This one is easy...The West Wing. Aaron Sorkin can write dialog better than anyone I have ever seen, and the show has an incredible ensemble that made everything that is inaccessible about the White House seem real. It ended, I think four or five years ago, and I still watch the entire series, Season 1 - 7, at least once a year.
Arrested Development Easily the best writing of any comedy I've ever watched. Some of the setups for jokes were amazing, I think Tobias' "analrapist" was the hardest I've ever laughed at anything on TV. The humor was never forced on you though, a lot of it was really subtle which made it even better. In the same vein, I also really liked the omission of a laugh track. Even with all of absurdity of the show, it gave it a little more of a documentary feel (which I suppose is what they were going for) as opposed to being just another sitcom. I think everyone can identify with the main character, Michael, as well. Constantly feeling like you're surrounded by self-centered idiots has become pretty commonplace. It's unfortunate it had to end after just three seasons, but at the same time I'm glad they didn't drag it out and ruin it. I don't think there's been a show like it since.
Trailer Park Boys is my absolute favorite show of all-time. Sadly, I can relate to those characters, and genuinely like the charecters as people more than any other show. I would live in Sunnyvale if I could. *Edit: This is really a toss up. How could I not mention the Sopranos? I'll even watch that if I'm flipping and find the A&E edited for cable episodes with commercials. Outside of that I only watch cartoons. Aqua Teen Hunger Force and Metalocalypse being at the top of that list. Honorable mention to Super Jail, but being relatively new, it remains to be seen if it makes the 'all-time' list.
Breaking Bad- I'll let the thread on the Pop Culture Board explain. Deadliest Catch-A show that can be re-watched out of order and still remain entertaining. Men who love being out on the water and keep coming back after being ground into dust keeps me watching. MLB Tonight/Baseball Tonight-Web Gems and breakdowns/examples of what just happened? Love it.
I think there is two categories for any Greatest TV show. Those in which episodes are for the most part independent and you can catch a replay of a dated episode and still enjoy it and than there is are those which you get the DVD set and knock off entire seasons in a weekend. For me the winner of the former category is hands down the Simpsons. Yes the later episodes have waned but there is just something comforting in the fact that no matter what episode may come on I can sit back and kill 30 minutes guaranteed to be entertained. In the latter category I would probably go with 24, again the latter seasons have waned; however this is still a brilliant show that engrosses and I can easily knock off a season in a weekend if inclined.
I don't watch TV that often. When I do, it's either sports, a movie or the occasional episode of The Simpsons, Californication or Durham County. However there was one show which I watched religiously when it was on: Oz OZ was awesome. During my first winter up north, my roommate and I crushed all six seasons over the course of three months. Ryan O'Reilly, Tobias Beacher and Miguel Alvarez were my favorite characters. I could watch that show all day and not lose interest. From what I gather, there are plenty of awesome shows on TV now, yet I just can't seem to find the time or energy to get into them.
Can't say I have a whole lot of time for this TV business, but when I do get a chance to watch some it's usually DVD box sets, so I'll opt for The Office or Friday Night Lights. The Office is just hilarious and I might be a little bit in love with Jim Halpert and his quirky little smile. My ex once told me I reminded him of Kelly after the "Fashion show, fashion show, fashion show at lunch!" scene. I'm not sure whether to be offended or not. As for Friday Night Lights, I really don't even care for football, but it's got great story lines and hot men. But my all-time favorites are older episodes of The Simpsons and Full House. This is the TV I was raised on, so it will always hold a special place in my heart. The Simpsons hit it's peak around season 6 and started to slowly get less funny after that. I couldn't tell you the last time I saw a new episode, but those old Full House... just so many great moments and quotes... "Howwwww rude!" and "Cut. It. Out!" And of course, Uncle Jesse was and still is super hot.
The Shield was my favorite police drama. Damn, did that show push the envelope. Awesome characters very, very well played along with a great plot and brilliant writing. House is my favorite medical drama. Though I tuned in late in it's primetime run, A&E and USA Network allowed me to catch up pretty quickly. Just something about his character I can identify with. Oh, right. Self-centeredness, sarcasm and manipulation, not to mention addiction. Taxi was one of the funniest sitcoms ever aired, especially after Christopher Lloyd joined the cast (see episodes where: a) he's taking the written driver's test, and b) when he eats the drug-laced brownies.) Most of y'all aren't old enough to have grown up with the Saturday night classics of All in the Family, which was ground-breaking for it's time (same with the Smothers' Brothers--talk about pushing the envelope) and The Carol Burnett Show. Her, Korman and Conway took sketch comedy to a new level. And nobody ever did late night talk better than Carson.
