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Dude...could you like, buy me some beer...

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by DrFrylock, Feb 19, 2011.

  1. DrFrylock

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    The White

    Oct 19, 2009
    This just in from Fark, what would you do if an underage kid asked you to buy him alcohol?

    I've only had this happen to me once, in a town that I affectionately called 80s town, because it is out in the middle of nowhere and it's exactly like you're stepping back in time 20-30 years. I demurred.

    FOCUS: What would you do if an underage kid asked you to buy him booze?
  2. D26

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    This happened to me frequently in college. Back then, I was still living in the dorms despite being 21. Everyone else on my floor, except the RA, was underage. As such, once they found out, I spent the first two weeks having almost everyone on the floor approach me and beg me to buy them alcohol (usually weird shit like Aftershock, which I can honestly say I haven't seen anyone above the age of 19 drink), and I always told them I couldn't, because I'd agreed not to.

    The first day, the RA came to my room and made a deal with me. He would overlook any alcohol I kept in my room (technically against dorm rules, even if I was 21) as long as I agreed not to buy any alcohol for the underage people on the floor. My school was known for having "fire drills" where the RA's go room by room and search for alcohol and drugs, and a few people the year before had gotten busted for alcohol, so I knew it could get a person into some shit, and I didn't feel like dealing with it.

    In retrospect, it actually worked out well. After two weeks, they stopped bugging me to buy them stuff. If I'd have agreed, I'd have a bunch of people at my door every Friday night begging me to buy them alcohol. Plus, I kept all my alcohol in my mini-fridge, and never bothered to try to hide anything, because I knew the RA wouldn't give me any shit for it.
  3. iczorro

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    The Island
    My second Navy school, I had just turned 22, and was in a Marine barracks full of 19-20 year olds that I partied with a lot. I bought for them all the goddamned time. Me and one other guy who was also over 21 always had to put the hotel rooms in our name, too. Fucking sucked. Worth it in the long run, I had a blast the three months I was at that school.
  4. downndirty

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Nov 18, 2009
    Since I was 16, I have perpetually held a series of fake id's and I purchased booze constantly for friends. Once I turned 21, I rarely had anyone ask me to buy for them, but I did when asked and never charged to do it. Even today, I would have no qualms about it because I think 21 is a stupid age to have a beer.

    However, the rule of thumb is this: if you know them, do it. Random in a dorm room? Negative. Friend of a friend? No sir.

    And, as weird as this might sound: never purchase booze for girls. Buy extra and share your own, but to have a Friday afternoon phone call consisting of nothing more exciting than "Can you do me a favor?" puts you on the same level as the condom in her purse.
  5. Frank

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    You lucky son of a bitch. One of my best friend's brothers was a freshman when I was a senior and was psyched to have a hook up for booze. The immediate and easy access to alcohol spoiled the shit out of him and his friends. They expected me to go on micro-brew treasure hunts for them every time, motherfucker, you're a freshman, drink Keystone or Natty. Their timing was terrible too, I would usually go on my runs around 7 PM so I could pre-game, then I'd get a call around 8:30 asking me to buy them booze. One time I showed up to his place with booze, then another one of his friends who was asleep when they called me earlier asked if I could run back to the store and grab him a thirty rack, I almost raped him. The worst part is that they would want the receipt so they could break down to the penny who owed what and giving me a couple bucks for doing the run for them was a foreign concept.

    The funny thing is I was the exact same way when I was underage with everything except the tipping concept. One time I asked a roommate to get me some booze at 10:30 PM, several hours after he went for a run himself, he just looked at me and said "I can't wait until you're 21 and have to deal with this shit." I think it boils down to the fact that when you're underage you think that the novelty of buying booze never wears off.

    Focus: No way would I buy booze for a random under ager in front of a liquor store, no reason to take that kind of a risk for a couple bucks.

