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Dexter season six

Discussion in 'TV Shows' started by redbullgreygoose, Sep 25, 2011.

  1. Kerbunked

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 21, 2009
    My understanding was that the hooker died of an OD and from hitting her head, but that someone else was there. I'm thinking the chief was there, realized she had died, tried to do CPR then cleaned up. He didn't kill her, but it would be a PR nightmare and career suicide if it got out.

    I also think the fact that he was using those hookers and shit was how LaGuerta blackmailed him into getting the promotion. That's why she's covering his ass now.
  2. Dmix3

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    In the four-toed statue
    Random thought, what if it isn't the Chief?

    What if it's Bautista? It's quite well known that he has a proclivity for prostitutes, and banging a strung out hooker would certainly fit in with his mid-life crisis this season.
  3. JeffPrevails

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    Average Idiot

    Oct 27, 2009
    Could it not also be Quinn, given that he's fucking up left and right this season? Chief makes the most sense I guess.

    I liked the theory of the professor being a figment of lil Hanks' imagination at first, but at this point it would just be annoying.

    I'm not sure why I always forgive Dexter for cliche'd plot lines like the over-protective relative intimidating the young male on a date(Bad Boys did it better- "nigga you at least 30"). Sometimes it seems like there's no cohesion in the writers room or something. On that note, does anyone think the young intern who is obsessed with Dexter might end up hacking into his computer or something and checking his history or finding something Dexter didn't hide well enough?
  4. Dmix3

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    In the four-toed statue
    This theory is probably debunked after he ignored her texts in the prior episode. For a while I was convinced that intern and sis would get hot and heavy at Dexter's apartment one night and wind up knocking the AC unit out and finding the slides.
  5. barney

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    Oct 20, 2009
    Edmonton, AB
    The one thing that makes me think it may not be the chief who was with the hooker, is that LaGuerta really has nothing to gain by cleaning up after him here....if the chief goes down, it's better for her, right? Also, she seemed concerned for the person on the other end of the phone....I doubt she has concern for the chief. Plus, I'm sure the writers are hoping we'll all assume the chief given the events of the early season.

    The knock against it being Batista, is that they mentioned the hooker as being high priced, and I doubt he has much cash for that, especially after he probably blew most of what he had on the Trans Am.
    Quinn would fit, especially after being drunk off his ass and kicked out of a strip club.
  6. Trifecta

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    Village Idiot

    Oct 21, 2009
    I think the "Gellar is only inside Travis's head" is spot on. Cliche as it might be, it could be done well. I foresee an end of an episode where Dexter thinks he's hot on Gellar's trail, when he gets a call that he needs to report to a crime scene -- they've found Gellar's body.

    As I've looked back, Gellar has never really done anything that anybody else has acknowledged. Even when Travis couldn't abduct the "whore of Babylon", Gellar just pushed Travis's leg into the car accelerator. I imagine when Dexter looks at Travis's burn (portrayed as inflicted by Gellar), it'll be at an angle consistent with a self-inflicted wound.

    Plus, Travis just looked in the direction of Gellar in the church. Dexter went up, and it would have been a miracle for such an old man to get out of that church window. Gellar doesn't exist outside of Travis's head.

    LaGuerta has always been ambitious over anything else. Though she doesn't like Matthews, she'd like to have this secret to play as a trump card. Further, if Matthews went down, she's unlikely to get promoted due to her inexperience and her poor performance in COMSTAT.

    If Matthews is tied to the overdosed hooker, does anyone have suspicions regarding Harry's death? Matthews has always been a kinda shady on Harry's supposed drug-overdose suicide (then again, it hasn't been mentioned since about season 2 or 3).

    How long before the Nebraska motel murder is brought to light? Deb knows Dexter was there...
  7. The Skirt

    The Skirt
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    Oct 20, 2009
    Oklahoma City-ish (I miss CO)
    Called it.
  8. audreymonroe

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    The most powerful cervix... in the world...

    Nov 23, 2009
    Brooklyn, NY
    Alright, so there's one question answered.

