I know we've touched on the subject of what kids are wearing/how they express themselves at an early age now a days but... um... this is a bit much. Some of the dancing is impressive, definitely, but as someone who commented on Facebook (where I found this) put it, "oh god. I just clicked on it. Pretty sure I have the FBI tracking me as a potential child molester now." FOCUS: Discuss... Secondary FOCUS: Give other examples of kids growing up too fast/being exploited by parents in ways or through themes they cannot fully grasp yet.
Why are people cheering? Shouldn't we be hearing the tune of tear gas cannisters hitting the floor and the sweet sound of nightstick striking flesh and bone? I would love to see an arena full of life-voided stage parents get their asses whomped by The Man. I would pay to see that. This sort of shit is only going to get worse and worse as we get older though TV music or op culture in general. I mean, just two days ago I saw what had to be a 13 year old girl wearing a graphic t-shirt that said "slut" on it (which makes me very comfotrable, having a daughter and all). Another prime example on how the shit-stained open sore known as the music industry nowadays cares so much about what's visual and not what should be heard. Face facts: most of us on this site are going to be grandparents before we hit 45. Deal with it.
Honestly, this and the new trend of making Lady Gaga youtube remakes is just speeding up the collapse of the internet and then civilization entirely.
My eyes are burning. I have nothing to say, except that any girls I end up birthing are going to be wearing potato sacks until they are 30.
I'm mostly upset because they're better dancers than I am. But if I had kidlets, no way in hell would they be allowed to be up there dancing all provocatively. Still, it's better than letting your kid go out this this.
How does the line go? "Hand me a cigarette, because..." FOCUS: I bet the mothers are the ones that aided/abetted this fiasco. I'm gonna go out on a limb and say any dad who isn't a sick fuck would be against this sluttinization of the American girl. Pure speculation, but I can definitely see a mother thinking this is "empowering" much more easily than a father thinking the same thing.
Oh goody! Now I have something visual I can pull up the next time some asshole says "Are you gonna try for a girl?" Maybe then they won't give me "that look" they all give me when I tell them the same thing I told them throughout the last 3 pregnancies: I don't WANT a girl. I never have. Not all women want a little girl to dress up and argue with and want to slap when they're teenagers. Fuck all that noise.
People are losing their minds over that video of Miley Cyrus grinding on the producer of her movie last year. She was 16, he was 44. And, you know, openly gay. I've been more surprised that people haven't been up in arms about the fact that she's been dating guys in their 20s since she was 15. Where's the parenting/arrest warrants for statutory rape in that?
I've got a ridiculous picture just like that, but with Asian children and the clothes look like caveman fur. Looks like a horde of Amazonian Mongolian pygmies, but I'm at the library so no folder-of-things-that-should-never-be-seen surfing for me. However, I circumvented that conundrum by looking up a different but related image from my folder up on Google. I wonder how many of these kids can relate to this picture? I figure "Underage mongolian strippers" won't turn up anything library appropriate on google except FBI interest. Besides, that'd be pretty fucked up, and you know how straight laced I am.
No. Not a snowball's chance in fucking hell does my daughter get up on stage dressed like a French whore, shaking her non-existent tits, never mind leave the house dressed that way. And besides, if they really wanted to nail the French whore look they should have glued brillo pads under their arms.
Was anyone else reminded of the end of Little Miss Sunshine when the Pedo got up and cheered at the end of the little girls raunchy dance number? Yet these parent let their kids do it for real.
Dear lord, don't get me started on the fucked-upedness of the Cyrus family. For all their bullshit about how wholesome their family is, they send their troll-faced 9 year old daughter (named Noah, shocking) out dressed like this: And before you start howling about that being a Halloween costume, I present example B: It's supposed to be a bathing suit but still. I think she was 8 in that picture and there was a pic from that set of her drinking a Red Bull! And then there's this:
Just when I thought 2 Girls 1 Cup had broken the internet, then I see this. Am I the only one who thought the people clapping and screaming was even worse and in poorer taste than the pre-teens' wardrobe? The choreography was good considering the kids' age, but still... I think the golden rule applies to this video: some sicko, somewhere, is jacking it to this video. Humanity is too depraved sometimes. Fuck you internet. Seriously, fuck you.
This sort of thing is just child pornography under a different guise. I mean, what mother (I'll just assume it's the mothers here, because if it's a father doing this it opens up a whole new can of worms) would dress her child in that outfit, sign her up for such a sexed-up routine, and be OK with it? This class of person should be sterilised at birth to prevent them from procreating, as their clear lack of grey matter and parental skills are now all over the internet. The funny thing is, most parents would be appalled to see their 18 or 28 year old daughter in that outfit performing that dance routine, never mind their 8 year old daughter
I hate that people can say the exact same thing in 17 different ways and still manage to think of themselves as clever or edgy. Fuck you for that too, internet. I (boldly?) agree with all of you that the outfits were not appropriate. But, what is the worst parade of horribles that stems from dancing in those outfits at 8 years old? They can become sexualized at an unhealthy early stage in life, come to depend on their bodies for attention and only relate to men in a physically commercialized way. Hell, if they sink really low they may even resort to working as escorts. Pretty awful, right? Oh, wait. A few weeks ago many of you thought being a hooker was the coolest, most interesting thing since sliced bread, and profusely thanked her for giving us regular folks some insight into how that fascinating world operated. So, to recap, 21 year old prostitutes are cool but inappropriately dressed kids induce rage. Settle the fuck down and, once in a while, attempt an original thought, reputation score be damned.
This. Those of you who have an issue with the video, and the idea of young children being whored out, do your part by not raising your kids the same way. These kids are fuckin' goners. Optimistic, no. Realistic, yes. And for the record, the internet is just the reason you're more likely to see this shit than not. It's been around for quite some time now, but it's likely you just never saw it because you never went looking. The internet tends to bring that shit to light a little more easily than most mediums.