That is because the total run time for the episode was 35minutes, 5 minutes of end credits and what ever at the beginning and you have around a 27 minute show. God she is hot, she could pop my head like a grape with those legs.
Holy fucking shit I’m a hot mess right now. That noise you heard was me and my oldest son watching the end of the season finale.
That was pretty cool. As he was walking in and wiping out the Dark Troopers on the video display I was thinking that isn't really Luke, they just want us to think it is. Green saber. Awesome. Did Bo-Katan die?
It was like a double red herring. They kept dropping hints that it was Luke without confirming it, and I kept waiting for them to pull the rug out and then... it was him. The hints I spotted, in order: X-Wing Hood Lightsaber (shown on black and white monitor, unknown color) Lightsaber shown to be green Gloved hand Belt buckle Lightsaber handle It a nitpick, but I did notice a couple times where he wasn't defending at all while there were multiple troopers shooting at him. The suspension of disbelief with Jedi is that they have precognition and can therefore get their lightsaber in position to defend, not that they can just stand there showboating and their enemies will magically miss from five feet away. Took something away from the scene compared to the Rogue One version, where Vader is always blocking with his saber or his palm and then disarms the rebels with a force pull.
Also one thing I like about The Mandalorian, which was present in the Original Trilogy but was completely discarded by the Prequels, is the idea that the Jedi are mysterious and not well known by most of the galaxy. In the prequels they have a headquarters in the capital, they publicly meet with politicians and they are sent as diplomats and emissaries throughout the galaxy. They're practically cops. The OT had this idea that they've passed into legend, and that knowledge of them by a regular citizen would be esoteric trivia at most. When Luke slices his way through a dozen troopers with a lightsaber, Mando still asks "are you a Jedi?" because he's certainly not familiar enough with them to know for sure, even though the saber and the force crushing would be dead giveaways to anyone familiar with Jedi.
I almost teared up at the handoff. Looked like the Mando did, too. Now that I have a baby, I can see that the face touching and examination by Grogu at the end was very authentic baby behavior. My husband is super into Star Wars since he was a kid and had to explain Luke Skywalker's character to me. That he is a master who is also a teacher at the academy and is the perfect person to take Grogu. Made me feel better about the little guy. Still bittersweet to me, though. Mando better go visit the Child while he's away at boarding school.
Btw hubs watches the Star Wars animation and highly recommends it. He says it really fits into the 'universe' well, is well written, and originally he was hopeful about the Mandalorian because it's the same writer. He has not been disappointed. So if you need a little more Star Wars in your life, give it a go.
Based on a rep I received . . . - Bo-Katan is a woman (played by one, anyway) - not Boba Fett; based on the comment, I think some people did not watch the post-credits scene that Spoiler teases the new series about Boba Fett
Agreed. It's funny, I hated Ahsoka at first but then she turned out to be a great character. I have no idea if that was intentional or just sort of happened. I didn't get into "Rebels" quite as much. Just enough to know what happened in that storyline. A friend of mine is interested in The Mandalorian but not sure she'd understand it, since she only saw the original trilogy. I suppose a person could enjoy it, but not a fraction as much as those of us who have been life long fans.
Oh and another thing I've noticed: The female characters are absolute bad asses, but not in a forced "woke" way. Like that weird "girl power" moment in Avengers: Endgame? They're simply bad ass characters who also happen to be women.
Yeah I commented on that last night. They work together as team with excellent coordination and synergy. Nobody has to be the bad bitch on top, there's no nudge nudge FEMALE POWAH. Being a female or woman isn't their defining characteristic. I really appreciate that. That girl power scene in the last Avengers movie was unforgettable because of how hamfisted it was, not because it inspired anything good. @Rush-O-Matic oh shit, that was me. Sorry. I skim sometimes and got the Bo- names mixed up. I heard about the spinoffbut didn't watch that ending. One of the cool things about the Star Wars universe (per hubs) is how in depth every single character is. I think there's a published encyclopedia ? There will be a bar fight scene and some minor person at a back table has a whole backstory that scene doesn't even delve into. There's supposed to be ton of character and world content not yet covered in any movies.
I mean, I wasn't going to out you, but if you don't even know who Luke Skywalker is, that explains a lot. Also, I'm with Aetius, as that's hard for me to get my head around that. I'm old and grew up with the original trilogy. The Star Wars universe has been around so long that I forget it's possible people don't have that same history. But, yeah. Get on that.
I mean I understand people not really knowing who Luke Skywalker is, but before Bewildered they've always been the "I'm not into that kind of thing" types. Like people who don't want sports who don't know who Babe Ruth is. But for someone to be into it enough that they're watching the niche spinoff series, but to have never seen the main-story global phenomenon, is wild.