So what do you do when your wife cries at the end of every movie she sees? The obvious answer is that you should film it and post it on your website named Focus: We have done the "you can cry at..." thing already. What sort things do you get "emotional" over? Does beating hookers bring a tear to your eye? Perhaps punting kittens makes your eyes misty? What gets you? Alt. Focus: What examples of over the top emotional responses have you witnessed?
My dad turns into a toddler old on a full-on tempter tantrum rather frequently. This Christmas he spilled a bit of cake on the car seat while preparing to transport it to our uncle's house. You'd have gotten a calmer reaction from telling a sleep-deprived five year old that he can't have McDonald's while taking away his GameBoy and throwing away his favourite teddy bear. As for the website; the Lord of the Rings video was hilarious. "I'm not gonna cry... I'm not gonna cry... I'm NOOOOOT GOONNNA CRRRRYYYY HHNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN." I then watched the Star Wars video and it started being more sad than hilarious.
Yea, I really gotta give this guy some major props. #1 I could not stand a wife who did this. #2 He had to sit through "A.I". nuff said
This is actually really fucking embarrassing, but those AirBud and MVP: Most Valuable Primate movies really get me. I get a little misty-eyed when they play the classic animal-is-seperated-from-human music in the background. Go ahead and judge me.
I dont know why but this just put a smile on my face. As long as the she doesnt talk and ask simple plot questions through out the whole damn movie I think itd be cute. This is probably because she is cute, if she was some hose beast then naturally we'd have a different reaction. edit: Would it be too far to tape her reaction to Schindler's List?
Okay, this video only has about 20 million views, but on the off chance that anyone hasn't seen it yet. . .
I'm entirely guilty of this. I can never cry over normal things, so my mind just transfers all my crying power to movies/TV. I teared up almost every episode for Six Feet Under, and the second season of Battlestar Galactica. I cried for the entirety of the movie Big Fish. My cousin still asks before every movie we watch, "Are you gonna Big Fish during this?" It's embarrassing, but I can't help myself. I frequently warn my friends that I'm definitely going to cry, not just little tears but full out "WHY DID HE HAVE TO DIIIIIIE" sobs, and yet they are still unprepared for it. It's why I no longer watch dramas at the movie theatre, incidentally. Also, Schindler's List had be in a wreck. Ralph Fiennes was so hot and then he dies?! Why, God?! WHY?! (just kidding, I cried about the Jews).
"In the aaaaaarms of the aaaaaaangels........" and a quick flash of a sad doggy face on my TV gets me going. Every. Fucking. Time. I can flip the channel immediately, but that song + sad animal eyes = crying midway through an episode of Criminal Minds. Seriously, Animal Planet can make me go from laughing hysterically (Oh look, Cesar Milan just got bitten....BWAHAHAHAHA!!) to chest-heaving, snotty-nosed, red-faced sobbing in an instant. And then I feel horrible because I can't adopt all of those sad kitties and puppies who just want to be loved. During Christmas, they play that commercial all the time to boost donations and I still cry every time. I'm sure everyone I've ever dated has hated that stupid commercial--it always leads to me turning my tear-filled eyes to my gentleman friend and begging to be accompanied to the local SPCA in order to volunteer our time towards helping these sad widdle animals. I'm tearing up right now just thinking about it. EDIT: Holy shit, the video posted above is fucking AMAZING. Did he seriously just try to jam the TV remote up his make his Mom sorry?
Movies and TV pretty much never make me cry. But for some reason, the one movie I can ever remember crying from was Turner and Hooch. I watched it when I was like 9, and when Hooch got capped, I just lost it. It's probably a good thing my parents never made me watch Old Yeller growing up.
Holy shit, I actually just watched the website videos. Apparently, I am a sympathy crier. I was tearing up right alongside her. I just recommended that she watch The Notebook, Steel Magnolias, The Last Castle, My Girl, and Beaches. Am I missing anything?
I can't even remember the last time I cried watching a movie/show, but the closest I've come is watching things like Band of Brothers. Hearing those guys talk about losing all their friends and brothers over there is tough. I usually have to find myself something to fiddle with or look at to keep it in.
I definitely got weepy during the interviews. Might have even let out an un-muffled sob or two during the last episode. I don't normally cry during movies, but for some reason, old men talking about camaraderie or lost friends/family etc, gets me without fail. Kids die, dogs die, love lost, no problem, but if even one old man gets misty and sentimental, I do too.
Homeward Bound. Spoiler SHADOW! Anything that has to do with sad, diseased, and/or destitute children messes with me a little bit. I can't remember which one, but one of the episodes of Extreme Home Makeover fucking killed me.
Toss me in the catagory of guys who get depressed/misty (although I don't cry, really) when animals get hurt/killed.Between Homeward Bound, Where the Red Fern Grows, and My Dog Skip (seriously) it was a rough time.
Bridges of Madison County, Armageddon, Titanic, ET, Romeo and Juliet (60's version). Focus: ER. Every episode I would get body shivers and tears would start rolling down my cheeks the instant the closing credits started.
There is one specific part of those that gets me every damn time. I believe it is Carwood Lipton that they are interviewing and he talks about when his grandson asked him if he was a hero in the war he said, “no, but I served in a company of heroes”. Every. Damn. Time.