I watched these two assholes today get into a huge road rage chase with each other today, they zipped in and out from other cars, yelled threats and threw what looked to be gang signs of the retarded at each other. In broad daylight, on a Saturday. Driving can be frustrating for us all, but I don't get how it turns what may be a seemingly normal person into this macho, insanely angry werewolf when they get behind the wheel. They endangered everyone them because fuck that guy he cut me off. It brought me back to a few years when I was in my car approaching some road construction where the were replacing some sewer piping and the lane were to form a alternating zipper merge. There were two guys driving there cars side-by-side, approaching the merge, absolutely refusing to back down for the guy beside them. I sat there, in my car and watched as these two ding-dongs (we're talking 5 mph here) held their pride and drove into each other. There was no reason whatsoever for that accident to happen but it did. Stupid Mickey Mouse macho bullshit. The car is, in fact, a magical chamber that amplifies a human's personality. And makes a lot of them do stupid, impulsive things without considering the consequences. Focus: Idiot drivers, the idiotic things they do and the idiotic things you've seen them do with your own eyes.