1. The Wire-The best police show ever created. It shows the reality of pushing drugs and city politics as well as the complexity of American society. Each season was unique and although I have my favorites, none of them were a let down. 2. Rescue Me- Very entertaining. Tommy Gavin is an extremely troubled person and really messed up but I couldn't help but love him because he reminds me a lot of my grandfather. This show makes firefighting look like the best job ever. They never seem to do a whole lot of work. They just hang out, talk about pussy, and do random tasks around the firehouse. This show confirms everything that my cousin and friend ever said about being a firefighter.
Star Trek: The original series from the 60's. Pure, unadulterated schlock, with tons of overacting and bad special effects, but some interesting stories. Simon and Simon: Who didn't want an old PowerWagon with railway ties for a front bumper? Magnum PI: Cars, helicopters, and Hawaii.. how could you go wrong? And Magnum SHOT THAT FUCKER! How bad-ass was that? Airwolf: It's Jan Michael Vincent kicking ass with a helicopter. Firefly: Yep, I'm a fanboy. Totally addicted to the show, loved the characters and the stories. Count me as one of The Pissed that it got shit-canned. The Venture Bros: Fucking. Hilarious. Dexter: So much wrong makes it sooo right. Dr. Who: It's cheesy, but I enjoy it immensely... both the original shows in black and white, and the newer 2005 reincarnation. Deadwood: Fuck you, you fucking cocksucking cunt.
Entourage is my favorite present day show. I like the rollercoaster-ness of it and all of the celebrity appearances. Seinfeld was my favorite show of the past. It's one of those shows that will never get old.
I can't believe it wasn't mentioned in the first 5 posts, but for me the best show of all time is easily Seinfeld. The show lasted for so long, with each season producing absolutely hilarious episodes. The four main characters all had such a great niche in the show, and it's the only show I can watch episodes that I've seen ten times already and still laugh out loud at the jokes. *Edit: ec88 posted Seinfeld as I was typing.
Babylon 5 - It started off kind of meh but this show is still my favorite. It is still the only show, or one of two, I have ever seen with a planned set ending (I'm not sure about Battlestar Galactica). The whole show was designed to be five years long and then stop, not just continue as long as ratings held up. The scope was epic, the interconnections of episodes both subtle and clear, and the character development and growth was outstanding and drew me in. Absolutely amazing show. I believe this show revolutionized sci-fi television. Battlestar Galactica - Similar to the above, but with an extra decade of special effects technology.
My all time top drama has to be The Sopranos: Somehow they managed to portray a gangster sociopath as a tragic and enduring likable father figure. Aside from some blandness during the 3-4th season, as well as the whole gay Vito storyline that almost sunk the first half of season six, I don't think there are too many episodes I don't absolutely love. I once read a book about how half a dozen or so screenplays made it to the screen. One of which was Gladiator and the writer had to figure out how to connect audiences with someone that lived centuries ago. He said that regardless of time there are a lot of emotional experiences we all have, and he wrote the characters with these certain experiences. This is why I think The Sopranos was so good. Though Tony lived a life that very few live he had a lot of emotional experiences, and hopes and dreams for his family, that I think were easy to connect too. Aside from Tony there were numerous other great characters on the show. Tony's mom for one has to be one of the most evil narcissistic controlling bitches ever written. She put a hit out on her own son for god's sake! On the other side you had the constant yet muted comedy from Pauly. I could go on and on about 6 or 7 different characters. As far as comedies go that would have to be divided between live action and cartoons. I think Seinfeld is the easy go to, with little explanation this one deserves live action top spot. Curb Your Enthusiasm could give it a run for its money if they keep making them and feature more Leon (shit Leon could have his own show). For cartoons Im sort of mixed. The Simpsons had about 6 seasons of almost pure gold. Past season 9 or so the quality fell off so much I haven't watched this show regularly in a decade. Then you have South Park, the first few seasons are kind of choppy today but since they've hit their stride it has been consistently hilarious. I think Family Guy fell way off after it came back on the air the second (3rd?) time. It's repetitive and bland.
I'm not going to mention the shows that were already mentioned over and over, but for me it would have to be Mad Men, Battle Star Galactica and Dexter. I started watching these shows pretty late, BSG was already done and Dexter and Mad Men were late in their latest seasons. Something about these shows made me waste many days watching episode after episode until there were no more. Edit: If Spartacus keeps up with the blood and boobs that was in the first season, it will be up there among my favorite shows of all time.
