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Elephants and Jackasses...

Discussion in 'Permanent Threads' started by Nettdata, Oct 14, 2016.

  1. NatCH

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Jan 10, 2012
    Absolute center of the continental US
  2. Juice

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    Moderately Gender Fluid

    Oct 19, 2009
    The only member of Trumps admin that whose firing would shock me is Robert Lighthizer. He’s the man behind all of Trumps neo-imperialist economic policies.
  3. Aetius

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    North Carolina Republicans took the opportunity this morning, while Democrats were attending 9/11 memorials, to sneak through an override of the Governor's veto of the state budget by bringing it to the floor when they had a bare quorum of almost entirely Republicans present. There is no circumstance in which they would be able to get this vote past the full House.

    It is additionally worth noting that if you add up all the votes cast in elections for a member of the North Carolina House, the Democrats won a majority of the votes, but a minority of the seats.
  4. Flat_Rate

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Apr 26, 2010
    The gerrymandering here in NC is just fucked.
  5. Kubla Kahn

    Kubla Kahn
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Looks like Canada has its own Northem.


    I also find his creepily placed hand hilarious too.
  6. scotchcrotch

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Nov 21, 2009
    I’ve filed Trump supporters into a select few categories-

    Party over Country supporters

    Liberal/minority hater supporters


    Granted the last category isn’t mutually exclusive from the other two but you get the gist.
  7. kindalas

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Nov 19, 2009
    Ottawa Canada
  8. downndirty

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Nov 18, 2009
    I am struggling to understand this. He dressed in a stupid costume decades ago, and that tells us...what in 2019? Same thing with Northem. Why are we supposed to judge the choices of 2001 (or whenever) by 2019 standards?

    Also, given the racism wharrgarbl around this....aren't there REAL issues regarding race and ethnicity to be dealt with that deserve more airtime and mind space than "oooh, lookit racist costume man!".

    Maybe it's the recent diet of anti-outrage standup (Bill Burr & Dave Chappelle's recent Netflix specials), but what exactly is the issue here?

    I get it's not a good luck in 2019 (not exactly sure why), and comedy is supposed to push those boundaries. If this was in jest (clearly it was), why the fuck does anyone care? It's not like he wore it to the inauguration, ffs.

    Also, given the outrage about skin darkening, how come no one calls out Commander Cheeto Scrotum for whatever God-awful beauty routine THAT shit is?
  9. Kampf Trinker

    Kampf Trinker
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    Oct 19, 2009
    It appears Trump has decided which of the democrat candidates he doesn't want to run against in 2020.

    Looks like Bernie Sanders, and to a lesser extent, Elizabeth warren.

    A lot of people continue to claim a socialist can't win in America, but I don't think that's true anymore. Look at how much more socialist the candidates' platforms have become since when Obama ran. Aside from the fact that the democrats have changed quite a bit in recent years, it's pretty clear where the energy in the party is at, which is towards major reforms rather than incremental centrism.

    I'm not arguing for socialism, but Trump being more concerned about Sanders rather than someone like Biden or Harris makes sense to me. His has an economic populist message, so that won't be an advantage for Trump like last election. He has a ton of enthusiasm around his candidacy, which again was a huge problem for Hillary, and probably would be for Biden as well. Sanders' proposals will scare some people off, but he would generate a lot of turn out centrist candidates wouldn't get. Remember Hillary got 4 million less votes than Obama did in 2008. Of course, there were a lot of reasons Obama had a huge turn out, but Sanders would at least do better than Hillary, I think. Also,Sanders has the anti-establishment thing going for him, which is still important to a lot of voters.

    There's a bunch of other reasons I won't get into, but I found Trump's take on who he doesn't want to face interesting as a lot of people still seem to think the democrats need to move towards the center to win. I saw Maher claiming this not that long ago. Lately, Sanders has been beating Trump in the polls in states like Texas (although Biden was as well, by the same margin, everyone else was polling behind Trump) so I hardly think he's the worst candidate to run against the Trump if the main objective of most primary voters is to get Trump out of office.

    Biden seems to have a lot of the same problems Hillary had, although for the most part they're probably not as severe. Still, I'm kind of surprised so many in the party have just been blindly falling behind him despite the fact that he's offered so little other than repeating Obama's name every chance he gets. I certainly can see Biden winning, and a lot of people showing up to oust Trump, but what I can't see is anybody going to the polls because they're excited about the prospect of Biden becoming president. Not saying he would lose, but that does make him more vulnerable than some of the other candidates.

