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Excuses, excuses

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by lust4life, Jul 15, 2010.

  1. lust4life

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Deepinthehearta, TX
  2. shegirl

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    Redemption Seeking Whore

    Oct 19, 2009
    I be bumping since there are none.
  3. Judas

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    Oct 25, 2009
    When I read this focus my three friends immediately came to mind. My three friends were driving down by the lake in the junior year of high school when they crashed my friends Jeep dead into a tree, totaling the car completely. They did this because two of them had been drinking and one was pretty stoned. After realizing that they were all fine, one of them called a cab, and they all went over to the mall, like 5 miles away. They waited like two hours and then "E" called his parents to say he came out to the parking lot and couldn't find his car. His parents came to pick them all up and dropped them off. His parents reported the car stolen.

    Then next day the police came by and questioned each one of them, and apparently they had their stories straight, because the police believed the car had been stolen and they got off scotch free.

    This was around 6 years ago, and as far as I know I am one of the like 5 or 6 people aside from the three that know about this story, only learning it when two of them were really drunk around a year ago and told it to me and a friend at like 3 in the morning.

    Focus: Personally I think I am a pretty damn good liar, but I have had a couple of occasions where I have been found out. Most of my major lies consisted of things I did in high school, like saying I was sleeping over at a friends house and then going to parties and such, and then getting found out by my parents a week later when they would talk with my friends parents at an event or such. Nothing big.
  4. ec88

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    Experienced Idiot

    Nov 3, 2009
    Washington. No, not D.C.
    My parents went to Europe the summer before my senior year of high school for 2 weeks, and I was at football camp the week before that so I wasn't going to see them for 3 weeks. A couple of friends wanted me to throw a party, which I said no to right away because I knew my dad would somehow find out (damn nosy neighbors). But I said 8 of my closer friends could come over and drink if they wanted to.

    Eventually, one of my friends' older brother heard about it and invited himself and a few other people over which I was okay with. That though, resulted in more people coming, which resulted in even more people coming. I just decided to stick with the "fuck it" attitude and ended up having a good time.

    The next morning, however, I found out our dvd player, money that my parents had left me, and my parents alcohol were all stolen. I replaced the alcohol, didn't spend anymore of the money except on food, but could not replace the dvd player.
    The excuse when my parents came home: "It was gone when I got home from camp, I figured you guys took it." I hadn't pre-planned a good excuse, so that was the idiotic one I came up with on the spot. My parents still talk about how dumb of an excuse that was to this day. They knew I had a party.
  5. rei

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Guelph, ON
    I ruined the bumper of my parents car in a drive through [not one of my finest moments], but as far as they know it was sideswiped while parked outside my school.
  6. caseykasem

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    Emotionally Jaded

    May 6, 2010
    I did the same thing. Only replace "in a drive through" with "ran into a boulder on the side of the street while stoned".
  7. Arctic_Scrap

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Duluth, MN, USA
    I rent one of my parents houses, and one night I came home shitfaced drunk in the middle of the winter and realized I locked my doors but never grabbed my keys and didn't have my cell to call my friend who dropped me off. I kicked in the side door, shattering the wood door frame. When summer came I told my parents someone must have tried to break into the house.

    One of my friends badly spider webbed the windshield in my parents old blazer when he was reaching into the backseat and I slammed on the brakes to throw him forward. I claimed it was vandalism while I was fishing that day.

    I think both of these worked pretty good.
  8. Diablo

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Armpit, NC
    Between my freshman and sophomore years of college, my parents went out of town with my sister for a hockey or lacrosse tournament, so I was the only one at home, as my brother lived about 5 hours away. The tournament was supposed to last over a 4 day weekend, so they were gone from Thursday to Tuesday. I decided to throw an epic weekend party lasting from Friday night to Monday morning, and I lived in suburbia hell. It was awesome though: two beer pong tables in the garage, one as a normal game, one as a 100 cup game; lots of music, a few bonfires, my parents hot tub, and stupid shenanigans in the field behind my house.