I think I'd have to put The Wire as my all time favorite. There were no good guys or bad guys per se, just people. It really got into the gritty of all the different parts of the city but stayed connected and entertaining. Right up there though is Dexter. Another show where there is nothing to compare it to. I just cannot wait for the next season to see what happens, and I've never really been that into a show before. For comedies I think it'd have to be Arrested Development, followed by Freaks and Geeks. AD didn't have the normal setup-->punchline routine. Like said before, it didn't tell you to laugh but the writing was so genius and the actors played their parts perfectly. Freaks and Geeks I just watched last year and loved it. I just wish it would have been on for more than one season. That's a show I could recommend to anybody no matter their taste and plan on them liking it.
I was just going to list the one or two shows that I like the most, but then I realized that I could easily do a top 5 list. Then even that was too hard, so I had to do a top 10. I just couldn't stand to leave off certain shows, so I will just refrain from saying too much about each one. but here we go, top 10: 1. Seinfeld: A classic. Far and away better than any other sitcom that has ever been on TV. They captured that "show about nothing" feel perfectly. 2. Lost: I'm one of the ones that has gotten into Lost in a very big way. I absolutely love the deep back story and the convoluted path the show has taken, researching and theorizing after each episode. 3. Always Sunny in Philadelphia: The funniest show on TV. Period. I love it because it is raunchy and all of the characters are completely selfish and amoral. 4. Star Trek: The Next Generation: Hey, I'm a nerd. My dad got me hooked on watching this when I was in grade school, so there is a pretty strong nostalgia thing going on there. Plus it was just an all around awesome show. 5. South Park: Its had its ups and downs, but there have been so many moments when watching it where I am left either completely speechless or uncontrollably laughing. While its a hilarious, crude cartoon, it is also one of the best social commentaries I have ever seen, and they aren't afraid to say what everyone else is thinking. 6. Futurama: I always loved this one, much more so than the Simpsons actually. The ensemble of characters was perfect, and the writing was so witty and hilarious. I can still go back and watch reruns of this over and over. Zoidberg, Fry and Bender all in one show? Win. 7. Firefly: Another great Science Fiction classic. Its really a shame it only went for one season. Captain Reynolds may be the best character to ever be on TV. 8. Battlestar Galactica: Yet another Sci-Fi great, of course. This one had that deep, weird, almost mythical story to it (the same reason I love Lost), but this one was in space and had robots. Loved it. 9. 24: Jack Bauer. 10. Home Movies: This was an animated series that was on the original Adult Swim block. It was about a group of young kids making home videos, but they acted so very adult and a lot of the content was very mature. Great writing and very witty humor to made it fantastic. Also, Coach McGuirk. Ok, that went on a bit longer than I thought it would, sorry 'bout that. I just couldn't stand to leave out some of those had I only done a top 5. Now that I've wasted enough time on this, I better get back to work. EDIT: Muney just reminded me of Spartacus. Dammit! Top 11...
My favorite show of all time is Seinfeld. I still enjoy watching the reruns, and I usually will make or hear several comments a day that reference jokes that were a part of Seinfeld. The show has been off the air for 10 years, and is it still relevant (except that the Yankees sucked on the show, too bad that isn't still true in real life). Another favorite was The Shield. That show was incredible with how far it pushed the envelope on network TV. I hear The Wire is better, and I want to watch it, but it's tough to find time with two kids under three in the house. Shows I currently watch and enjoy: The Office, although this season has been pretty brutal. This one may be over. Parks and Rec The first season was ok, but the current second season has been really funny. It sucks that this show is being relegated to a mid-season replacement next season. Survivor I still love this show, and have never missed an episode Man V Food, although I think Adam Richman is kind of a douchebag Eastbound and Down I need more Kenny Powers. "I'm fucking in, you're fucking out!!!" Pawn Stars
As others have mentioned it is hard to narrow my favorites down to just one or two. A few that I enjoyed as a child were: Car 54 where are you, this is where Seinfield copied their many intertwined stories from. The Phil Silvers Show I just caught this on after school reruns. But Sgt Bilko was the man. Batman I loved the action, my father loved the silliness (and Julie Newmar as catwoman) Hawaii 5-O It still might be the most violent show ever allowed on network TV. As an adult, I guess I would have to say Cheers. There must have been a reason why for 11 years I made sure I was home on Thursday nights.