    Next question: When's the intern going to start killing people? With the former intern as his partner in crime?
  9. BrianH

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    Oct 20, 2009
    I know a few people already called it, but to me it was just blatantly obvious the whole time. So obvious that the season feels clumsy because of it.
  10. DaVoN

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    Average Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    I definately feel like it was blatantly obvious throughout the whole season that Gellar was dead. And while I want to say that made the season a little predictable and maybe even a little boring, it's still better than 85% of the shows out there right now so I'm going to roll with it and keep watching. The reason why, is we still don't know why this is happening to Travis. Does he have splt personalities, is he seeing Gellar like Dexter sees Harry, etc. Obviously the scenes we have seen him in where he's alone he's not pretending to be scared for our sake. He look legit scared when he saw the blood writing on the wall.

    And now I'm interested in where the prosthetic hand/intern story is going to go. Is that a lead in to the next season or will that be wrapped up in the next 3 episodes?

    Seems like this "reveal" about Gellar being dead isn't the big twist they wanted to surprise us with. They would've waited until the second to last or last episode to do it. Reminds me of the first season, where we found out who the Ice Truck Killer was a few episodes before the season ended, and then they threw the twist that he was Dexter's brother at the end. I don't think we're done here
  11. Crown Royal

    Crown Royal
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    Just call me Topher

    Oct 31, 2009
    London, Ontario
    I think the intern is creepy, but then again this show loves red herrings. I think he's more connected to Dexter than they've revealed yet.

    I'm glad the got the obvious "twist" out of the way now, instead of dropping it at the last second. How many viewers out there still didn't clue into it? nd does Colin Hanks shout at himself when he's alone and hit himself in the face with a shovel?

    That was probably the lousiest episode of the season.
  12. suapyg

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    Oct 19, 2009
    I totally enjoy this show. I do, and I always have, it's really fun to watch. I can't help myself.

    But honestly I feel like that's only true because Michael C Hall is fantastic, I think Jennifer Carpenter is really good (I know many of you disagree on that one), and the concept itself is so compelling that it's almost impossible to fuck up. On the other hand, the writers on this show are embarrassingly lazy. I feel like they remind me that I'm watching a tv show several times an episode. Silly things, too, like the way they explain plotlines with absurdly unlikely dialog - Matthews talking to LaGuerta in the car about how much he tried to save the prostitute? Why would he feel the need to say those things at that point, other than to let us know he did it? It's insulting to give the audience so little credit that they feel the need to punch us in the face with it. Couldn't they have just covered it with a simple, "I'm doing my best to save your ass here, but Morgan is a problem," and moved on?

    Dexter giving his cell phone number to Travis? Really? He already knows all of Miami Metro is searching for this guy, and he's going to program his number into a phone for him to carry around?

    That pen? As careful as he's been for his entire life, now he's carrying around a pen displaying the name of the hotel in which he killed a guy 2000 miles away? Dexter Morgan wouldn't have thrown that pen away?

    And don't even get me started about how amazingly invisible he becomes whenever he's in his car and following someone.

    It's just really ham fisted and lazy, and it doesn't need to be, and that bums me out. They've followed the exact same formula for 6 straight seasons, the only variation being who's the villain this year and what specific thing is Dexter struggling with in his life.

    But I've watched every episode, because it's like the old Utah Jazz Stockton/Malone pick and roll. Everyone knows they're going to do it, over and over and over again, and they prove you're right, and they win anyway - it's still compelling and entertaining and better than most.

    Also, Mrs. Garrett/Ellsworth seemed awkward and plain without the mid-nineteenth century dress and the laudanum habit.

    And speaking of Deadwood, you know who would make an incredible villain for this show? Brad Dourif.
  13. JeffPrevails

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    Average Idiot

    Oct 27, 2009
    Fuckin' on point. kudos my friend.

    At this point I'm just keeping up with the show waiting for the resolution with Dexter and Deb to happen. Part of me needs to see that, and I know they're going to stave it off until the very end. Once that plot line is covered, I'll probably bail on the show if it continues.
  14. mekka

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    Oct 20, 2009
    Eh. I think the show peaked with the Trinity season. I always forget what happened last season, and aside from the extreme imagery, this season is in the same boat.

    And when you have one character developing sexual feelings for her fucking brother (oh, but at least they aren't related by blood!) you know the writers are stretching and checked out long ago. That could be the series' shark jumping moment.

