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Dexter Season 7

Discussion in 'TV Shows' started by Jimmy James, Sep 14, 2012.

  1. Parker

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Jan 18, 2010
    Chicago, IL
    Definitely gay. Hence why their vacation picture was hidden in the back of the frame. Hence why he was wearing a pink shirt when he visited and broke down in tears. Hence why he kept hesitating every single time before he talked about Viktor. "Viktor was.......loyal." Every single time. In every other show when someone is related, they'd say it. How many bloody times has Deb said "You are my brother!!!" and Dexter said "You are my sister!" if there was a familial relation, Isaak would have said "THAT WAS MY SON GODDAMN IT!" Or "THAT WAS MY GODSON, WHAT WILL I TELL (female family name) when she asks me what happens?!?!"

    I knew something was going to go off with her kill scene. I'm kinda glad it went down that way because it adds a whole new wrinkle to the story. Not sure how I feel about Sal, feels a little too quirky, but about time Debra gets a new piece.
  2. Paperbag

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    I'm starting to think that Isaac will clarify this when he takes out someone* close to Dexter.

    *My guess would be Hanna
  3. Kerbunked

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 21, 2009
    Usually I'm so good at seeing things coming.

    But Deb asking Dexter to kill Hanna McKay, to "make it right," totally blindsided me. I was thinking that Sal Price had kept his recorder running for his conversation with Dexter and Deb was going to get an even more twisted perspective of Dexter with the attempted blackmailing. What a fucking incredible twist.I also agree with Paperbag. The only way to tie this up in a nice little bow is for Isaac to find out about Dexter's relationship with Hanna and for him to kill her in spectacular fashion, get revenge for killing his lover.

    This season is giving me faith in humanity again. EVERY single storyline is interesting, from the Isaac angle, Deb's emotional shit dealing with covering up for Dexter, Laguerta closing in on the Bay Harbor Butcher, even Quinn and the stripper actually has significance and especially Hanna McKay. They are doing everything right and making up for the shitstorm that was season 6.
  4. Parker

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Jan 18, 2010
    Chicago, IL
    I could not agree with paperbag and kerbunked even more. That's what I realized sucked last season and the one before. Basically everything was on the same line. Now everyone is juggling at least two things and it is making it good. They're not overusing Masuka, Quinn is doing just enough, and Bautista is doing it also. I love that LaGuerta is actually trying be "good police" and get something done. Putting Deb in a shitstorm of tough positions is great. Dexter falling in love with a killer makes total sense, and I love their relationship 100%. This season is so good. They've kicked up the speed and haven't stopped.

    I co-sign hard on that prediction paperbag, which I think is predictable, but Dexter's reaction to it is not. I also am not surprised at what Debra is going to do. It was either that or arrest Dexter right? Only one real line of pogression for the plot.
  5. Crown Royal

    Crown Royal
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    Just call me Topher

    Oct 31, 2009
    London, Ontario
    Boy, that opening scene of the episode must have just SUCKED to film for Michael C. Hall, huh? PFFFFFFFT.

    I am the only one who thinks that Dexter is behaving the a mistake-making buffoon again the last couple episodes? This is not the sociopathic killer that lets people live (dangerous heartless killers at that) because he feels simply "drawn" to them. No matter HOW hot they are.

    Quinn's hair was back in full frizzy freak-out mode again much to my pleasure. It looked like it was wound up by a spider on Prozac this time.

    Issak was criminally underused that episode, but still awesome for those precious few moments. You can tell he takes Dexter seriously now-- I mean, what man half your size shows no fear or quarter to you at all? That scene with Issak and Dexter in the cafe was fantastic. Those are two men who know how to scowl wisely.

    Deb's denouement was great, and should set the tone really well for upcoming episodes. I just hope Dexter starts fucking listening to her (I never thought I'd say that) and drop his bullshit puppy-love parade. Does he think he's going to ride off into the sunset with this chick? How many more lives does he have to fuck up in order to keep her alive?
  6. Superfantastic

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    I've been liking a whole lot about a whole lot of this season, especially Isaak, but to me it felt like the writers wrote this last episode during the last hour on a Friday before home time.

