I saw this on the soup. Their joke "If you add Tyra in the mix you have 6 women and still 10 vaginas" Caught me off guard.
Immediately reminded me of the Jez Chronicles. So boys, who wants their "Jump Master" red wings? Let's see if you can handle two simultaneous bleeders.
I honestly don't know how to react to this. I have questions, no doubt: 1) Is the second one a shenis? 2) Is it on the front or back of the original (or beside....yikes)? 3) Does this count as two chicks at the same time? 4) What is it like to live under high tension wires? 5) Why didn't you punch Tyra Banks in the face? 6) does it make anal more difficult or easier? 7) Do you like triple-pen? 8) Is the other one evil, and trying to kill the original for its rightful heir? This re-opens all the recent depraved sex threads
Sounds like beside. In the second video, the girl said she calls them "right" and "left". Weird. I heard about this on a local talk radio show a few weeks ago. Apparently the girls that also have two uteruses can become pregnant in both at the same time which can be dangerous.
No way dude, ovaries constantly near each other will sync up even in different women, let alone in the same body. Besides, the most an average woman will lose is 80 ml at the most, so even if you double that, it's about a third of a pint (a pint being what you would normally donate to a blood bank). Technically though, these chicks could be giving birth to a litter though, having multiple pregnancies.
To look like Renee Zellwegar? I mean, REALLY. Tell me that THAT doesn't look like two slits and a puckerbutt.
Point taken. But then I'd guess that if you sliced them open with a band saw you'd find one single blood source and a "Y" splitter. Same volume as 1 'giner, but coming out of 2. That might work out better in the long run, as you could run a shop-vac up one while "servicing" the other, and eliminate the distastefulness. Sounds like we need to call up Mythbusters with some ideas.
All I know is it's enough of a bitch having one but two? I'd have dual hysterectomy, have them both sewn shut and call it good. Screw it. Too bad there isn't a procedure allowing us to pee out our pooper.
Do these women come with a map or an instruction manual? I already get lost with one of those damn things.
I can't stop laughing at the thought of the woman in the second video going "hmmmm I'm feeling a little freaky tonight, lets go with the left one hun". I wonder if the left one is noticeably tighter than the right one, seeing as how its less used.
I'm surprised how normal most of those women looked. I would even say attractive in the case of the one in the second video. I don't know about everyone else, but when I think 'women with two vaginas', I think Trailer-Park Hose-Beast. Also, how the fuck did it take her 18 years to figure that out? I know girls probably don't start mutilating their own bodies as soon as boys do, but with periods and all that...really? 18 years?
Didn't we do this thread recently? Or is it like a theme week. I totally am down with it if that's the case.