessed this. ...fucking teenagers... Look, when I was a teenager I had long hair, LOVED Nirvana and had a slight tendency for depression... Bid deal. It's called being a teenager. I know, these kids just want to be accepted by a set of peers and want to feel like they belong to something blah blah blah... but seriously, Werewolves? I'm very close to organizing a good ole fashioned book burning to rid this world of all this crazy Twilight shit, its going to be the end of civilization as we know it... mark my words.
Focus: This totally made my day. Anti-Focus: Not knowing how to control my anger. I suppose it was probably part of growing, but damn I used to fly off the hook at times. I'm not going to go into specific events, but I'm still embarrassed at some of the times that I went absolutely berserk on people.
That's my question. They didn't seem to care much that the sick kid had stolen and killed someone's pet. What's up with that? [/quote]Geez, I didn't think it was possible to make werewolves seem gay, but boy was I wrong.[/quote] You obviously haven't been forced to watch New Moon.* *Yes, my 24-year old fiance and her adult friends watched the Twilight movies at my house. She's hot and gives me money. She kind of gets a free pass to do what she wants around here.
What did I do in H.S. I now regret.... -AP courses -Giving two shits about my GPA -Extra curricular activities I thought would pad my college application Then I repeated in college -High level, unneccessary courses -Giving three shits about my GPA -Extra curricular activities I thought would pad my resume
Jez, all I did was play sports and sing in the choir. Normal is so boring these days. No wonder they're so fucked up. I don't know why but I blame Emo for this, among many other things wrong with kids now.
I have never been so embarrassed to live in San Antonio.... actually, scratch that. I have never been embarrassed to live here at all. Now, I am. Reading this thread, I completely disassociated the topic with the location. It has been all over the news here (mainly because we prefer Fiesta and Tecate over weird shit like this), and I just figured it was some growing national fad. We are not all like this. I promise you. Focus: I didn't do much "weird" shit as a kid, but I guess just because of the neighborhood I lived in my early redneck ways were quite uncommon and considered abnormal until I moved out to the country. Namely: I was obsessed with becoming a fishing guide from the second grade through about the 5th or 6th. I even had boat designs and business plans, had scouted locations on the lake where my parents had a house, etc. For show-n-tell I would frequently bring in fishing reels, lures, an old tackle box, etc. Years later, I still hope to retire to a life on the water with a boat I get paid to take people fishing on.
Yeah, but that's one of those things that might be a little weird as a kid, but when you grow up everyone realizes how awesome it is. When you were young, you already had the dream that many corporate drones have now. You didn't want to be some executive or an astronaut, you wanted to be a fishing guide. I salute you, for realizing ahead of time what most will only realize when they are 40-50. Ahead of the curve my friend.
Focus The word "pathetic" is thrown around nowadays..... Honestly, the terrorists have won. If you're ging to use this logic of thinking, shouldn't you be building pillow forts in your basement and scalping your sister's dolls? How OLD are these assholes? Emo was supposed to fade away, like Acid Wash and the L.A. Clippers. Instead, Emo and Hipster is the most popular thing going nowadays. The only way to be "cool" is to act like the kind retards that had KICK ME signs perpetually taped to their backs in the school hall. Get it through your empty heads: vampires, monsters, werewolves, angels, messiahs, etc. DON'T EXIST. I wanted to be a rock star when I was a kid, but my fingers are freakishly small and I am cursed with the radiant good looks of a pop star instead, but I accepted the fact that I didn't live in FantasyLand when I was 13 years old. I thought the guys who like AD&D were sad, this one sets the bar so low you'd have to dig a hole just to lose. Focus II I bought that John & Yoko album where they farted into a four-track for fifty straight minutes. I've never lived it down.
FOCUS: Stupid, yes. But as long as they keep it low key and don't fuck around I'm alright with it. It's when they start killing dogs and other dipshit things that I draw the line. Fuck that kid who boiled the dog's head. Even if she didn't kill it, that's disgraceful and disrespectful of the animal itself. Unless you're going to eat the fuckin' thing, leave it alone and bury it proper. If she did kill it, I hope someone grabs her by the "tail" and shows her what's it's like to be tortured. As a rule, I could give less than a shit about some teenager who thinks he's a vampire, or a werewolf, or a fucking goblin. They can do whatever the hell they want so long as it isn't damaging something or someone. I see this shit all the time around my neighborhood because it's the "hippie" area. I'm never approached, and I've never been bothered, so it matters very little in the grand scope of things. An interesting thing to note is that this shit always goes public after a movie is released (Twilight, Avatar, etc.), which makes me wonder if the argument that violent games don't rub off on kids really holds water. I mean, there's no fucking way those kids (and adults for that matter) that believe they're descended from the N'avi (sp?) came up with that shit on their own, right? I'd like to believe that human beings can think on their own, but there's some impressive evidence to the contrary. ALT. FOCUS I was straight-edge for two years in high-school. I spent much of my time driving around drunk teenagers and being the straight man because I thought it appealed to chicks and would afford me a bit of popularity for being different, but not creepy different. I was wrong. I still got beat down by the jocks for being a punk, and I rarely got laid, if ever. In fact, I think my virginity grew back at some point, only to be lost again when I started drinking and stopped worrying about what the other kids thought. Best day of my life, I believe.
FOCUS: I'm pretty sure if the wolf pack saw the amount of hair on my body and an actually muscular frame, that'd gimme instant street cred with them. No? Well, fuck them, with their 'family' talk. They're just goth juggalos. Alt. Focus: Back in the 90s I walked around in all black, ripped the sleeves off my shirt, rocked knee high Doc Martins, my favorite possession was a leather panted/patched up jacket and before metal shows put corpse paint on... I was part of the scene maaaaaan. I will say, corpse paint and carrying an amp always got me in as part of the band, and thus served booze.
I honestly don't see anything wrong with this, probably because I am younger than most here. Sure if I was in the same school as these kids I would call them complete losers but standing back and looking at the situation brings me to the conclusion that the "wolf pack" is a next generation version of jocks. I mean student's interests are changing rapidly and these kids are essentially guinea pigs for the ridiculous shit that is going to show up in schools in the future. I almost commend them for not giving a shit about what others think but they are dressing up as wolves.. Alt Focus: Volo's post pretty much sums up my junior and senior years in high school. I figured being the drug-free "nice guy" would bring me insane amounts of pussy but that was far from the truth.
Alt Focus- From about 7th to 10th grade, I wore severely sagging pants. I cringe about it now, but at the time, I thought it was fucking cool. Besides, most of my male classmates wore their pants the same way, and a lot of girls, including several I dated, told me they liked it. It was really goddamn inconvenient; I couldn't run or else my pants would fall all the way down, and I had to periodically keep pulling them up. Finally, in the 11th grade, I bought myself a belt, and marveled at how much more comfortable and efficient it was. As a bonus, I looked like less of a fucking bum.