<a class="postlink" href="http://articles.baltimoresun.com/2009-11-29/news/0911270033_1_intellectual-disabilities-word-retarded-crime-victims" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://articles.baltimoresun.com/2009-1 ... me-victims</a> The US Senate is considering a bill to replace the word retarded with "intellectual disability". There is so much about this that irritates me, I don't know where to start. Focus: Replace "offensive" words with inoffensive phrases. For example, I want to replace "illegal immigrant" with "100,000 Peso Retirement Plan Sponsoree", or "Idiot" with "Senator" or "Delusional psychopath" with "Woman I slept with that thought she had her shit together". I know you can do better. Alt Focus: bitch/rant/make fun of politically correct language.
"That country of idiots that don't know how to spell properly, let alone pronounce certain 3 letter words." "Canada."
There's a Carlin bit about this. I'll look it up later tonight if I remember and post it up here, unless someone beats me to it.
I got this for Christmas a few years back along with a few other books like it by the same guy. From his free excerpt:
Dating and or Hanging Out "Screaming out the name of a deity synchronized with a proper thrust rhythm"
Rascist, batshit insane, two-faced lying delusional child raping cult member -"Mormon" Celebrity that achieves fame riding the wave of how big of a pathetic loser they are -"Reality TV Star" Reason behind Global Warming -"Kings Of Leon" Man with small cock -"Firearms collector" Hateful brain-damaged self righteous dellusional cunt -"Pro-Lifer" A person who lies to your face, does drugs, cheats at everything to do with their career and is inflated with their own sense of self-worth -"Barry Bonds"
My friend Jeff was murdered by a gun owner. Shot in the chest and throat and left to die alone in the snow after a fucking Christmas party because the coward pussy was too tough to fight like a man. Nobody in the world could blame me for being bitter towards that. When my wife was pregant, I took her to Victoria Hospital here in London for a check-up and we were swarmed by pro-lifers who thought she was trying to termininate her pregnancy because she had her hoodie pulled up over her head and she was visibly knocked up, and they perform abortions at said hospital. Have you ever heard what these fucking assholes SAY to women? These people are upposed to be loving and appreciative towards life and the wasted no time in calling her everything but a white woman. I nearly went to jail that day, but she had the best line EVER: "Yes, I AM getting an abortion! It's twins, and I'm going to do it the parking lot with a coat hanger in front of you fucking people!!!" ...you gotta love her.
And that is awful and I feel for you, but it does not mean that everybody who owns guns is a psychopathic murderer. This is not the place for you to come down high and mighty on people who have different views than you.
I'm aware I'm being irrational and actually kind of childish and for that I apologize. I know there are plenty of decent gun owner out there (and probably on here), but c'mon. Am I the first person to act this way on here (or even in this thread)? Have you MET ballsack?
Let's all be friends. I don't like it when we fight. You guys muh-muh-make me happ-AY. Points if you know who I'm quoting. Focus: "White trash sinkhole where class goes to die." "Edmonton." And you know it's true.