Thought about making it a Sober Thread, but its too funny for that. The biggest story besides Prince WhoGivesAFuck of Cambridge, is the newest chapter of Anthony Weiner's (aka Carlos Danger) sexcapades. Now the messages are online: <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... uma-abedin</a> There's also pictures of his weiner out there, but someone braver than me can find and link to them. Focus: What are your thoughts* on this? Hilarious? Sad? *No political riff raff.
My friend told me yesterday he thinks it's because he's got a "babys arm". Once it clicked that that was a reference to the size of his dick I about fell off the chair laughing. And my opinion is he's a fucking moron with some sort of sexual addiction issue/s that won't get help. As for his wife, I bet her pet name is Doormat.
I read that and thought it was the Mexican government's addition to Pacific Rim 2. What a twat waffle.
There's no accounting for public shame when you have true love like that. Anyway, I'm not seeing the humorous part. The chick in those text messages seems like the perfect woman.
I started reading the texts and felt like a dirty pedophile reading a horny teenager's phone messages. I seriously couldn't finish because it was shit that could've/should've been written by a horny 16 year old. Do supposed adults actually do this/get off on it? By his age, my "Sexy" text messages were "I did the laundry" or "I made dinner." Dude is fucked up. Somewhere in Central America, some poor fucker actually named Carlos Danger has a lot of 'splaining to do to his wife and 17 children. He's the real victim here.
Carlos Danger has no wife. He had one in the third grade, but then went to live in a fortress on an ice mountain where he never sleeps. Crime ain't gonna fight itelf.
She's actually also considerably involved in politics. She's been Hillary's chief of staff at the State Department, and was on her '08 campaign as well. She's following in her footsteps a little too closely if you ask me though.
I truly wonder what is going through her head as far as his texts and her goals as far as her career. I mean is she as emotionally detached from his actions as he seems to be? How she could put on the 'we've worked this out and I just want to see him become mayor' face is beyond me. With Clinton besides the big kahuna the rest of the women that accused him of lewdness were never proven to have been as credible in the incidents as the number of cold hard cases of women Wiener has against him.
Honest question for you guys: why is it only sex scandals ruin a politician? Not drugs, rampant homophobia, voter suppression, war profiteering, illegal bombing campaigns, none of that. Is America's majority still a bunch of prudes that think pee-pees are for potty mouths? THAT'S the line? Rudy Giuliani married to his cousin. I repeat, his cousin. How fucking sick is that? But, he didn't type dirty words on the Internet so it's all good. I honestly need this explained because the whole thing is so fucking hilarious.
I think what is, is the media pandering to the lowest common denominator. People love sex scandals. People love when an anti-gay politican is caught sucking some dick. Most intelligent people don't actually care that much about sex scandals but they are juicy. They don't typically adversely affect the way they do their jobs. The stuff that should truly outrage people doesn't because they don't feel it could negatively affect them. It doens't exactly hit close to home. Wars aren't fought on American soil. Drones aren't bombing domestically(yet). Sex is the only thing people can kind of relate to.
I'm not one that will defend Rudy Giuliani, but you're saying marrying your second cousin once removed is just the most depraved act imaginable and somehow it's Americans that are prudes?
No, it's not. He still married a family member and people say "meh" without ever remotely bringing it up. The following NY mayor, Bloomberg or whatever banned trans-fats while handing out the trophy to the Coney Is. Hot Dog Eating contest. But when "sexing" (gasp!) it brought up, then no, no, no, can't have that. Sex bad. Sex is strictly meant to be between a husband the woman who is withholding it. That is what makes a prude.
If he was sexting some random chick as a single guy, no one would care. It's because he was so over the top about it AND he's married. Plus, it caused him to quit Congress and hes still doing it. That's the "scandal." The whole prudish American thing is puzzling, as is any generalization about Americans. There's so many people and so many vastly different cultures and views, how does one even arrive at this conclusion? Based on the FCC?
Women are outraged through sheer reflex. Men are outraged because he was stupid enough to get caught - and because if we don't want to sleep on the sofa we'd better at least pretend we're outraged. But seriously, if the texts and whatnot weren't so juvenile (Carlos fucking Danger? Really?), I don't think folks would care as much. Let's say, more like that 50 Shades nonsense. I think it's less that most people really give a shit what he did, but that they are disinclined to let someone with the mentlaity of a 14 year old run the nation's largest city.
To be fair to crowns point, Old Slick Willy banged a fatty, and many Republicans I know absolutely refuse to acknowledge any thing about him that is even slightly complimentary. Me: "The economy was pretty good under Clinton." Conservative Air Force Reservist: "How can you say that? That man was absolutely a disgrace to the office." Me: "Well at least housing market wasn't nearly so fucked." CAFR: "He made the world think we elect godless playboys as president." Me: "So you prefered Dubya then?" CAFR: "At least he was a president the country, and the world, could respect." Me: "..."
I think people just WANT to be offended, or at least pretend to be, in order to be heard. Ever since people learned that the internet could turn you into a celebrity, everybody has been shouting into their computer in hopes to be overheard amongst everyone else. Just go on any trend room on Twitter. Jesus Christ what a bunch of screaming, empty-headed assholes just outraged by EVERYTHING. Although the West has many fortunate freedoms, its inhabitions have held it back. A place where 75% giggle and scream when they see somebody's pee-pee parts. There's not a single person on this board who is like that so we can make fun of these losers. In Europe, the have open nude public beaches because they're not prudes. And the FCC DOES have something to do with it. This is So You Think You Can Dance Argentina: NSFW Warning: the host is REALLY fucking annoying. There needs to be some blow-the-roof-off sexual revolution again like when the Pill came out in 1966. Something. Anything to get out of this whipped, repressed society that whenever ANYBODY does something with their "thing" they get internationally crucified for it.