    Has anyone noticed too that at times it really seems like his age is catching up with him? I don't listen to him often or anything, but when I do he really struggles to express his ideas, has even more gaffes than I remember, and occasionally he just starts to ramble off on meaningless tangents. Anyway... it looks like the two who have the best chance to beat out Biden at the moment are Sanders and Warren. The obvious problem is they both need the other to drop out. Personally, I'm hoping Sanders does because if it comes down to them I think I'd rather see Warren become president, but I can't imagine Bernie dropping out no matter how good or bad his campaign does in the coming months.
  10. Aetius

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    So who's excited that the President made a promise to a foreign leader that was so corrupt and such a threat to national security that an intelligence community officer invoked the whistleblower statute in an attempt to bring it to Congress' attention? What was the promise? The identities of US spies to Russia? Nukes to Saudi Arabia? You can play a fun game: try to think of an offer that is so corrupt you're 100% sure Trump didn't make it. It's fun because there's no such offer.
  11. Kampf Trinker

    Kampf Trinker
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    Oct 19, 2009
    I wouldn't get your hopes up. Whenever the scandal is something like taking a Sharpie to draw obviously forged additions to a weather forecast that a kindergarten student would be too ashamed to pass of as their own work - it turns out to be true. Whenever the scandal is about treason, or being in league with Nazis to exterminate minorities it's either nothing, or it's something that falls so short of the press hype it might as well be nothing. Can I imagine Trump being guilty of some sort of serious malfeasance with foreign leaders? Sure. Can I imagine the press hyping up a 'Trump Downfall' story with practically nothing to go on at all? Well, I don't have to because I've already seen them do it more times than I can count. Maybe this one will actually be something important, but I'm going to wait because making a huge deal out of Trump impeachment fantasy type scandals that never go anywhere is about 80% of what the left media does now. I want to see what the whistle blower has to say, then we'll at least know if this is something that has the potential to be huge, or not. Right now, it could be almost anything. The media has no idea what this scandal actually is, and they're already rambling about Putin again. I know it probably doesn't even matter, but they really need to stop doing this because holy fuck is it making the party look stupid.

    The annoying thing to me is that I don't think any of these people even do care. Seriously, he dressed up as a Jamaican to sing Day-O in high school? Nobody gives a fuck. Usually these black face things are at least something that could have been considered offensive at the time, but this is just pointless.

    I find it hilarious something like this happens to Trudeau because every time I've listened to him he comes across like THE social justice candidate. Dude is woke as fuck. Still not woke enough for the dip shits who elected him I guess. I'm curious what the Canadians on the board think will come of this. Is this actually going to threaten his career, or is he just going to make a bunch of insincere over the top apologies and that will be the end of it. I'm guessing it blows over, but I don't know how hardcore his supporters are about these kinds of scandals.
  12. Kubla Kahn

    Kubla Kahn
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    Oct 19, 2009
    He’s also had a picture of a different incident and a video of a 3rd released today too. Was there a team of investigators just waiting to drop them all at the same time?
  13. downndirty

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Nov 18, 2009
    It kind of reminds me of the anti-fur campaigns in the late 90's....this seems to be the shit people with no real problems or connections to real problems bitch about. It also seems to be a great lightning rod issue: there's no actual bearing on anything, just a lot of pointless discussion on....nothing really. So, yeah, strike me down with your pointless anger, because it won't actually change anything and the worst case scenario is an apologetic tweet some aid has to write.

    Is he a racist? How the fuck would a costume he wore 20 years ago have any bearing on that conversation?

    Meanwhile, the top four stories on Trump-world are:
    1. Whistle-blower in the Trump administration...taking bets its someone he fired, or the staff of someone he fired.
    2. Trump something something homelessness something something San Francisco
    3. Trump revoking California's right to determine emissions (so, Trump is pissing off California for some reason this week).
    4. Iran threatening war threat after Mike Pompeo opens his mouth.

    Yeah, Trudeau could smear his face in Melania Trump's period blood and perform "The Sound of Music" will getting a rimmer from Jared Kushner and Jordan Peterson, it would matter less than any one of those four
  14. Crown Royal

    Crown Royal
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    Just call me Topher

    Oct 31, 2009
    London, Ontario
    The federal election just started. So, yes. The Conservatives 100% determined when to drop this. And they did it now instead of two years ago when it could fizzle out.

    Also, I used to dress as a “Mexican” for Halloween, I’m not the least bit sorry or regretful about it and never will be. Because there’s nothing wrong with it.
  15. Kampf Trinker

    Kampf Trinker
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    Oct 19, 2009
    In the other big scandal of the day democrats are calling for Kavanaugh to impeached.