    Anywho, I had to go to work on the Sunday afternoon, and when I got back home, there was a note on my counter, which was covered in plastic Solo cups (washed and drying because I cleaned), supposedly written by my next door neighbor. But it wasn't, my parents called my brother to come check up on me. I called him later and confessed that I just had a couple people over on Saturday and that's it...lo and behold people show up on Sunday night to drink, and who am I to deny alcohol? My parents found out eventually and it became a joke, but I can guarantee before that, no one believed me that people weren't there all weekend.
  9. toddamus

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    Somewhere west of New York
    During high school I got roped into going on a blind date with a friend of a friend. I did this because my friend asked me if I would do it and I thought to myself, sure why not? Well there were a couple of reasons why not, like the fact that her idea of dressing up for a date was a long grey t-shirt and jean shorts, or that she was more than a few pounds overweight.

    I met her at the theater and we were going to watch Charlies Angles 3. I knew from the moment I saw her that I had to get out. The movie previews were beginning and I was starting to plan my escape. I had to come up with some reasonable excuse to leave. This is what I came up with.

    I told her I had to leave because I forgot that I had arranged an appointment to give blood and had to leave to make the appointment.

    My friend heard about this and ended up laughing. She knew she had screwed me and enjoyed every moment of my awkward escape.
  10. Sleeves

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    Experienced Idiot

    May 22, 2010
    Ahh....Wow.. I am a terrible liar but this one time I snaked my way out of something and I'm not even sure how I did it. I go to a smaller school so this shit probably happens at your guys schools all the time but at mine we actually get in trouble for the more extreme cases of under age drinking.

    Back Story: I couldn't even tell you if I actually used a good excuse or not, but I got out of it so I did something right.
    On one Saturday during the school year, there was a school event. Now my best friend is a hardcore drinker, We dont drink all the time but when we do it usually doesn't end good. Well he decided to plan for this school event we would start drinking at 10am, we woke up at 9:30. First thing he does is pour us a mixed drink of hawain punch and vodka only to be followed with an afternoon full of vodka melon. At around 2 we decide to go to school.. Im already black out drunk, dont remember walking to school and I wake up passed out in our main lounges bathroom with splashes of throw up on my shirt. Dont remember anything from the time we left till the time I woke up. As I'm walking out of the bathroom im confronted by about 5 campus security officers who were told by someone I was in the bathroom only to be tooken to their office and held hostage there until my friend came and picked me up. They told me not to come back on campus for the rest of the day which I did but thats besides the point.(Commuter)

    Focus/ Alt-Focus : So about a week later I get a message in the mail from the dean of students telling me I had to meet with her one morning at 9:00 to speak about the incident. (Im a Cross country runner at my school). I told her I woke up first thing in the morning and went out for a 9 mile run, it was about 80ish degrees this day. Told her I never rehydrated myself and ive been outside all day hanging out in the sun that was blistering hot. The guys had a slip and slide out in the field which helped my defense. I told her after I went on that is when things went bad, cause I get motion sickness really easy and admitted that I had a few drinks so with the combination of all those things is just where I started throwing up and feeling heat sickness. Got off scotch free, but the campus security officers thought I was high off my ass with some kind of drug because when they found me I didn't seem drunk at all. I was.. I can't even remember my conversation with them.

    I may not be the best drinker but I will drink till theres nothing left, Its just the after effects which turn out usually bad. Not my proudest moment at all, but was really happy with the results. A friend with a slightly similar yet more dramatic story had a much worse outcome ( Passed out on a sidewalk and an ambulance came and picked him up). The school made him go to AA meetings.
  11. Tuesday

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    Oct 26, 2009
    I... I didn't know I couldn't do that.

    I've never really had any huge excuses. Back in high school I was at a friend's party, and had no way home yet my mom was expecting me. It's about midnight, so in my drunken stupor I send her a text saying we're having an all night poker tournament...

    I get home the next day, and both of my sisters saw right through the bullshit. My mom swore I was an angel and we were just playing poker. I like to believe she's just 'willfully ignorant'
    #11 Tuesday, Jul 16, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 27, 2015
  12. Disgustipated

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    Gold Coast, Australia
    My girlfriend forgot my birthday this year. A couple of days after, I got a text from her about some random stuff and she asked if I was doing anything for my birthday on Sunday. I replied that was birthday was Monday, just gone. I wasn't angry, as I don't give a shit about it and it's just another day to me.

    She apologised and said she'd gotten the dates mixed up with a friend of her's birthday.

    I didn't think anything of it until tonight. I was sealing the floor I've been working on and a random thought popped into my head. The friend's birthday she'd claimed happened about four months prior. I would have accepted "I forgot" as an excuse. Lying to me just pisses me off.

    Not too sure yet how I'm going to handle this one when I see her...