    I realize this show requires a high suspension of disbelief, and the plot is never going to be as air-tight as Breaking Bad or something, but holy shit, Quinn takes a bribe, and his devious plan to tamper with evidence on a majorly high profile case is to sign into the evidence lab and...take it. And that's it. Come meeting time, it's announced that this absolutely crucial piece of evidence has simply vanished, and it hardly gets a reaction. Friggin' Masuka is the only who even mentions a rat. I think it was Deb who said "Let's forget about who did this and try and get more evidence on Isaak", and the closest thing to an actual internal investigation is Batista ever-so-briefly asking Quinn if he did it, and being satisfied when he says "nuh-uh".

    And on top of this, Quinn is shocked when the murderous gangsters -- *gasp* -- don't hold up their end of the bargain. I guess that's just Quinn being an idiot, but still, the writers make this plot point (Isaak being released) hinge on something (the most lax security on an evidence lab ever) that's unbelievable even for this show. It's like they spent 5 minutes thinking about it, got stuck, and said "fuck it".

    Every scene with Isaak is awesome though.
  7. Parker

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Jan 18, 2010
    Chicago, IL
    Yeah, I have to agree, that whole thing was bullshit. They also thought "No one really cares about this one part, we need Isaak out and well, people will forget in a week how shitty this one part was."

    Also, I just rejoice they are not coming back to the Deb loves Dexter storyline last season brought out.
  8. joule_thief

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Mar 1, 2010
    Austin, TX
    Guess you were wrong.
    I hate the fact that Isaak is most likely going to die. I think the show will be poorer for it.

    This is also easily Deb's best season. I hope they keep it up because I couldn't stand her character in earlier seasons.
  9. guernica

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    Sydney, Australia
    I'm calling a Debra death before the end of the season.
  10. Aetius

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    This show is increasingly becoming a battle between the quality of the acting vs the shittiness of the writing.
  11. Superfantastic

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009

    I actually don't mind the Deb falling in love with Dexter plot line at all. In fact I kind of like it. Her messed up love life has always been a major secondary theme of the show, even going back to her not-so-ideal relationship with her father, and it's always been...messy. Up until her discovery of Dexter's Dark Passenger, he was basically the only male figure in her life that was always there for her and never let her down or got killed (Anton was normal-ish, but he wasn't gonna last). I can't think of a show that's taken on quasi-incest before, so part of me gives them credit just for trying something new, but her fucked up relationships with men have always been a staple of this show, and her falling in love with Dexter seems like a plausible extension of that.
  12. Parker

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Jan 18, 2010
    Chicago, IL
    1) I was right about Isaak being gay.
    2) At least Dexter was "adopted" so it isn't that creepy.
    3) They're lighting Deb really well, there are some shots of her that look amazing.
    4) Deb is not going to die. Quinn might and should.
    5) Hannah is going to die.
  13. Superfantastic

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    Yeah people actually missed that, didn't they? I thought it was obvious (to the viewer, not Dexter), and I often miss things like that.

    I would fucking hope not. At this point she's just slightly less integral than Dexter. Was someone suggesting/hoping she might?

    That'd be super.

    Up until very recently, I assumed both she and Isaak would. Now I'm thinking he definitely will, but she might not.

    Going into this season, I thought Dexter would be found out by Laguerta but Deb would take the fall due to her brother boner.
  14. Aetius

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Ok, I need to vent my frustrations about this show a bit, so here's my general thesis and mindfarts:

    If you take the long view of this show, the theme that really stands out is the question of whether we are what we choose to be, or what we are made to be. It is examined from multiple angles, but the strongest story-arc in that regard is the Morgan siblings relationship to their father. Dexter is "made to be" a serial killer by his formative experience, and "made to be" a disciple of the code by his father. Similarly Deb was "made to be" a cop by her daddy issues in the way that an ill-timed sexual experience would have made her a stripper. As they grow, they both reject their father, but Dexter does it by regressing in his personal progress, becoming even more tightly wound in the identity that was forced upon him, while Deb progresses, choosing right where her father chose wrong, and becoming a stellar detective in her own right.