    Also, is the guy trying to score pot from them Anthony Bourdain? Sounds a lot like him.
  6. Crown Royal

    Crown Royal
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    Just call me Topher

    Oct 31, 2009
    London, Ontario
    The law will ass-rape you for fines for life if you get pinched doing that here, so for a stranger I would not. For kids I knew and trusted, I would buy it because theat's what happened to me as a kid with the cool adults. I don't want to be considered a prude EVER.
  7. Dcc001

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    New Bitch On Top

    Oct 19, 2009
    Sarnia, Ontario
    It's different up here, though. Whey you say "underage" you're talking about 15-17 year olds, as the drinking age (in Alberta, at least) is 18.

    Best story about how foolish the drinking laws are: my cousin, Mike, who at the time was 27 was asked to stop by the liquor store and buy rum for my grandfather's wake (on special occasions my grandpa would have "a finger and a generous thumb" of dark rum after dinner, and we were planning a toast). Mike had my twin 16-year-old cousins with him when he went in. He gets to the till, and this exchange happens:

    Clerk: May I see your ID? (Mike shows his drivers license.)
    Clerk: And theirs?
    Twins: We're 16.
    Clerk: I'm sorry, I can't sell you this alcohol
    Mike: [Argued that he was of age]
    Clerk: [Refused the sale]

    Mike is pissed off, leaves, takes the twins home and comes back an hour later, ALONE.

    Clerk: I'm sorry, I won't sell you this alcohol. It's illegal and you're going to be around 16-year-olds.

    Thanks to the liquor control laws this was the only liquor store in town, so Mike doesn't even have the pleasure of taking his business elsewhere. He STILL has to shop there, despite that fucking nonsense. Who refuses a sale to an adult who is buying alcohol for a funeral, for Christs sake?
  8. Natty

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    Oct 19, 2009
    I buy alcohol for underage folk all the time, how else would they let me finger bang their ass.

    Really though, if I know them, I'd consider it (my wife has a lot of 17-20 year old cousins that hangout at her beach house) Strangers? No fuckin way.
  9. Frank

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    They do that in a lot of states in the US too and it's fucking ridiculous. The part that I always find funny is that they have no problem selling to an adult with a 9 year old, but will refuse an adult with a 16 year old. Is it illegal to consume alcohol around teenagers or something?

    Though I have to admit your cousin is a moron for not knowing that it may have been an issue, especially considering he only had one store he could go to.

    Your sister is underage?
  10. Dcc001

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    New Bitch On Top

    Oct 19, 2009
    Sarnia, Ontario
    Meh. Like I said, it's a small town and he shops there all the time. In the hustle and bustle of the death/funeral he just wasn't thinking about it.
  11. Kubla Kahn

    Kubla Kahn
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    My brother handed me his old ID the minute he got a new one. I was the go too guy for many of my friends for a year or so. Sometimes it sucked but most times I'd be going to party with them anyway.

    My little brother parties now and he's never once asked me to get him anything, though I think his friends are a bunch of little wieners Id probably buy for him if he ever did. I couldnt give him my ID, he's much taller than I am now, but if it wasnt for my older brother and a few friends older siblings we'd have been hard up to find booze.

    On a different note I had an adderall script for a while and once people found out I was hounded constantly by some serious fiends. My roommate had been selling weed and when people would ask him he'd mention I had them even though I NEVER wanted to sell or told him to tell people. It was much worse than having an ID. They'd never just come out and say it, even though I never talked to these people normally, theyd come over out of no where and try and spend 10 minutes with small talk before asking me for anything. I finally started lying and telling people I didnt have it and eventually stopped taking it all together.
  12. goodfornothing

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    Average Idiot

    Oct 19, 2009
    Got an older sibling over 21?

    They still live at home or have access to their birth certificate?

    Memorize SSN.

    Go to DMV, get a legit ID with your picture. Voila.
  13. Dude

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    Nov 6, 2009
    If I knew the person, then absolutely. Otherwise, not worth the risk.

    In high school, we always had kids we knew in college who could get us stuff. However, they were flakes and it was always much easier to buy weed than to buy booze.

