You know that feeling of complete euphoria you get right after you take a massive shit that you have been holding in for forever, and then you just kinda walk around feeling as if you were floating on a cloud while pixies and butterflies dance in front of your eyes? That's how I felt when I saw the Carolina Panthers invest the next three years into the bottom of the NFC South. I feel for you, Carolina fans, I really do. But if it makes yall feel any better, yall can now join the rest of us in America in making fun of Jimmy Clausen. What a fucking dipshit. Oh, and congrats to Atlanta for picking up their very own Ricky Williams. God, I love it. But be that as it may, this has been a pretty tough week- one of the results of my accident last November was that I now suffer from both herniated disks and bulging disks in my lower back. As those of you who have back problems know, this sucks, and has been sucking for months now. The worst part is that this pain, along with my still-lingering pain from all of my broken ribs, has kept me completely sedentary (when I first wrote that, I initially said "sedimentary" as was like "that don't look right"... Ha!), which has led to me going back to the unhealthy lifestyle I lived before I got my shit together over a year and a half ago. I tried just walking a couple of miles a day, but always the day after I do so, it was all I could do just to get out of bed my back was hurting so bad. It would also be nice not to be in an excruciating amount of pain when I hold my son for the first time, but I get ahead of myself. This hasn't been worth a shit, and I finally did something about it last week. So now, I'm doing physical therapy two times a week, and have joined Spoga where I now go every morning at 4:45. I'm sore and everything, but the worst part is this- have any of you ever used an elliptical before? Those things suck! I'm used to either walking or running, where most of my push-off is coming from my calves. I normally run 2-4 miles a day, and could walk for hours with no problem. Sadly, my options are now down to just non-impact exercises, and with this fucking thing, all of the movement is coming from lower quads, which are completely out of fucking shape. I feel like a goddamn infant after just ten minutes. The elliptical can blow me. On that note, lets do it. This might be my last WDT for a while, as that baby is coming any day now and I won't have time for drunken shenanigans, so lets make it friggin' count people! Oh, and every one of the teams yall support had shitty draft picks. All of 'em. Except mine. Bring it.
I mentioned this in a rep point to some Carolina fan a day or two ago, but they've just blown two consecutive first-round picks (including the #1 overall) on primadonna QBs that everyone and their dog could see coming a mile away as busts. It takes talent to suck that much.
Congrats on the baby, BD. I'm currently sitting at work, hungover from playing Portal 2 and 'accidentally' drinking a few too many vodka tonics last night. Christ on a cracker, this day better fly by. Otherwise, I may have to kill a fool. Regardless, I will still consume alcohol tonight. Perhaps I will stick to beer, though. I've got a four pack of Young's Double Chocolate stout in my fridge. Yum.
I love the the Giants picked up Amukamara. They really needed another option at DB and I was pretty surprised he made it as far as 19. Now, for the Hokie in me, I pray that they draft Ryan Williams in the 2nd round (a bit unrealistic, but a guy can dream, right?). While I should be out celebrating the draft, as well as the Bolts game 7 win over Pittsburgh, I will unfortunately be working all weekend. Oh yeah, and next week I have a final exam everyday. Festivities will have to be put on hold until next Friday. As much as I love delaying my entry into the 'real' world, I'm over school.
So apparently "birth certificate" is Obama's euphemism for "a zillion tornadoes." Please, Dark Lord Obama, don't release your "college records." Lost cable internet and TV sometime around 11am Wednesday, power went out around 6 or 7pm. Watched a tornado that looked to be headed straight for the house turn and head north. It's hard to say how many tornadoes I saw because they were all rain wrapped, but I stopped counting sirens after the 7th one, mid-afternoon. The back yard is about 10 feet shorter from the lake flooding, and a nearby farm is completely underwater. Before and after of what I think was flooded, spoilered for size. Spoiler Power in Huntsville is expected to be out for 3-5 days, so now I'm in Mobile and I get to go to a redneck wedding. The bride, my cousin, met the groom while he was living at, I shit you not, the end of the driveway. He was the roommate of another guy who knocked up the bride's twin sister.
You'll love it more when he and Roddy are torching your defense, better hope Mark's surgically repaired knee can hold up, since you're finally getting rid of that overpaid bust known as Bush. Congrats on the baby though.
Oh my God, you're in Mobile? I hope I don't see you. Also, congrats about the baby BD. You'll be a great daddy!
So, Kate Middleton and Prince William got married. Everyone seemed pretty happy, apart from Diana, who is said to be crushed.
I've been doing the gym thing since February 1st[I wasn't going to be one of those new years resolution fucks] and I can finally use an elliptical for a decent length of time and not feel like I'm going to die afterward only in the last few weeks. It'll get better. The Vikes did a big reach yet again for a QB. I'll admit I knew very little about Ponder but it sounds like other than good character and smart enough to already have a masters he's just an average QB. I do like his name though, Christian Ponder, like a euphemism for questioning the faith. Maybe going the character/smarts route is better than a QB who can throw the ball 75 yards while on his knees though.
Ponder was a very good college QB and I think he'll do well in the pros, but taking him at 12 overall was a huge reach. Admittedly I haven't followed the draft nearly as closely this year as I normally do, but I don't remember seeing him graded even as a first-rounder by anyone. Unless Minnesota had some solid info that one of the teams behind him liked him, they probably could've taken someone else with that pick and traded up into the late first/early second to get him there. I think he'll be a good pro QB though, in particular he would've been outstanding in Childress' offense but no idea what kind of scheme you guys will be running under Frazier. As an Eagles fan who is also a huge Matt Ryan fan and doesn't give a shit about the Falcons as a team one way or the other (other than wanting to see Matty Ice get a ring at some point), I LOVE that trade.
I'm back from England. I'm at work right now before I have the weekend off. Today just feels surreal. I'm not even really sure what to do right now, except sit around and wonder what the fuck is going on with my life. Other news, applied at more universities.
Gonna buy a case of beer and go golfing all day. Maybe play bumper cars with the carts a little bit. Sounds like a good plan to me.
Holy crap! The wedding thread has two pages already and this one is at one?! Unless somebody starts posting royal titties over there, that better change soon. Edit: Oh thank God. My post moved us to two pages.
The weekend is looking lovely for me. Tomorrow night, I am going to a Brazilian steak so that I may eat until I can no longer breathe. Then on Sunday, I am going to slow-cook a 2 lb pork loin for about 5 hours. Man vs. will win. This is the probably the hottest picture of all time, btw. I challenge someone to find hotter...
Now that you mention it, if they could get a Sarah Palin porn movie going in a matter of weeks, how the hell has there not yet been a Will and Kate porn made yet? And what would they call it? Crown Jewels? Stiff Upper Lip? The King's Cock? Kate in the Middleton?
Yeah, those all sound pretty good, since I would NOT want to watch gay porn like Long Live the Queen. How about In Her Majesty? Fuckingham Palace?