    This all feeds into the main tension in the story: the conflict between Dexter's dark passenger and his growing recklessness, and Deb's growing skills as an investigator. The whole series was building to a conclusion where Deb figures out that Dexter was the Bay Harbor Butcher, and in an ultimate repudiation of Harry's ill choices, rejects Dexter and either arrests him or kills him when he refuses to go quietly.

    Instead we got a season where Deb walks in on Dexter like they were teenagers and she caught him jerking off, and then proceeds to abandon everything she's ever stood for and everything she's ever gained because of some weird incest vibe.
  15. audreymonroe

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    The most powerful cervix... in the world...

    Nov 23, 2009
    Brooklyn, NY
    I agree that the way Deb found out about Dexter is disappointing because it should have been her figuring it out rather than stumbling across it. But, I think even if she had figured it out on her own she would still be dealing with the same reactions she has been having this season, even without the incesty part. That's why I dislike the incest subplot so much, it feels completely unnecessary. Being family alone and the only person she has in her life would have been enough of a reason to have the same reactions.

    A small thing: Could someone remind me what the story behind Dexter not using guns is, if we know? I loved that scene in the bar with him and Isaak, but that little exchange about him not liking guns tripped me up and I can't remember what that whole deal is.
  16. Crown Royal

    Crown Royal
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    Just call me Topher

    Oct 31, 2009
    London, Ontario
    Issak's bar scene was the best scene of the season so far. One of the best of ANY season. Seriously, I don't want him killed off. He's too awesome. Kill of anybody else. Fuck... kill off Dexter even, I don't care.

    Seriously, some of you didn't think he putts from the rough? I thought the photograph-dealy would have set the Gaydar off on anyone here.

    None of you wish bad things on Quinn. The hair will triumph over all. Plus, I want to see him beat up Iron Eagle in his own bar. I can't stand that dude's shit-eating smirk.
  17. Parker

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Jan 18, 2010
    Chicago, IL
    Well Dexter is adopted, so there aren't any chemical barriers there. Then the other law was that adopted or otherwise, two children raised into adulthood together would still feel the brother + sister vibe. The show has basically shown them basically living separate lives as a kid because Harry didn't want Deb to learn about Dexter so she was left to her own devices. So in regards to the "incest" its not incest and fair game.

    I don't think its an "anti-gun" stance like batman has but from a forensic standpoint, if you miss a shot you're leaving evidence in the form of the bullet. Since Dexter is going to pull off his ritual, he wants the blood controlled and wrapped up not to leave evidence. If he shoots them he can't give them his little monologue and all that.
  18. Roxanne

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Dec 8, 2009
    Less evidence, too. If he's shooting people, he's going to have to dig up every bullet in their skull rather than leave it behind for forensics to find. Plus, to add to his 'play by the rules as much as possible,' he would probably feel compelled to obtain a gun legally, which would be quite the red flag for anyone finding a plethora of bodies shot by the same gun Dexter happens to have registered to him.

    And to quote the Joker on it, because I'm certain they feel the same way, guns are less personal. Knives let you enjoy the moment.
  19. Superfantastic

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    On top of everything you guys just said, I also thought a big reason he cuts instead of shoots is because of the whole blood thing. I'm no expert, but I'd bet a shot to the skull gives less blood than a stab to the heart followed by a chopping into many pieces.
  20. Paperbag

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    That ship sailed when Debra pieced things together in season 5 and chose not to look under the veil. Watching the rape tapes made her feel like life in prison isn’t enough for some criminals. Letting Dexter and Lumen go is an event which counters the argument that Deb is abandoning everything she believes in. I find it to be quite fitting that Laguerta is leading the charge on the butcher because of her personal interest in clearing Doakes.

    Dexter has been experimenting with the possibility of Harry being wrong in saying that he could never be himself with anyone. If Debra rejected him, Harry would be proven right and Dexter would be skeptical of relationships with people again. After 7 seasons he would be back to square one. I agree that Deb’s rejection of Dexter would signify her own departure from Harry, but it is inappropriate because Dexter is the main character and it would cause a major regression in him.