I assume the reason there's no thread for this already is because, like me, no one else knew the season premiere was in fucking June this year. After yesterday, we're already two episodes in to the last season of one of my favourite shows ever. I won't go into episode discussion in case I was finally correct about something and people didn't realize the new season started already. I will only say that I'm quite intrigued with Dexter's new... friend? I can't wait to see where that storyline goes.
It's an interesting angle so late in the series. Really enjoying the interactions between the two, but I still have no fucking clue what her motives are.
Well the obvious reason is they did not want to go toe to toe with the final season of Breaking Bad. Which I understand completely, also smart of them to fill this void when there is nothing else on. THAT and they really wanted to give this Ray Donovan a lead in audience.
Gotta say i'm enjoying where this is going. Debra's getting fucked on by Dexter to adhere to his number one rule. Vogel's calling him out on it, but letting him do it because of her own motives. The kill at the end felt rushed, but tied in nicely with the "I am perfect, at one thing" line, so I didn't mind it.
I don't think the last kill was rushed. I thought it was a little too convenient, but it fit in with the story arc. I cannot imagine how they are going to end this show with only 9 episodes left. There are so many scenarios and possibilities running through my head I can barely keep track of them all.
Deb being as fucked up as she is is a walking pipe bomb. I can't imagine she'll do anything but flip the fuck out when she wakes up and realizes what Dexter did to her. Unless of course, she was black out drunk.
Unless of course the writers shit the bed and just decide Deb wakes up and just goes with it! Oh she also moves in with Dexter too. Then decides to kill Dexter once she finds out her Pops killed himself unable to deal with his serial killer son. THEN decides she can't let him die and goes to save him. Seriously though, the least they could have done is not shown her pop back up.
I even said out loud, "They had better show her popping up, who the fuck is going to believe Dexter is dead halfway through the season?" And I mean seriously, who would believe that? This show's writing isn't THAT good. The beauty is this sets it up for Dexter killing Deb. Which he had better.
And maybe even Vogel. That would be a nice tidy wrap up. He kills the both of them, gets rid of all her notes about him and the tapes of Harry, and Dexter emerges completely unharmed with no one to trip him up.
In my previous post I said "Deb moves in with Dexter" I meant, "Deb moves in with Vogel." Yeah, them rushing this final season so they didn't get murdered by Breaking Bad is backfiring.
I'm three episodes in and I've completely lost interest. My has the show fallen from its peak at Season 4. The product placement is also approaching ridiculous Adam Sandler levels.
Deb is the only redeeming actor on this show. She's killing it actress wise. Now the story isn't giving her much but she's the best on screen right now.
It's really too bad. Blowing their load last night, and next week there'll be no one for it to land on.
Hey, do any of you know if topless sports bars are real things in certain parts of the country? I googled 'breastaurant' to find out it's only a euphemism for restaurants like Hooter's. I assume it'd break a million health code violations, but Christ.. Masuka's daughter has amazing tits.
They were the most glorious A-cups I've ever seen. Of course they're going to look good, the actress is 21. If her tits aren't looking good, there is a huge problem.