    I'll still tune in and watch it for now, but it simply doesn't have the edge or the suspense that it once had. It's better than a lot of the other shit on TV these days, but it has lost quite a bit of the spark that it once had.
  15. Kerbunked

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 21, 2009
    Yeah, I've been incredibly disappointed with everything that's transpired thus far. It seems they're more interested in cheap parlor tricks than telling an actual story (the whole "Geller's been dead for three years thing"). Like seriously, with what's gone on since he died, what the fuck was the point of Brother Sam this season? It didn't change Dexter in any conceivable way.

    Also, why is Dexter being such a fucktard?

    We've got Homeland Security, the FBI and Miami Metro hot on Travis Marshall's tail, so why is he sending him picture messages to his phone? Is he that selfish about getting the kill that he can't let them do their jobs? He's been such a bonehead all season, revealing himself to the killer and he's actually gotten in the way of everything more than he's helped.

    Even if he catches and kills Marshall (and we all know he will), he's going to have to do a shit ton of damage control.

    Lastly, what the hell is Travis Marshall's motivation? He went from this innocent guy with a split personality into a god damn psycho. I thought "God" spoke to Geller and Geller alone? That's where his inspiration came from. Why is he still going around killing the shit out of people like he has some plan when he's not "hearing the word of God" anymore?

    This has been a colossal shitstorm.
  16. audreymonroe

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    The most powerful cervix... in the world...

    Nov 23, 2009
    Brooklyn, NY
    I completely agree. In the two scenes of the episode where this was brought up, I said out loud, sitting alone in my apartment, "You have got to be fucking kidding me." It just screams at them grasping at straws to find something crazy to do with the show.

    And the writing in the last two episodes, especially the one from last week, has been so incredibly lazy. They haven't given the audience any credit whatsoever to figure things out for themselves. Like last week when they had Dexter say aloud to himself in the church "He thinks Gellar is still alive" REALLY? Thank god they put that in there, or else no one would've gotten that. And there have been so many other instances where they've used unnatural dialogue or the voiceover to explain something really obvious. (Dexter pointing out that he made sure to put his boat in the background of the video text - and yeah, why the hell is he being so sloppy all of a sudden?- is another example.)

    I really don't know how this season is going to end in one episode. How does Dexter not only get seven miles back to shore but explain his way out of why he was there in the first place, especially since his blood is on the dock? What the hell is happening with the intern? And then of course the whole solution with the Dexter vs. Travis showdown, which I have to admit looks intriguing. But between his face on the painting and then Travis personally attacking him, it feels like it's too narrow of a situation for him to give a non-incriminating explanation of why Travis is so bent on bringing Dexter down, unless they do some lame "Oh, well, he's just psycho" type of thing. And I keep trying to figure out some deeper meaning to why there have been so many connections to the Ice Truck Killer and Trinity this season. They rarely ever reference other seasons in the past, but every episode there's some nod back to either of them. But so far it doesn't really seem to be panning out to anything significant.

    I was enjoying the season for the first half or so. I thought it was a tired concept, but that they were pulling it off well. The last half has had some suspenseful parts, but it's losing its appeal. Not enough for me to stop watching, but it's definitely past its prime. Next season has to be focused on LaGuerta trying to bring Morgan down and that somehow resolves in either or both of them discovering who Dexter really is.
  17. mekka

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    I've been wondering about the connections too. The hot intern was specifically asking about murderers that Dexter was involved with, and now the next intern is buying the body parts? I'm assuming there was some sort of collusion between them, but I'm curious as to what the end game is.

    I wonder if the author of the books has a huge say in what happens on the TV show. He had to be shitting his pants with rage when they decided to do a Dexter-Deb love story.

    3 years ago, I would have thought you were brain dead if you were asking me to discuss what I thought of Deb wanting to fuck Dexter.
  18. Kerbunked

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 21, 2009
    The only thing I could think up was if Michael C Hall and Jennifer Carpenter were still married and wanted to translate some of those real life feelings onto the small screen, but they got divorced in 2010 so what the fuck? Are the writers just toying with them?
  19. Aetius

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Yeah, I was gonna say what kind of assholes are the writers? Making a divorced couple kiss on screen for a storyline that makes zero sense and is completely unnecessary.
  20. upgrayedd

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    Average Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    The only thing I can think of that would explain this is the fact that Dexter foiled the wormwood attempt at the police station. Maybe by implying that Travis found out that Dexter stopped one of the tableaus and took it out on him. Besides that, I'm all out of ideas.