    The NYT published newly surfaced allegations from a witness who claimed to have seen Kavanaugh's friends' forcibly push his penis through a girl's hands at a party while he was in college. Ensuing torrent of criticism follows. Boys will be boys is NOT an excuse to have you friends surround you, grab your dick in unison, and shove it through some victim's unwanting hands. Society will not tolerate this any longer. We are speaking up. Blah blah blah. The accusation was originally published in an opinion article rather than the usual headlines, which is almost like a subtle admittance that it wasn't actually news, but in any case they had to go back and amend the story to note that the victim, of what I guess would have been some kind of depraved synchronized swimming act gone wrong, to note she doesn't remember it happening. She's also refusing interviews, and appears thus far uncooperative in her recently assigned role of taking down the sexual predator.

    Undeterred, all the democrat front runners have called for Kavanaugh's impeachment. Trying to destroy Kavanaugh in particular has become a chosen cause, or litmus test, or like a war cry to show that you're a hardcore team player enough to run for the big seat. I don't get why they're going after Kavanaugh instead of Gorsuch, who was clearly the further right Trump appointee. Well, I really don't see why they're doing any of this because I can't see what the 'win' in it is supposed to be, but I don't understand the motivations of crazy people.

    I did enjoy Harris' reflection on the whole thing. You know, getting at the heart of the problem, where this all started.

    I like how she says that to follow up a question about an accusation she made during Kavanaugh's confirmation while demonstrating she didn't have any basis to make it. But hey Harris, he DID lie under oath. A devil's triangle is not a drinking game. You need to step your game up. This is why you've been dropping in the polls.
  16. Aetius

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    When it comes to Kavanaugh, here's what I know:
    • I do not know whether he committed sexual assault or not, but I cannot rule it out.
    • I do know that the Republicans did not care one bit if he committed sexual assault or not. They did not want it investigated, and if he was guilty, they did not want the public knowing about it.
    • He committed perjury during his confirmation hearing, multiple times.
    • He should never have been confirmed, and should be impeached.
    • He's not going anywhere, because Republicans don't care, and the Senate is basically an accidental and permanent gerrymander these days.
  17. Crown Royal

    Crown Royal
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    Just call me Topher

    Oct 31, 2009
    London, Ontario
    He shouldn’t be a Supreme Court judge, he’s a liar and he’s insane. If they just focused on those two facts maybe they could have had a better chance of preventing it from happening.
  18. Kampf Trinker

    Kampf Trinker
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    Oct 19, 2009
    That's the right attitude for a future in politics. I've heard the perjury accusations. There was one that dealt with information currently classified, and the rest are either totally irrelevant minutia about events that happened years ago, or it's a twisted distortion of his testimony parlayed with outside hearsay, usually followed up with a statement like "We already know he's a liar anyway." I'm not surprised Harris is constantly making that assertion, but can't come up with any specific examples when she's asked about it. You can't rule out him committing sexual assault? That doesn't mean anything under the law. Regardless, for how often the democrats keep trying to claim the allegations are credible they've been anything but. The fucking victim is denying it in this one.

    I like Kavanaugh better than some justices currently on the court because he doesn't just rule like a partisan hack, (which you seem to think he is) constantly creatively interpreting amendments so they can rule in favor of the party that appointed them. In better times I might care more about his less than professional handling of the constant wild accusations, conspiracy theories, and outright lies the democrats keep throwing at him, but we don't live in better times.

    I disagree, and looking at the latest round of fuckery in the democrats' crusade against him they seem like insane liars to me.

    Kavanugh is less than perfect. Sure, he doesn't have an immaculate record, but does the conduct of the democrat establishment matter at all to you guys? I don't even know what the fuck they're trying to accomplish in their latest gambit, let alone how someone could consider them ethical in all this.
  19. Kampf Trinker

    Kampf Trinker
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Yeah, it's pretty important, but it doesn't make what the democrats are doing any less stupid and transparent. The fact that they chose to be so obsessed with arguably the most moderate of republican nominated justices suggests that they're either incompetent, or don't actually care all that much about their party platform. Even as a means to an end their partisan bullshit barely makes any sense here. Good thing they're running against Trump who can wipe this out within a couple weeks of twitter screeds.

    They need another boogeyman for the election to generate turn out over this issue, and Kavanaugh happens to be the most recently appointed. I would like to extrapolate their thought process into something more complex, but that seems like the likeliest reason. Notice the democrats not running for president rejected the calls for impeachment. They admitted it was a ridiculous notion, and for people who spend half of their time trying to come up with which new documents to demand from Trump just to claim he's hiding something when he doesn't hand them over, that's really saying something.
  20. Revengeofthenerds

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    ER Frequent Flyer Platinum Member

    Feb 26, 2011
    De Blasio dropped out