    In college, pretty much everyone has a fake id, so it is not an issue at all. The bars won't even card before the end of happy hour. Caught with a fake? Slap on the wrist. Caught with an ID that's not yours? Go to court.
  14. Natty

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    Oct 19, 2009
    Only the one I finger bang.

    I also think there's a difference between buying alcohol for some underage kids and making it available for their consumption. I'm much more amenable to the latter, even if I do know who I'm dealing with. One should be able to monitor the underage drinking, to ensure nothing retarded happens. That's when the legalities of it can present a very unfavorable circumstance. Even though I'm generally a cretin, I would have reservations if one of my wife's cousin asked me to by a handle of Jack and knowing that they'd be left to their own devices.

    And that my friends is what you call a fucking felony.
  15. bewildered

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    Deeply satisfied pooper

    Oct 26, 2009
    A few years ago, one of the guys I knew from highschool wanted me to hook him up with booze for his prom. He asked over instant messenger, and I hadn't talked to him in months. All the sudden, he's asking me for booze? No sir. I told him to go fuck himself, but in slightly nicer terminology and a few more words.

    Next semester, my wee little brother is coming to college! I am so pumped. We're going to be living in a house off campus together. I'll buy alcohol for myself and allow him to sample it if he wants to. I don't see a problem with drinking at home, and I'd rather he do it safely, under the gentle guidance of his big sista' that somewhere else. I didn't drink when I was underage because I'm a goody-too-shoes, but I don't have moral problems with it.

    Or maybe I just want someone to drink with on the weekends....
  16. Juice

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    Moderately Gender Fluid

    Oct 19, 2009
    I bought booze once for my brother who is 5 years younger than me. He thought it was a good idea to hide it under his dirty laundry in his bedroom. Of course my mom picks up the clothes and finds the vodka. She and my father knew it was me who bought it but couldn't do anything about it because they had no proof and my brother wouldn't rat me out. It was retarded^2 and haven't bought an underager booze since.
  17. Beefy Phil

    Beefy Phil
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Have a hankering to meet a real, live FBI agent?

    Do what this guy says.

    Take a free ride to a local field office. Get a legit mugshot taken. Voila. You're being investigated for identity theft and terrorist activities.

    This actually reminded me of a kid I knew in college who used to make fake IDs. He had a honking big laminating machine and everything, and the fakes were of decent enough quality that he had a real racket going for a while. Then he became paranoid that the cops on campus (actual state troopers, not rent-a-cops) had caught wind of his extremely felonious little enterprise. Apparently, he took a hammer to that very expensive piece of equipment one night. No cop ever did show up at his door.
  18. Frank

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
  19. D26

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    Uh, dude? Are you in the right thread?

    Another brief story: my wife and her friend went into a liquor store here in town. My wife and her friend are both 25 (or, were at the time). They grab their alcohol, take it to the counter, and of course get carded. My wife pulls out her drivers license that she got about a year ago, and hands it to the woman. The woman hands it back and tells my wife that it is fake, and she can't buy alcohol. My wife proceeds to pull out four other forms of identification (credit cards, school ID, library cards), but the woman behind the counter absolutely refuses to even look at them. She just tells my wife that she "knows a fake ID when she sees one," and "don't try that bullshit with me."

    Here is where shit gets incredibly stupid. My wife's friend is living in California, and has a California drivers license. The woman accepts the friends' license, and actually allows the friend to buy all of the alcohol, with my wife standing right there. It was as if the clerk looked at my wife and said "Nope, fuck you. I know you're over 21, but go fuck yourself. Your friend can buy here but you can't." Apparently, my wife's friend had to keep my wife from taking a swing at the bitch, which is awesome, since I've never seen my wife that angry.

    Of course, this is the same liquor store where the clerk gave me shit for buying a bottle of rum before the blizzard hit. I should have known not to go back there, as apparently it is staffed entirely by jaded assholes who think their job is to sit around, smoke, and watch a shitty black-and-white TV rather than actually, you know, occasionally check out a customer.
  20. Frank

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    Nope! Please delete that post.

    I can't even blame that stupidity on booze, I'm dead sober.